Battle of the extincts: PS-1 vs L3000
Nov 17, 2005 at 3:18 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


100+ Head-Fier
Apr 14, 2004
I guess you could say i am a lucky person. I am priviledged to own a PS-1 (for a couple of months now). And a friend of mine recently bought an Audio Technica L3000. I've been listening to them 'semi long term' everytime we meet up in uni, but i finally managed to get him to lend em to me for a day. It was a good chance to really sit down and compare the 2 cans, so i thought i'd share my views. And here they are:

Grado PS-1 wins hands down on stringed instruments. This includes violins, guitars, and bass. Strings sound more realistic, with better attack.

Grado PS-1 wins on horn instruments. The difference is not as large as with strings, but still very noticable. Horns have more 'bite' and the tone is more 'brass-like' if that makes any sense.

Grado PS-1 sounds marginally better on pianos, they are crisper and just sound more natural. There is a slight 'dull' edge on pianos with the AT L3000

L3000 wins hands down in the midrange. It is smoother, yet ruthlessly revealing. I can easily hear details in the midrange which were much harder to pick out on the PS-1. Vocals are richer, honey sweet with no hint of harshness. If there ever was a 'perfect midrange' then the L3000s have it. I prefer it a lot more to even the Stax Omega II and thats saying a LOT!

L3000 wins on bass. It has much better extension than the PS-1. The higher bass notes appear tighter and more impactful on the PS-1 but this is decieving because the relative lack of low end is artificially causing this perception. The L3000's bass is extremely linear, supremely well-behaved, and goes to ridiculous depths. The crown of 'OMG teh best bass evar!!!!!1111' award belongs with the L3000.

Its hard to say which is better at the higher frequencies, because they are so different. There is no doubt that the L3000 has a slightly rolled off treble (seems to be characteristic of closed phones?) but yet it retains the brutally revealing aspect seen in the midrange. There is also some 'life-sapping' at the higher frequencies. For instance, finger flicks and high hats have a different tone: they sound smoother, but duller. The good news is that there is definitely no detail loss anywhere and the sound of the ATs will NEVER fatigue you. Combine that with the superior comfort, and i could literally wear these things continously for years without end (and a part of me wishes i could, TBH!) The PS-1 treble sounds more lively, extended and realistic, but can get fatiguing over long periods. Combined with the lack of comfort, we are talking 'rip-these-cans-off-every-2-CDs' behaviour.

L3000 wins hands down on soundstaging. Very very good for a closed phone. Imaging is also more precise than the PS-1. Of course the PS-1 can't compare. Duh!! Its a grado!

Summary: If midrange/bass is your thing, skip the PS-1 and go AT. I seriously doubt it gets any better than this, at any price. If you primarily listen to instrumental tracks with lots of strings, horns, and love that 'just like being there in person' sound, then go the PS-1. Is it worth the money? To me, yes. I would gladly pay the AT's pricetag if i could afford it.

Hope you guys liked that little review!
Nov 17, 2005 at 3:21 AM Post #2 of 21
hI dude, Are you using bowls for the ps-1's?

regarding the l3000/ps-1 bass I have find the opposite. THe two have very good impact for the amount of bass you can hear.

The l3000's bass is tighter but the ps-1 goes lower and has more impact. The one area where I feel where the l3000 beats the ps-1's is in the rendition of snare drums.

The soundstage width is wider on the ps-1 than the l3000. But the the headstage is larger on the l3000 than the ps-1.

The Ps-1 has a tonally warm sound. Whereas the l3000's are not as warm. I find the highs of the ps-1 with bowls a bit harsh. Whereas the l3000's do not go as high. If you want the r-10's highs then neither of these cans could really challenge it.
Nov 17, 2005 at 3:33 AM Post #4 of 21

Originally Posted by blackreplica
Whoops, forgot to mention, i was using reverse bowls on the grado!

Then if you can handle it try it with flats....girlie....
Nov 17, 2005 at 3:47 AM Post #5 of 21
I agree with GoRedwings19 start over and use the flats; even Todd says that's the only way to listen to the PS-1... it sounds like poop with bowls.

I have not had the pleasure of hearing the L3000 but I have no doubt it wins on comfort. I agree with you on the horns and guitar but I think other strings such as violin, viola, cello, etc sound better on Senns. As far as bass and percussion as a whole I have never heard what I hear on the PS-1 which leads me to my next question. What amp/source did you use?
Nov 17, 2005 at 4:23 AM Post #6 of 21
The source was just a regular cd player and my iriver H140 (flac lossless). I did not use an amp with either the PS-1 or the L3000. In my opinion, neither need one. I can just imagine the hordes of fanboys who will come in now and scream "you need an amp for them to sound good!!!!"
. I definitely never felt the need for my PS-1 to be amped. Differences from amping are marginal when used with my (now sold) supermacro V3. My buddy tells me the same thing about his L3Ks. IMHO senns cant touch either the PS-1 or L3K in any area in particular. I'm referring to the 650s btw, my friend with the L3Ks owns the 650s as well. I think the fact that they work so well unamped is a big plus!
Nov 17, 2005 at 4:26 AM Post #7 of 21

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
Then if you can handle it try it with flats....girlie....

heh heh. Of course i tried flats with my PS-1s. They produce great bass, but there are severe balance issues with flats: there is much too much bass with flats to be any good for proper music, it just throws the bass-to-everything-else balance so out of whack that it will sound much worse with 90% of my music. With hardcore trance though, they still pwn!!

Holy crap i just read your comparison in the second post.....its like the total opposite of what i'm hearing! Particuarly about the staging and warmth....there is no way i would ever use the word warm on the PS-1...not even close! Or on any other grado i've heard for that matter!
Nov 17, 2005 at 6:54 AM Post #9 of 21

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
Then if you can handle it try it with flats....girlie....

bah, girlie man. I listen to my ps-1 in the nude!


Nov 17, 2005 at 8:43 AM Post #10 of 21

Originally Posted by surfboardz26
great review !

would you agree that the l3000 are more of an intiment and emotional can, and the ps-1 sound more correct but very neatural except for the exaggerated bass

thanks very much! The way you describe fits my impressions almost perfectly, except i really dont think the ps-1 bass is exagerrated, unless you're using the flats
Nov 17, 2005 at 1:19 PM Post #11 of 21

Originally Posted by blackreplica
The source was just a regular cd player and my iriver H140 (flac lossless). I did not use an amp with either the PS-1 or the L3000. In my opinion, neither need one. I can just imagine the hordes of fanboys who will come in now and scream "you need an amp for them to sound good!!!!"
. I definitely never felt the need for my PS-1 to be amped. Differences from amping are marginal when used with my (now sold) supermacro V3.

My friend, try some more amps. The PS-1 especially can use an amp. If you think its got gobs of bass now, you should try it with a decent amp - an amp with enough power will allow the PS-1 to really shine and provide even more bass extension. Yes, I think the L3K sounds pretty good without an amp but again, with one its even better.
Nov 17, 2005 at 2:22 PM Post #12 of 21
Thanx for the review!! Nice comparison.

Btw, I want to point out that they both definitely need a good amp to make it sounds RIGHT. Low-z amp can get HIGH volume without an amp, but do they sound good indeed? Surely not as gd as having a decent amp. All becuz of they are current0hungry cans!

Going loud =/= sounding/singing nice. Try using some amps for them and you should find more surprises
Nov 17, 2005 at 3:46 PM Post #13 of 21
I have done some extensive listening with my PS-1 using my PPX3 Slam, SM3, Apogee mini-DAC (compliments of 1911), and unamped. The Slam and the PS-1 go together like bullets and guns... beautiful! The Slam controls the bass so it is in balance with the other ranges (using flats) and everything is tightened up. There is better separation of instruments and you can almost see the seams in the layers between the music and ranges. The Apogee is the only other thing I have heard that comes close to making the PS-1 sound the way it does. If I had not listened to the PS-1 on my slam for the first time (compliments of jbunniii) I may not have been blown away by them the way I was.

With that said I think going unamped is fair to both cans but it would be interesting to see what changes you would make to your review if any testing them both on a good amp.
Nov 17, 2005 at 4:22 PM Post #14 of 21

Originally Posted by wakeride74
The Slam and the PS-1 go together like bullets and guns... beautiful!

That's an interesting simile, but I have to agree with the sentiment. When I heard the PS-1 with the SLAM at the San Jose meet (upon Mikhail's recommendation) I was blown away. I have never heard them so well controlled, especially in the bass department. I may even prefer the SLAM to the SDS-XLR with the PS-1 (K1000 is the only other headphone I prefer with another amplifier, and that's because the EAR V20 is its soul-mate; right now I prefer the SDS-XLR to all other amps with nearly every other headphone)! One day I hope to actually compare the two SinglePowers side by side.
Nov 17, 2005 at 4:50 PM Post #15 of 21

Originally Posted by jjcha
bah, girlie man. I listen to my ps-1 in the nude!



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