Best Bass for less than $100
Jul 14, 2009 at 10:47 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 22


New Head-Fier
Jul 14, 2009
What IEM delivers the sharpest, deepest bass for $100? (And still has good sound quality, of course)

I'm currently using these cheapos and although I love them, they miss some sub-bass notes when I'm listening to Drum and Bass music (which is what I normally listen to)

Two that I were looking at were the Head Direct RE0 and Kicker EB141. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Jul 14, 2009 at 10:53 PM Post #2 of 22
I love the bass on my Sennheiser CX-500, it's really good but I'm pretty sure that there are some more expensive headphones with better bass...

Wait till an expert answers
Jul 14, 2009 at 11:07 PM Post #3 of 22
Marshmallows are great aren't they? At least for the price and decent bass.

Welcome to head-fi by the way!

I have heard while the R0 sound fantastic bass isn't there strong point, think clarity and quality over quantity and impact.

I would suggest NE-7M for $49
Also take a look at Monster Turbines, used for about $80
JVC FX500 is around $100 but hard to find I believe.
Jul 14, 2009 at 11:20 PM Post #4 of 22
yea, its an odd one with the RE0's coz they do sound very punchy which is good for dnb but there just seems to be something lacking in the 'boom' department, essential for some good dnb'ing - I flicked back to my JVC Air Cushion's (FX66's) today and thats what had me sell them - great for rock music but not really a dnb phone. Oddly techno had me smiling for an hour today, perhaps coz techno focuses less on the bass and more on the minamalist drum sounds, who knows.
Anyway, the Nuforce's are very nice for dnb, Life we Live by Commix..the break is around 1:28, with the RE0's I was just like :-/ but with the Nuforces it was such a smooth and warm transition from the intro it was amazing. +1 for the nuforces
Jul 14, 2009 at 11:34 PM Post #7 of 22

Originally Posted by skywalker23 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh and the Atrio M8 is what i actually want
so if anyone knows anywhere you can find it for under 100, tell me

Yes I was going to suggest that too but I've never seen it under $100 so I didn't bother. I think there was a used set in the for sale section for about $90 but I'm guessing they sold by now.
Jul 14, 2009 at 11:44 PM Post #10 of 22

Originally Posted by StereoX7521 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Between the Sennheiser CX500 and JVC Marshmellow I prefer the bass response of the CX500. It's more cleaner and extends lower without rolling off.

Yeah, I agree

Jul 15, 2009 at 12:52 AM Post #11 of 22
UE 5EB has deep heavy bass and mids, highs are good(lot better than marshmellow). But there are more like Turbine offers deep bass with rich mids n good highs. Also Sennheiser CX55, Sony XB series, Dennon AH-C751, Atrio M5, JVC FX500.......
Jul 15, 2009 at 2:15 AM Post #12 of 22
The RE0 is not bass heavy.

Are you dead set on the $100 limit or would you spend $125 if it meant something considerably better or $150 if it was really, really good? I'm just curious how firm you are on your price range and what you may be willing to get.

One immediate suggestion would be Phonak Audio's PFE. It isn't much above your $100 limit.

Future Sonics Atrio M5 would be another but around $180 but apparently some of the best bass of any IEM.

There's lots of options really, many of which I've never heard. I've used the PFE and frankly it's remarkably good and priced very well. the Atrio M5 is well known to be quite the bass monster. It is a little pricey though. There are other options too, some expensive, some not so much. An example would be Sleek Audio's SA6, an adjustable earphone where both the bass and treble can be tuned using different filters. It is double your price range though. Just realize these things do exist and despite you wanting to only spend $100, they are there and function quite well. For most people, the budget isn't terribly important, even if they say so. Most folks just want something good but don't really think of head-fi as "worth" several hundred dollars investment and compared to the $5-$10 cheapies in-store, a $100 is quite spendy. I will kind of point out that to get seriously good earphones, you will typically be above the $100 mark and generally between the $100-$200 range for the most part. Some get more expensive. For example, my current earphones are Yuin's OK1 earbuds, I think $225, spendy for just a little set of buds, but at the same time they are very, very good. You sort of have to judge your own worth really. This isn't to say staying sub $100 is bad. It all just depends on what you're looking for, what is required for you to actually get that sound, and how much you really want it.

There are tons and tons of reviews on this site, so dig around some, read, and certain options will pop out at you as better fitting products towards your end goals.
Jul 15, 2009 at 4:48 AM Post #14 of 22
Audio Technica CKS70. Goes almost as low as the FX500 and has better definition. Hits almost as hard as the IE8. Only issue is that it doesn't isolate that well.
Jul 15, 2009 at 8:27 AM Post #15 of 22

Originally Posted by skywalker23 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What IEM delivers the sharpest, deepest bass for $100? (And still has good sound quality, of course)

I'm currently using these cheapos and although I love them, they miss some sub-bass notes when I'm listening to Drum and Bass music (which is what I normally listen to)

Two that I were looking at were the Head Direct RE0 and Kicker EB141. Does anyone have any other suggestions?


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