Back after a long hiatus and need some work out IEMs
Dec 5, 2012 at 12:22 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


New Head-Fier
Dec 5, 2012
So I've been out of the headphone scene for about 6 years. Back in those days the only IEM options were Etys, Shure, and Ultimate Ears. I never really needed IEMs at the time so never got any. As of this moment the only set left in my collection are some Grado SR60's. My other favorites over the years I was collecting were the Grado 225's and Beyer DT931 and DT770.
Anyway, it seems the IEM options have greatly evolved and the price points for quality have come down quite a bit, so I'm looking for a pair or three to wear while working out. I'm looking to spend around $50, but would stretch a little if there was something much better. I usually listen to house and electrohouse while working out, so I'd like something reasonably warm with a decent amount of bass, but nothing too bloated and a big sound stage. I also wouldn't mind a more detailed pair for other genres.
What I've been looking at so far: VSonic GR04, Brainwavz R1, and the Soundmagic E10 for the warmer one, and the Hifiman RE-Zero for the detailed set. I'm leaning towards the Brainwavz, but don't know if they'd be too big/heavy for the purpose I want them for. Anything else I should look out for?
Dec 5, 2012 at 1:54 AM Post #2 of 4
So I've been out of the headphone scene for about 6 years. Back in those days the only IEM options were Etys, Shure, and Ultimate Ears. I never really needed IEMs at the time so never got any. As of this moment the only set left in my collection are some Grado SR60's. My other favorites over the years I was collecting were the Grado 225's and Beyer DT931 and DT770.
Anyway, it seems the IEM options have greatly evolved and the price points for quality have come down quite a bit, so I'm looking for a pair or three to wear while working out. I'm looking to spend around $50, but would stretch a little if there was something much better. I usually listen to house and electrohouse while working out, so I'd like something reasonably warm with a decent amount of bass, but nothing too bloated and a big sound stage. I also wouldn't mind a more detailed pair for other genres.
What I've been looking at so far: VSonic GR04, Brainwavz R1, and the Soundmagic E10 for the warmer one, and the Hifiman RE-Zero for the detailed set. I'm leaning towards the Brainwavz, but don't know if they'd be too big/heavy for the purpose I want them for. Anything else I should look out for?

GR02 Bass or the MH1C for that warmth, but the MH1C bass might be too much at times. Great soundstage and microdetails though. For just sheer overall balance, the E10s might be your best bet. 
Dec 5, 2012 at 7:16 AM Post #3 of 4
I can't comment on the others, but I enjoy the R1s and don't find them too large or anything - and they're certainly not heavy. Might be worth asking around on the R1 review thread since people's opinions seem quite polarized when it comes to the way these sound. 
Dec 9, 2012 at 2:25 AM Post #4 of 4
Well I ended up grabbing a pair of MH1C's since it appears the price is going up, and I love them so far! The signature works really well for me, so thanks for the recommendation. I think I've caught the bug again, but since it appears there's so many great budget IEMs I think I'll take my collection that way this time instead of high end over ears that can add up real quick.
Anyway, glad to be back! Thank You!

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