Best amp for HD650's, less than $600
Dec 29, 2003 at 4:43 AM Post #31 of 45
As I've recieved communications from a moderator to the effect that my posts violated the Terms of Service, I will cease posting in this thread.

For the record, my "qualified engineer" does not sell any audio products; in fact he's refused many requests for custom work and has put much of his expertise into the public domain. He has absolutely no interest in seeing any amplifiers or other components succeed or fail. (though, he is rooting for SACD.)
Dec 29, 2003 at 4:53 PM Post #32 of 45

Originally posted by davidmiya
RA-1??? You can probably do better than that for under $600

And you could do much worse than the RA-1 spending over $600. What's your point?

To answer the original inquiry, the X-CAN V3 sounds swell and works great with the Senns.
Dec 31, 2003 at 12:44 AM Post #34 of 45

Originally posted by eric343
As I've recieved communications from a moderator to the effect that my posts violated the Terms of Service, I will cease posting in this thread.

For the record, my "qualified engineer" does not sell any audio products; in fact he's refused many requests for custom work and has put much of his expertise into the public domain. He has absolutely no interest in seeing any amplifiers or other components succeed or fail. (though, he is rooting for SACD.)

What? Sometimes the Politics of Head-fi slightly irritate me and other times it gets so bad as to be what I would call selective censorship. This generally involves a Head-Fi,er aligning them self’s with a manufacture and thus crushing any opposing or less than favorable comments regarding the Product’s from that manufacture. When I read this thread I was shocked to hear that the comments from eric 343 to be contrived as anything remotely close to violating the terms of service for this forum. Eric is not aligned with any manufacture so his comments should not be restricted regarding his own view of any given Product. Eric343 apparently received info from someone that he trusts that the Amp in dispute was wired like a rats nest. This has nothing to do with the virtues of point to point vs PCB construction. (Just for the Record I WAS NOT) the person Eric is referring to so you all can get that out of your head right now. I do not badmouth any manufacture’s product even if I do not practically like the item,I have at times defended a product that some members thought was overly priced such as the old Grado Amp that run on two 9 volt batteries, I again spoke up in defense of the Solo Headphone Amplifier that some members thought was over priced. What got me disturbed about the Solo comments was that someone was happily enjoying the Solo amp and along comes the Head-fier Critics to rain on his parade.
Folks it is all about the Music not your gear.

Moving along…… I have noticed this same behind the seen crap going on regarding almost every Headphone Amp ever to obtain any kind of notoriety; yes this includes the PPA, Headroom Max and the Emmline products. I listened to the HR-2 for over 2 weeks using all the cans I own in addition to the Grado HP-1. I made a word doc describing the sound in comparison to other Amps and I never posted that or sent it to anyone. If Ray wants it ill send it to him. I actually liked the HR-2 and thought it at its best with the AD-8065 op amp. I left that op amp installed when I returned it to its owner, and also returned the other op amps that were sent with the unit. So yes I gave the HR-2 owner the AD0865 op amp so as he could enjoy the HR-2 at what I considered its best with the Grado-HP1. I also think the Build quality is first rate on the PCB and cosmetics are inline with its Price.

Back on track…. I think that anyone is entitled to voice his or her view with out the fear of being banned as long as the wording is not vulgar or offensive. If some body thinks a Product is a POS they should be allowed to voice that on this forum without some moderator wanting to ban that person for insulting something they like or are aligned with in secrete. This is outright censorship and I do not like it one I-ota.

I have no knowledge of the single power Amps in fact when I first read about the PPX I had to ask another member what it was as from the post i was reading about it I got the impression it was a solid state Amp. I found out it was a tube amp and since I am not into Tubes I did not look into it anymore.

Is the single power Amp a Rats nest under the chassis maybe Hirsh would be so kind as to show a photo of the bottom like he did with the fisher for us all to see and come to our own conclusion.
Dec 31, 2003 at 1:03 AM Post #35 of 45
I dunno I'd read that much into it. I think Eric's comment was not all that useful because it's impossible to discuss things in a rational manner with someone who uses the appeal to authority fallacy ("I can't explain precisely why, but a well-respected expert says X").

Others could say that Kevin Gilmore is just bitter that many people seem to prefer Mihail's dynamic amp designs to his -- and such a comment would be as equally useless, for similar reasons.
Dec 31, 2003 at 1:43 AM Post #36 of 45

Originally posted by Wodgy
I dunno I'd read that much into it. I think Eric's comment was not all that useful because it's impossible to discuss things in a rational manner with someone who uses the appeal to authority fallacy ("I can't explain precisely why, but a well-respected expert says X").

Others could say that Kevin Gilmore is just bitter that many people seem to prefer Mihail's dynamic amp designs to his -- and such a comment would be as equally useless, for similar reasons.

I don't think that was eric343s intent he was mearly stating what he had heard from somone that he trusts and respects. and this ststement should be taken for just what it is and nothing more. My gripe is Eric sed nothing vulgar or offensive to be in violation of the terms of service and as such should not be threttened by moderators over mearly voiceing his view in a polite non offensive mannor
Dec 31, 2003 at 1:55 AM Post #37 of 45

I again spoke up in defense of the Solo Headphone Amplifier that some members thought was over priced. What got me disturbed about the Solo comments was that someone was happily enjoying the Solo amp and along comes the Head-fier Critics to rain on his parade...What got me disturbed about the Solo comments was that someone was happily enjoying the Solo amp and along comes the Head-fier Critics to rain on his parade.
Folks it is all about the Music not your gear

Not to get into an argument with you ppl, or to nit pick, but just wanted to point out that in one part of your post, you say people should have the right to say whatever they want about a component, here you are mad that someone did just that re: Slee Solo amp. Also, this forum is dedicated to discussion of components, so in that sense, Head-Fi is all about the gear.

I don't know near enough about construction of electronics, so I don't have much to add re: the build quality of singlepower amps. Maybe the problem with what Eric said was due to his simply repeating hearsay opinion of someone else? Would it be OK if it was his opinion he was representing?
It would be interesting to understand from the Mods so we know where the boundaries are.

I guess I'm also confused why he was cautioned, if he was a manufacturer of a competing product, that would be understandable. We are all free to correct any mis-statements of members as seems to have happened here. If people have to be "qualified" to issue their opinions here, we're all in trouble!
Dec 31, 2003 at 2:26 AM Post #38 of 45
Mark no whare did i say anything bad about any component in this post and I REPEAT my complaint was directed at the moderator wanting to take action against eric 343 for his decision to do so. If we asume that like you say this is a discussion fourm this only proves my point. If people wish to say bad things about a component then thay are free to do so however when one is threttened by a moderator in anyway for doing so then this is IMHO cencership.
Yes i dislike product badmouthing myself however i do not belive someone should be shut up just because that person do not belive as I do. yes it would be interesting to see just what is tolerated.
Dec 31, 2003 at 2:34 AM Post #39 of 45
Hi ppl, didn't suggest you had said anything bad about any component, I agree for the most part with your position (I think). If you are saying that people should be free to criticize component choice and pricing of any piece of gear, but that others should be free to rebut these arguments, then I agree 100%. In that sense, the forum should be self-correcting without the need for moderation (in the ideal scenario at least). Do you agree it's fine to pick on the Slee Solo if one feels inclined to and one can defend one's position (and is just a private member not a commercial interest)? And you and other members should be equally free to say that those opinions are wrong or unfounded? Maybe you don't like the context of those questions being raised in a thread about someone's new toy? It may be bad taste, but it should be allowed I think???
Jan 1, 2004 at 6:30 AM Post #40 of 45
Back to the amp recommendations, I would heartly second/third the Berning Microzotl. Its not sexy at all, but the sound is quite amazing with HD-600s and also is a damn good one source integrated that can drive small speakers in a moderate sized room. Nice detail, great bass, smooth and detailed. Will reveal upstream limitations, but IMO, its a GREAT deal for about $700 new and about $500 used.
Jan 1, 2004 at 1:52 PM Post #41 of 45
The gilmore v2-se that CRESCENDOPOWER is selling in the gear for sale forum for $500 is the best deal I am aware of. You get a great headamp and preamp/ passive preamp all in one unit. You should check this one out before its gone.
Jan 1, 2004 at 3:11 PM Post #42 of 45
Well, at the risk of being shot down in flames, having listened to a GSP Solo MKIII with a pair of Senn 650s, it is an awesome duo.

Jan 1, 2004 at 5:58 PM Post #43 of 45
Take a look at this amp. Designed by Mattias Stridbeck and built by a small manufacturer in Sweden. It recieved top testresults in Swedish HiFi-magazines. It is avaliable with balanced inputs as well as regular rca.
Take a look, unfortunatley the text is only in Swedish but e-mail Harmony Design for further info on their EAR 90:

There are two links to two tests in HiFi-press with better pics of the amp.

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