Bassy but Wearable in Public
Feb 25, 2012 at 11:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


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Feb 25, 2012
Hi guys, so after much lurking I finally did it, made an account and pledged to audiophileness
. And now I do need you help...
So just recently I bought this portable rig combo:
EARPHONES= Brainwavz Beta (bought them for their foam tips, I'm into OEM comfort, but I think everyone needs at least one iem)
SOURCE= Sansa Clip Zip
and I plan to buy this next rig upgrade

SOURCE= My Phone
AMPLIFIER= FiiO E11 or FiiO E17 (to match the source batt. life)
HEADPHONES= ??? Not decided yet, it needs to be Over Ear though and punching bass that rocks my ears... like my razer electra does... I know I know it sounds ridiculous but I like them, I find them to my satisfy bass lust, i also find them to have good soundstage but they're terrible in everything else...
SOURCE= My iPod Classic
AMPLIFIER= FiiO E7 (again, to match the source batt. life, but im not so sure i need a DAC though)
yep, so there you have it, i need that over ear headphones, i obviously want bass, but i listen to quite a lot of genre, not rock, not classical and not country though, everything else i listen to... i guess i want that chameleon punch bass as described to the ATH WS-55 by the thread called something portable bass king something...
p.s. just a side note, my family thinks I'm crazy for buying a clip zip instead of an iPod nano... My father pledges to his Bose and my brother to his Beats, but me? Lets just say I am so grateful for head-fi for showing me the light...

Feb 25, 2012 at 11:10 AM Post #2 of 26
What kind of budget are you on? If you're wanting headphones on the cheap, the AKG K81DJ's are pretty sweet. They don't have HUGE amounts of bass, but with bass boost they can be made to have ridiculous amounts of bass. They are pretty low-profile, and isolate very, very well.
If you don't mind what some would call absurd looks, the Sony MDR-XB700's push more bass than any headphone I've ever heard (again, with bass boost).
If you can spend a little more, the Ultrasone HFI-580's can push some pretty ridiculous amounts of bass, without skimping on the highs and mids (not to say my other suggestions do).
Feb 25, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #3 of 26
... my family also thinks i bought an amplifier so that it sounds just as good as an iPod nano unamped,
, i think it was a pretty sweet rig, all three costs for one ipod nano where im from...
Feb 25, 2012 at 11:22 AM Post #4 of 26
ahh yes budget, guess in the 150$ range, and i do care about looks, portability and isolation out, especially isolation out, the commute in our country is like sardines in a can, hmm Ultrasone HFI-580 ehh, i dont think its available here but ill check it out... i dont like how the Sony MDR-XB700 looks, too big imo... and lastly i do know of a AKG 518s but not not the AKG K81DJ, and its cheap you say, sounds good to me..
Feb 25, 2012 at 11:29 AM Post #5 of 26
You could look at the M-Audio Q40  or the Audio Technica Pro700Mk2. Theyr'e both reccomended to me all the time. 
Both are collapsible and have a removable cable, giving them excellent portability. ( If that is what you need )
The Pro700 Mk.2 will offer more bass however. While the Q40 will offer better clarity at the cost of bass. 
Feb 25, 2012 at 12:48 PM Post #7 of 26
it needs to be Over Ear though and punching bass that rocks my ears...

Over Ear means circumaural, right? Around the ears? I own both the Sony MDR-XB700 and the Denon AH-D1100. Both have pretty much the same frequency response and are notoriously bassy (they emphasize bass A LOT). For portability I'd go for the Denons, they're much smaller than the XB700, lighter and tighter.
Feb 25, 2012 at 12:53 PM Post #8 of 26
Well... looking at the title I'd recommend getting the Ultrasone HFI-580.  They are well received here, and the beats community should be jealous of the looks as well.  They have some tooth shattering bass as well.
Feb 25, 2012 at 12:55 PM Post #9 of 26
my ultrasone pro 900s look way cooler than the beats. the  aluminum on the cups looks really cool and shiny irl. 
denon d2000s would also be good, except that the cable isn't good for portable use.
i had alot of people over last night and they heard a rap song out of the denons and they were all blown away by the bass.
Feb 25, 2012 at 12:59 PM Post #10 of 26
I would suggest not going with the ATH-PRO700 MK2's. They hurt my head a lot to wear. The ear cups are shallow, and the clamping force is hard. They sound good, with pretty good bass, if I can remember correctly. But for what you're looking for, don't look at these. I might suggest looking into the new Philips headphones, coming out within 1-3 months. Their new CitiScape line looks very promising. I think they look amazing, and Tyll says that the Downtown headphones are great for their price. They are Supraaural though, but for Circumaural, there's the CitiScape Uptown, and the Fidelio L1, which some people seem to like a lot. 
Feb 25, 2012 at 8:00 PM Post #13 of 26
wow, thanks for all the input guys..
@ NotSoSerious is M-Audio Q40 open back or it just has a textured back? The Pro700Mk2 looks good though, and its bassier you say... it looks kinda big though, like a bigger brother to the m50
@ skamp yeah the xb700 is kinda big for my taste. The Denon AH-D1100 isnt a looker imo... looks is kinda important to me, it doesn’t have to be scream attention or anything blingtastic..
@ MegaMushroom the Ultrasone HFI-580 looks good... how large are they compared to the ath m50, which i think is the borderline of wearability...
@ Dubstep Girl  both ultrasone pro 900 and denon d2000 is above my student budget, sadly... both look good though..
@ Rezound Sound does Pro700Mk2 hurt that much, i mean wouldnt time loosen them a bit? yes im waiting for the Downtown headphones as well, when tyll reviewed them as virtually music leakless i was totally sold, there are a lot of philips hp here so im guessing it will arrive soon enough, i might get one instead of ath ws-55, depending on their bass capabilities...
@ RPGWiZaRD  im guessing your also a pinoy as i read that review too
, thats the review that led me to buy the beta, which are very comfortable by the way...
@ reckca thanks for suggesting, but there way above my budget though for my on ear hp, im now contemplating on ath ws-55 or the philips citiscape downtown...
Feb 25, 2012 at 8:11 PM Post #14 of 26

Brainwavz HM3
Bassy - Check
Comfortable - Check
Over Ear - Check
Portable - Check
Cheap - Check
Good price/performance - Check

+1 for the most part.
I ended up enjoying these much more with the larger replacement pads for the Shure SRH750DJ.  Much more comfortable imo (maybe my ears are just too big for the stock pads) and better isolation and bass. They do sound very good especially for the price.
Feb 25, 2012 at 8:16 PM Post #15 of 26
hmm i think ill go with the:
1. v-moda crossfade lp2s
2. ath pro700mk2 (i nid to audition one though, im not so sure about their wearability in public)
or go for xb700 or xb500 but i wouldnt use them outdoors,
i saw this item in our local selling stuff site


"Sony XB500 headphone upgraded to ultra with detachable ProCo cables. The 3.5mm female plugs on the headphone are both using the Rean female plugs and the 3.5mm male plugs on the ProCo cables are the super awesome Rean plugs as well. Makes it easier to cable roll with the detachable upgrade and the sound quality has improved so much because of the ProCo Dynamike cable! incredibly bigger soundstage, more controlled bass, brought out the treble/high details.

Only 2 months old and barely used since I have other in-ear earphones and headphones that arrived just after a few weeks when I got this. Got this straight from Japan. Still has 1 year warranty from Amazon Japan.

WAY BETTER sounding than the ATH Audio-Technica M50 or the Audio-Technica PRO700MKII! :D"

which goes for php 4,000 or around 93.3510 USD.. or php 5,500 (128.358 USD) with his fiio e11 amp...Does replacing the cable really improves the sq? What do you guys think?

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