Beats by Dr. Dre owners ( School project on Marketing course)
Feb 19, 2016 at 8:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Feb 19, 2016
Hey guys,
Anyone of you whom I can interview on why you buy Beats by Dr. Dre products? I badly need it for my marketing class due on Tuesday and I am appreciative if you would volunteer. This will only take around 15mins to 30mins.
Thank you
Feb 19, 2016 at 9:06 PM Post #2 of 7
I'd be happy to be interviewed but I am likely not at all representative of the average Beats consumer since I bought them mostly to compare to my other headphones, and I rarely use them except for such comparison purposes.
Feb 19, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #3 of 7
I think you in the wrong forum. I am not being snarky but you may get more responses in a hip hop or rap forum. Maybe college people. Right or wrong that is what I perceive as the target market for beats.
Feb 19, 2016 at 9:53 PM Post #4 of 7
^+1... if you have a section of "why some people choose NOT to buy beats" you might get more responses here.  More fashion and flare than substance... to the vast majority of members here the majority of the beats collection is not what we are looking for.  I do thank them for expanding the market niche, myself and the other enthusiasts appreciate the butterfly effect they have had in the industry!
Feb 19, 2016 at 10:01 PM Post #5 of 7
To add to that, people on this forum are seeking expert advice from experts on what to buy and thus don't buy headphones based on advice from basketball players or dr Dre. The expert advice they get here leads people away from buying beats.
Feb 19, 2016 at 10:16 PM Post #6 of 7
I understand your point. I myself don't buy beats either because of its price that I can get from different brand. The thing is, I was given the topic to do a research on. I was just trying to reach out on this forum as I've been here before and been reading here but not actively participate in the discussions. I am just giving it a try. The point of our project is to understand the 'means-to-end' theory on buying a certain brand. It doesn't necessarily mean to have a positive result in our interview, either positive or negative is totally fine. As long as you own one beats product you are qualified to be interviewed.

And this is just for research purposes.

Thanks a lot
Feb 19, 2016 at 10:36 PM Post #7 of 7
Rise of a Plastic Empire, Monster, Beats, the Divorce and Butterfly Effect...
1) Rabid fanboyism of Iproducts and the rise of the music store led to an expanded market for audio reproduction products "with style"
2) Social media's rise in popularity/availability increases the already semi-ridiculous level of obsession the vast majority of Americans have with celebrity
3) Monster, already a master in certain types of marketing (A/V cable mark-up is beyond sanity or peer in the enthusiast community)
4) Monster and Dre team up to create a headphone that caters to a fashion conscious populace, greatly intrigued by the lives of celebrities, dying to connect something to their shiny new device
5) In a brilliant move not seen often in the electronics industry previously, they give away and custom build versions for athletes and celebrities. 
6) These "VIP's"already have a certain level of TV, web and print exposure, more than Beats/Monster could afford on their own (at the time), greatly increasing their market exposure.
7)Initial line comes out and are well received by the populace, the vast majority of which had never heard a headphone other than what came with their electronics/phone
8) Critics and forums like this one knock their performance for the price
9) Beats responds with a slight revamp in sound quality but delves even further into the fashion and custom aspect
10) Monster is losing credibility in their power and interconnect/cable business, dispute between younger and older generations of management at monster on the partnership
11) Industry vets and newcomers alike identify opportunity to capture beats defectors, new R&D and styling, furthering form and function for audio enthusiasts
12)Beats realizes it must step up and by many accounts vastly improved value proposition with it's latest releases
All in good fun... not looking to start a Beats war... the problem is not the headphones, it's the pricing!


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