Best earphones for under £20 i can find/buy easily?
Feb 18, 2008 at 11:10 PM Post #2 of 19
Hi, for earbuds the best I've heard in your price range is the Cresyn AXE599 Earphones from Soundwise UK - Earphones (link below) at £11.99 inc. delivery. -- High quality earphones

For the "in-ear" type I'd recommend going to and searching for "JVC Marshmallows", these come in different colours at £12.99 inc. delivery and have really good sound quality for the price.

If you get these and find them too bass-heavy they can be modified quite easily. I can send you the link within this forum to do this if need be. The other thing to point out is that I found the supplied "marshmallow" tips to be quite uncomfortable, but again I can point you to info on within this forum regarding replacement tips.
Feb 19, 2008 at 8:34 AM Post #4 of 19
Do tips from EP-630 match to Marshmallows?? What are marshmallow's tips made from? Are they as durable as silicon EP's tips??

I consider FX33 and EP-630. Which are more comfortable??
Feb 19, 2008 at 9:06 AM Post #5 of 19
FX-33 Tips are foam, and the EP-630 has a silicon rubber tip. They are not compatible with each other. I have and like both, but the FX-33 is the more durable of the two.

The Sennheiser PX100 is a good option too if isolation isn't needed.

Feb 19, 2008 at 11:15 AM Post #8 of 19

Originally Posted by iceflamephoenix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Isolation isn't needed ... explain? (please)

Sorry, I was assuming too much knowledge of Head-fi jargon.

If the headphones block out external noise (e.g. on a train or in a shared room where you are trying to block out the telly) or headphones that do not block noise may disturb others (e.g. in a library) then they are said to isolate, and the JVC FX-33 Marshmallows and the Creative EP-630 (7.99 from Amazon btw) bith isolate pretty well.

If you do not need isolation then you have a wider choice, e.g. the Senn PX100's but there may be some situation where it is less convenient to use them. I use my PX100s at wprk as I need to be able to hear the phone.

Feb 19, 2008 at 12:00 PM Post #9 of 19
Well, isolation sounds nifty, since I get incredibly pissed of with people with whatever -phones, and I have to listen to their music. Does that come at a price of the quality of the sound in the price category?

Oli/Ice x =)

PS. I'm going go add another newbie question: In-ear or ear-bud... what's the difference? In-ear sticks into the ear canal, ear-bud just sits in your ear-lobe a bit? Or do I have it backwards? Is there a noticeable difference in sound quality between the two?
Feb 19, 2008 at 2:56 PM Post #10 of 19
You have the distinction right. Earbuds have almost no isolation and,to me, the SQ isn't as good as in-ear solutions, of which there are two sorts, Canalphones which go in a little bit and IEMs which go in more. The reason to buy earbuds is they are cheap and cheerful and having something in your ear doesn't suit everyone.



Originally Posted by iceflamephoenix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, isolation sounds nifty, since I get incredibly pissed of with people with whatever -phones, and I have to listen to their music. Does that come at a price of the quality of the sound in the price category?

Oli/Ice x =)

PS. I'm going go add another newbie question: In-ear or ear-bud... what's the difference? In-ear sticks into the ear canal, ear-bud just sits in your ear-lobe a bit? Or do I have it backwards? Is there a noticeable difference in sound quality between the two?

Feb 19, 2008 at 11:31 PM Post #11 of 19
"i can find/buy easily"

That's a good distinction to make ... sometimes we might suggest things that aren't in your local shops, or perhaps a person can't/won't purchase online. So it's good to "spell it out" as you have done.

For now, a decent, semi-isolating canal phone such as the EP630, Marshmallow, or CX300 should get you in the game, so to speak. Just start saving up to buy some better-isolating IEMs in the not-too-distant future.
In the mean time, you can entertain/torment yourself by reading threads on various Etymotics, Shures, Westones, Future Sonics, Ultimate Ears, etc. in-ear earphones to determine what features or characteristics you might want.

Welcome to the Head-Fi circus!
Feb 20, 2008 at 4:02 AM Post #13 of 19
-.IEM = In Ear Monitor - usually this type of earphone has the best isolation from others because they sit deep in your ear tunnel. This phone will sealed outside noise alot and truly depend on the fit to sound great. (Shure IEM, Etymotics, UE, etc)
-.Canal phones = less isolation, but you will hardly hear people talking when using this with the music playing at normal level. This also needs a good fit to sound good, but not as hard as IEM. (JBL 220, Denon C700, CX300, Creative EP630, etc)
-.Earbuds = typical earphones which you normally if you buy MP3 player. They don't isolate much and so far only Yuin PK 1 - 3, recognized to be the best in earbud.

As for where to buy in UK i don't have any idea because i live in USA xD.

Hope that help :p
Feb 20, 2008 at 3:43 PM Post #15 of 19
CX300 are better than Ep-630. Shapes are the same, but SQ is better in Sennheisers. I think that with so little difference in price, buying EP's is not profitable.

In Poland CX300 costs 3x more than Creatives (200 PLN = 40£
), so almost all people buy EP-630 (me too

P.S. OMG. I've just lost my last earbuds (stock from E51). Rabbit turned their cable into 4 pieces
At the moment i have only speaker in my Nokia

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