Auris Nirvana EL34 Amp in the house!

Aug 28, 2018 at 1:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1,091

Frank I

Columnist/Reviewer at Headphone.Guru
May 26, 2009
Auris Nirvana.jpg
The Auris Nirvana EL34 Serbian amp has landed in the house. This is a majestic sounding amplifier form Serbia that I predict will become legendary. The LCD 4 anfd Susvara are driven easily and amazing musicality and dynamics coming from this amp. The Nirvana also drives the Grado PS 2000E and get the most out of the amp. I am using this with the Marantz SA10 SACD/CD/DAC and it is fantastic so far. 6.5 watts of pure magic! I be doing a full review on this puppy.


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Jan 11, 2019 at 9:46 AM Post #5 of 1,091
Looks fantastic. Gobs of power too. Congrats!
Jul 6, 2019 at 3:15 PM Post #10 of 1,091
Just wanted to chime in and say that i just got my hands on the Nirvana today :) I finally wanted to get a taste of a TOTL amp, and i've been on the fence about going to a tube amplifier after spending most of my time with solid states. After seeing a few reviews that stated this amp could drive any headphone, i was curious. My first tube amp was the Little Dot MK4 when i started this hobby in 2013, and i enjoyed the so-called ''tube sound''. However i learned very quickly that most tube amps weren't really suitable for low impedance headphones (even though i knew this beforehand and i had the HD650 at hand at the time) i decided to go with a solid state amp shortly thereafter.

In regards to the Nirvana, it has impeccable build quality. You can clearly see a lot of detail and attention went to the build. I really enjoyed seeing watching this video on youtube where you could see some of the workers building their products in house:

Now let's get to the sound. I was using the Nirvana to power my Abyss Diana Phi, and boy did it ever provide the Phi with gobs of power. I was happy to hear that i hadn't lost any detail or transparency as i know tube amps can add a lot of warmth to the sound. The Nirvana made my listening experience more smooth whilst keeping all the dynamics and transparency that i know my Diana Phi could provide. I was most worried about losing bass impact and extension with a tube amp, but i am happy to state that this did not happen.

Overall, it looks like i might have found my TOTL headphone amplifier.
Jul 7, 2019 at 5:04 AM Post #12 of 1,091
Have you guys rolled in different tubes? I'm running a set of matched RFT/Siemens EL34 tubes and a Philips Holland made/branded ECC82/CV491 tube.
Any other suggestions?
Jul 7, 2019 at 9:31 AM Post #13 of 1,091
I still using the stock one which are nice tubes. I have a pair of Genalex KT77 in house and holland branded tubes as well. Have not had that itch yet! Miki told me KT 77 use only Genelex branded but you should be good with the siemens. OldertEL 34 works as well as if you can find some reasonable Mullards would be cool. Great tool for reviewing products. Let us know how it sounds with the RF.
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Jul 8, 2019 at 2:50 PM Post #14 of 1,091
Have you guys had any issue with the analog VU meter? After listening to music for an hour or so, i noticed that the needle in the meter on the left side will stay at the baseline and remain stuck as the music is playing. The needle on the right side continues to work. I have to plug in a different headphone (one that is slightly easier to drive) and this seems to ''reset'' the meter and the needle starts moving again, but this process has now happened to me three times and only the left side is affected each time.
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Jul 8, 2019 at 4:47 PM Post #15 of 1,091
Mine works with both sides moving. It goes red when I use a demanding headphone at high levels. You may want to email Miki and ask him what is going on. Where did you buy the unit? Perhaps the dealer can check it out.

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