Best cans for gaming?
Apr 25, 2003 at 6:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 31


New Head-Fier
Apr 24, 2003
ive been reading lots of the posts and i think i could use a good pair of gaming headphones. If anyone knows a pair of headphones that have a nice sound for all kinds of rock music from the beatles to slipknot (i have odd tastes) that are reaaaally detailed for games id like to hear aboutem...i usualy like big cans because i have a big head lol and i like the feel of oversized pads..
Apr 25, 2003 at 6:45 AM Post #2 of 31
evidently, you haven't been reading hard enough....

Apr 25, 2003 at 8:15 AM Post #5 of 31

Originally posted by AIM9x
evidently, you haven't been reading hard enough....


For a guy that posts a ton of useless sure do get on other people's cases a lot just for asking a few questions.

edit:...........I hope you know i'm just messin' with you, this isn't mean spirited at all. I just wanted to make that clear.
Apr 25, 2003 at 8:43 AM Post #6 of 31
just a few questions? just a few questions? ARE YOU THAT BLIND?

Do you have any clue how vast the library of information stored on head-fi is right now? well... neither do I. But I'm sure it's immense.

These dumb**** newbies come in thinking they're so special that they don't need to look at any of it. So many of these "harmless" questions have been answered so quickly. The redundancy on these forums is rather absurd. I'm simply trying to instill a sense of non-****headedness in this forum, but it won't work until every newbie sees my post and realizes how much of a dumb**** he/she is.

btw... yes, i DO like the word dumb****. It summarizes so much about an individual. A very cosmopolitain word; dumb****. It can encompass so many different faults about a person, yet never get personal with that person. It acknowledges the inferior reasoning skills of such individual and the complete lack of the attention span necessary to see that the very TOP of the page -- the first thing you SHOULD be looking at -- contains all you most likely need. A simple purple picture leads you to the vast libraries that we call head-fi. Working several years piling up more and more information. Why? So geniuses can come in saying "I think I could use a good pair of gaming headphones. If anyone knows a pair... id like to hear aboutem."
Apr 25, 2003 at 8:50 AM Post #7 of 31
to further prove my point.... search using "gaming big pads" and you shall receive multiple threads, but these are probably ones you'll really want to look at.

link 1
link 2
link 3
link 4

unbelievable how much you could've found by typing THREE WORDS and hitting enter.

Most of you probably just want to reply with "lighten up." But lightening up is the DEVIL!!!!
Apr 25, 2003 at 9:35 AM Post #8 of 31
Apr 25, 2003 at 9:37 AM Post #9 of 31
well, all I'm trying to get at is that this is a place for discussion, not just research. And even if people have talked about some relatively simple subjects, like "which is the best gaming headphone" before, that doesn't mean that it isn't important for those discussions to be updated. I for one enjoy helping out new members to the forums with their "simple" questions. The nice thing for you is that if you don't like those threads, then you don't have to read them. Most of them are labled "newby needs advice", or "what's the best gaming headphone", or something like that.

But yes, I do understand your point about there already being a lot of this information already available. I think that there are nicer ways of letting new members know about those resources though. You have to realize that even though you may have seen the same question asked a million times, it is the first time that that person has asked that question. So just be a little more patient, that's all.
Apr 25, 2003 at 5:22 PM Post #10 of 31
I thought the proper greeting to head-fi was "welcome to head-fi sorry about your wallet" not "hey im a ****** bag heres the search dumb ****!!"

Plus calm down pal if you dont think its not a good thread then why dont you stop being a friggen **** and leave it alone and not bump it up higher for more to see ohhh... wait i forgot because your a mindless forum dickface that likes to call people newbs because you have 1000000 posts and sit in the forum all day long. last time i checked forum were for discussing problems and issues not just ****ting on someones thread. Im happy to say im not gunna be posting on here anymore thanx to AIM9x being such a nice guy and representing the forum so well... But for the record seriously dude grow up and **** off if you dont like peoples questions. Im just here to gain experience from other peoples knoledge. But obviously thats not head-fi edicet.... =/
Apr 25, 2003 at 6:04 PM Post #11 of 31
There have been giant leaps in decaffeinated coffees in recent years. They taste like the real thing now. Give one a try.
Apr 25, 2003 at 6:51 PM Post #12 of 31
They don't taste like the real thing, that's a lie and YOU KNOW IT!!!!! Actually, I don't drink coffee. Rarely does a caffeinated drink enter my digestive tract. I really enjoy a tasty glass of tang though (since it's about the only thing I can afford).

r0z00l, I wasn't directly calling you a ****head... I'm not that mean. I was simply referring to people's lack of researching as being ****headed, or absent-minded (if you prefer that term)questions are great, but sometimes people's lack of initiative astounds me.

I personally don't have problems with people asking questions. We were all newbies once. But at least take some time to savor the knowledge that has already been bestowed. Doing otherwise is just plain ignorant.

I get no pleasure from making these posts. It's like walking into a library with the new easily accessible computer database and simply walking past it and asking the person at the desk if they have any books on astronomy. Is it evil and unjust? no. Is it being ignorant of the astounding facilities at your disposal? yes.

I don't want anybody to leave. I'm just trying to make people more mindful of what they are missing out when they simply post new threads. It simply illustrates the apathy present in modern society.

Just one man trying to restore order to the world.... like G-dub,

PS: Don't take me as a mean guy. Many events have occured on this side of the world that caused things like these to come to mind. Along with certain deaths near to me and dozens of hours spent each week working on countless physics assignments, one can easily start blowing steam at the drop of a pin. I've just been volatile this past week and I'll probably start taking it easy within about 2 weeks. But for now, at least consider what I have said.
Apr 25, 2003 at 10:00 PM Post #13 of 31
I have read here that the Senn HD590s are also good for gaming - I have a pair but haven't done any gaming since I became obsessed with headphones....
tongue.gif I can't confirm this. Let us know what you decide to get!

(And don't mind AIM9X - as he said, he's a bit stressed out right now - all of us were newbies once - I still am. I usually search first, but if I don't put in the right keywords, sometimes I don't have much luck, and end up asking some of those dreaded newbie simple questions.)
Apr 28, 2003 at 2:18 AM Post #15 of 31
the guys at headroom ( say beyer dt250-80's are good for gaming. I've also read that they're good for rock; see the "Full Featured Reviews" section (or whatever it's called). They're big and have comfy velour pads.

Personally, I'm considering picking up a pair. I like gaming and rock, too. (who doesn't?)
If you're on the cheap, get some KSC35's if you can find them. They have great musicallity and impact that's needed for rock. I'm listening to GunsNRoses right now and it sounds good. Being a non-audiophile myself (i've only got the ksc35's and no amp), I can safely say that the KSC35's will sound like they cost much more than the $30 price tag.

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