Be Aware of Shell Brook Lab
Mar 3, 2005 at 2:08 AM Post #106 of 129
“If the overall goal of the participants is to shrink or eliminate my business, then you're well on your way to achieving it.”

Dude you have no one to blame for your problems but yourself. Don’t claim to be a victim of some conspiracy.

Look in the mirror if you want to see the source of your problems.

I seriously doubt this much progress (?) would have been made if a fire hadn’t been lit under you.

Mar 3, 2005 at 2:25 AM Post #107 of 129
C'mon, Mitch, did you not read what I wrote?

The whole situation was my fault.

There's no conspiracy - at least not by my reckoning. Don't take one part of my post and twist it around to have a different meaning. If you're going to quote, quote the entire, relevant portion of my post, not just a single sentence.

One more time...

The situation, exactly as I described in my previous posts, was nobody's fault but my own.

Please do not put words in my mouth or try to change the meaning of what I've said. That's not right either.



Originally Posted by braillediver
“If the overall goal of the participants is to shrink or eliminate my business, then you're well on your way to achieving it.”

Dude you have no one to blame for your problems but yourself. Don’t claim to be a victim of some conspiracy.

Look in the mirror if you want to see the source of your problems.

I seriously doubt this much progress (?) would have been made if a fire hadn’t been lit under you.

Mar 3, 2005 at 3:55 AM Post #109 of 129
Instead of justifications, excuses, etc., (Drew's Huge Response) why not offer a realistic solution to the problem....

...just a thought to assuage the pain experienced by the victims of SB's unethical business practice.
Mar 3, 2005 at 4:12 AM Post #110 of 129
I've got an idea, how about all the people who have nothing to do with this stay out of it... Unless your name is Drew, or you're one of the people waiting for an amp you purchased from him how bout we all shut the heck up. Nothing constructive is coming from this for either side. Drew is having more time eaten up responding to insults and claims by people who have no working knowledge of him outside of what they read and those who are waiting are probably having to wait longer because of the same reason.

How about, in a month, we check back in on this situation and see how Drew is doing. If it's SSDD then I would suggest to one of the moderators or Jude that something be done. I've got a vested interest as I've purchased products from Drew in the past and am considering doing so in the future.

Mar 3, 2005 at 4:24 AM Post #111 of 129

Originally Posted by bluerhino
Instead of justifications, excuses, etc., (Drew's Huge Response) why not offer a realistic solution to the problem....

...just a thought to assuage the pain experienced by the victims of SB's unethical business practice.

Please read my response. There are solutions there. The biggest solution (which I thought was rather obvious and did not bear stating) is that amps are shipping.

Here we go. One more time.

I completely accept responsibility for what has happened with Shellbrook Audio Lab. No excuses, certainly no justifications. And I recognize that I'm not going to make everybody happy - if one person demands to know why things cratered, another says that they're excuses and justifications.

The bottom line is that amplifiers are shipping, a business plan is in place to keep this from happening again and I'm committed to regaining your trust.

If I could go back and change things, believe me, I would. I can't do that, but I can take care of those affected and I have. What else would you like me to do? I'm not unethical, but I'm certainly disorganized. I think that I've resolved that. Plenty of supposition has gone on about my character, none of it from people who know me. I've been called a liar, a scammer, a cheat and unethical. Well, I'm none of those.

Indeed, it's becoming quite a pissing contest - and one that is going nowhere.
Keep it up, I guess. I'm happy to respond to questions and concerns. I'll talk about plans and facts. I'm happy to address concerns, regardless of whether or not you're a customer of mine or not. But I won't respond to any other attacks on my character. Remember, the worst possible case is probably not the actual case. Some of the most vitriolic comments have come from people with whom I've never had any relationship.

Mar 3, 2005 at 4:36 AM Post #112 of 129

Originally Posted by n_maher
I've got an idea, how about all the people who have nothing to do with this stay out of it... Unless your name is Drew, or you're one of the people waiting for an amp you purchased from him how bout we all shut the heck up. Nothing constructive is coming from this for either side. Drew is having more time eaten up responding to insults and claims by people who have no working knowledge of him outside of what they read and those who are waiting are probably having to wait longer because of the same reason.

How about, in a month, we check back in on this situation and see how Drew is doing. If it's SSDD then I would suggest to one of the moderators or Jude that something be done. I've got a vested interest as I've purchased products from Drew in the past and am considering doing so in the future.


Seconded. There are legitimate issues here, and they've been stated and responded to, at least as far as a constructive discussion here can/will go.

Just a vote that this thread ought to be closed. People can post new threads later when it comes time to re-evaluate.

Best regards,

Mar 3, 2005 at 4:38 AM Post #113 of 129

Originally Posted by drewd

Here we go. One more time.

Can it be too much interaction? Yes it's possible. Drew the worst case for a customer, right after the silence treatment, is the feeling of being deceived. On this you already have stated your position, now go back to work and good luck....

Mar 3, 2005 at 5:03 AM Post #114 of 129

Originally Posted by n maher
I've got an idea, how about all the people who have nothing to do with this stay out of it... Unless your name is Drew, or you're one of the people waiting for an amp you purchased from him how bout we all shut the heck up. Nothing constructive is coming from this for either side. Drew is having more time eaten up responding to insults and claims by people who have no working knowledge of him outside of what they read and those who are waiting are probably having to wait longer because of the same reason.

I like this idea. So it won't have to be locked, let's limit this thread to members who are DIRECTLY involved and give drewd a chance to follow up on his statements. Everybody's had a chance to air their beefs and make their point.

Now it's time to clear the clutter and rectify the existing problems.

Please only post if you have something new to contribute and are directly involved in a current amp purchase.
Mar 3, 2005 at 5:36 AM Post #115 of 129

Originally Posted by n_maher
If it's SSDD then I would suggest to one of the moderators or Jude that something be done. I've got a vested interest as I've purchased products from Drew in the past and am considering doing so in the future.


I'll echo what mbriant said. Additionally, I will reiterate that it is not the responsibility of the moderators, Jude, or Head-Fi in general to take action against or on behalf of individuals that buy/sell things via the forums.
Mar 3, 2005 at 6:14 AM Post #116 of 129
I am not involved in this situation, but I thought I'd make a procedural suggestion.


Originally Posted by drewd
OK, now, really finally - the email address above seems pretty spam-proof.


you might try providing a web form for communicating. You can have the posted message go to an email account, but it gives you the power to validate that the message actually came from your form thus eliminating spam as a problem, and allowing you to filter effectively.

Mar 3, 2005 at 3:07 PM Post #117 of 129
Yeah, what RnB180 said, Drew. Good luck in sorting things out.

While I may not be involved in a current amp purchase from Drew, I bought a Pimeta from him in December, so feel it is appropriate to (once again) post my experiences. In this transaction, I:

. had very frequent, courteous and prompt communications with Drew
. experienced fast, friendly, and flexible service (as I changed my order mid-stream, with no hiccups),
. received my fine-working amp within two weeks of placing the order

So, in terms of balance, I know I can personally attest to a very positive experience with SAL, in many respects. It's also more likely that folks will (and appropriately so) take the time to complain when things don't go their way, compared to when things do go well (which is the expectation). I hope that those who have not had positive experiences get their situations sorted out so that Drew gets a chance to achieve some semblance of "business as usual." He's taken a beating here, with many personally-based accusations that have to hurt. IMHO, I think it's time for them to stop, and time for folks who are still in amp-purgatory to try again to communicate privately with Drew, unless they have some new information to post.

- walk
Mar 3, 2005 at 4:58 PM Post #118 of 129
I ordered a amp from Shellbrook on 1-18-05, received my maxi moy on 2-18-05. Not a long time compared to what others have been stating, however he told me my amp had shipped on 3 different occasions when in fact it hadn't, because of this, he promised me one of the new silver interconnects, which also never arrived. Yes I am happy with teh performance of my maxi moy (except for the fact that it didn't ship with batteries as promised) and yes i believe drewd is trying to satisfy all his orders as quickly as he can, I just think that instead of trying to cover his @$$ to make the customer happy by telling them their amp is "on the way" when it actually isn't, he should just tell them that it's not built yet. And as far as promising people upgrades to their amp and special interconnects to make up for shipping "miscommunication", as he offered me, i think that drew should follow through with these promises although technically he isn't required to, but i was disappointed to find that he didn't include my silver teflon interconnect after i had so patiently waited for my amp to arrive on 3 separate occasions that it was "on the way". So in conclusion i'd have to think that drew is going to have everything straightened out and will no longer have to deal with these threads I think he felt if he didn't tell customers their amp was "on the way" he would get bad feedback complaining of slow build times however, due to his large influx of orders he could not keep up with all the amps that were supposedly "on the way" Drew does make a quality product at a very fair price if you are patient and understanding and don't have a bad temper. thanks for a good product drew, and when business slows, maybe you can ship me that silver teflon interconnect you promised, at least in exchange for the 9 volts you forgot to put in the amp

Mar 3, 2005 at 7:23 PM Post #119 of 129
drewd just pmd me not too long ago asking for my address so he could send me the silver teflon cable. I have already received my order as I ordered it and was happy with the amp's sound and performance and had no intention of trying to squabble with him about an interconnect that he said he would give me for the inconvenience he had caused me. After he read my post he decided to honor his offer. I definitely commend him for doing so as he is paying for the cost of the cable and shipping. Thanks drew
Mar 3, 2005 at 8:54 PM Post #120 of 129
Just an update, I just received my mini to mini cable from today

Drew followed through with his promise in this thread. He even upgraded my cable to the teflon insulated silver ones. (or he shipped the wrong one :p ) Either way I'm better off with this cable since it works perfectly in my waterfield case.

Thanks a lot Drew, I'll definitely consider buying an amp from you in the future.

- Justin

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