Audez LCD 2-Impressions and Help requested
Apr 21, 2015 at 12:46 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Jun 23, 2010
The Audeze are "in da house"!
I have a little less than 100 hours on them and so far I am disappointed.  Given I am a prudent buyer (not cheap....prudent :)) I was excited and now trying hard to figure out what is causing the displeasure.  I own a pair of HD600's and ATW5000's. like the later, love the former. 
The Audeze have been underwhelming with little soundstage. I've been using a Uber Bi-frost and I can get plenty of volume from my x-can v8 (labeled as 1.3 watts, not sure at what ohm).  This is the more powerful of my two amps and there is a lack of volume with my Earmax.  Beat me with a spoon, but I generally like a little equalization with my headphones, and it has not helped here.
You guys thing this is personal or.... maybe the amp?  It is hard for me to believe it's the headphones as these are universally praised. Funds are light at the moment but I have been considering a Schiit Lyr 2. Thoughts and help most appreciated.
Apr 21, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #2 of 6
Hi LarryRup !
I got my LCD-2s fairly recently - I probably have roughly about the same amount of listening hours as you do.   From what you wrote, I'm assuming they were new, so are the latest rev with the Fazors? 
These were my first pair of high end open-back headphones.  I love them now.  But I can understand where you are coming from.  Much of what I read about the LCD-2s was that they were juicy, beautifully liquid with that Audeze "house-sound".  Maybe even "dark". 
I find them to be pretty evenly balanced and fairly neutral throughout.  I don't think the soundstage is very wide at all, in fact it doesn't sound all that wider than the portables I was using before - but it's wide enough for me and it does seem quite "deep" with plenty of texture and detail in the midrange with a decent amount of separation throughout.  I think its in the mids that they are most enjoyable to me.
But  I can totally understand the lack of a "wow" moment, as you have described.  It was a bit jarring for me at first because I was expecting them to be more coloured and have a stronger personality - but I do like that they give me a nice window into my DAC, amp and whatever music I'm listening to.
Your amp sounds like it is easily powerful and competent enough with 1.3watts @ 32Ohms.  They responded really well to better amplification and the soundstage does get extended a little BUT I found that using them on my portable and underpowered amp the essential sound character was much the same - just less of everything and less control.  I really started to enjoy the LCD2s when I was able to  tweak the sound more to my preferences by tube rolling.
For me, it's still a great headphone, but from what you say, I'm wondering if it might be personal rather than the amp.  
I'm actually quite interested in how you would say they compare to your HD600s?
Apr 22, 2015 at 10:39 AM Post #3 of 6

Thanks for the comments.
The HD600 is a great headphone.  I've had mine for nearly 15 years!  I would describe the cans as fabulous in the upper ranges, and excellent in the mids.  The bass to me  is lacking as compared to the Audeze and W5000.  This is were a tweak with an equalizer compensates nicely.  They are extremely comfortable, although  I need new ear pads.  Somehow I justified the around 60 dollars into a new pair of Audeze :)
IF the X-can's cut the mustard on power I will give them some time. Audeze says the minimum power should be 1 watt but recommends considerably more.
 I find the Audeze dark and (how should I put it) not terribly crisp.  Lately, I have been tweaking some software settings and seeing if I can get the sound I like.  I'm a big JRiver fan and with this software tweaking is almost endless.  The sound stage seems to be widening.  Not sure if it is the tweaking or additional break in.  I will say they are a beautifully built  headphone and I very much like the large and beveled pads.  They are solid,, heavy (in a  good way) and I need a great stand to show them off.  I know it is all about the sound, but nothing wrong with displaying a think of beauty.
Apr 22, 2015 at 1:06 PM Post #4 of 6
How well they respond to amplification is one question but they definitely respond well to a good headphone stand!  I thoroughly agree - make the most of them on display - they're a work of art!   A thing of beauty indeed.
I'm using the headphone stand from Woo, which I would recommend - On the function side to things it is really well constructed with excellent support across the headband to prevent any sagging and there is no compression of the ear pads when not in use. On the form side of things the simple and minimal aluminium frame is a nice contrast with the warmer and organic materials of the LCD-2s and allows the Audezes to just speak for themselves.  Plus you can tinker with the height which is a nice touch..  There are lots of nice stands out there, though.
Good look with your listening, perhaps you will warm to them in time - if not, i'm sure they'll find a good home and you'll find one that's a better fit. 
Apr 23, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #5 of 6
I'd highly recommend the Schiit Mjolnir with the LCD-2.  I was using my LCD-2s for a few weeks with the headphone out jack from a Yamaha stereo receiver before ordering a Mjolnir.  For a stereo receiver the Yamaha headphone out is no slouch, but with the LCD-2 my initial impression was "Holy crap I just dropped a grand on these."  Then the Mjolnir arrived and the LCD-2s came to life.  Then I sold the Mjolnir and bought a Woo WA22.  Even on high gain, I have to crank the WA22 volume up to about 75%.  So the more juice you can send it the better.
With both the Mjolnir and WA22, I've been using the stock Audeze balanced cable.  I have a Norne cable on order, and I'm interested to hear what changes it brings compared to the stock cable on the Yamaha and WA22.
Apr 23, 2015 at 11:31 PM Post #6 of 6
Upgrading to better gear isn't as noticeable as downgrading to lesser gear. When I moved from the HD650 to the LCD 2.2F, at first I couldn't tell many differences. After listening for weeks, I went back to the HD650. Massive drop off.

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