Attn: Foobar2000 users (CROSSFEED plugin headsup)
Jul 20, 2009 at 12:24 AM Post #166 of 209
well, there's the LME49722...which is an improved LM4562. it's not available in DIP8 and requires adapters, but I'll try it ASAP

the VST wrapper .fxp files are not compatible w/ EffectChainer...otherwise they're in /Document & Settings/ in the VST wrapper folder
Jul 20, 2009 at 4:57 AM Post #167 of 209
LME49722 sounds promising. anything better than the 4562 has definitely got to be good! Do adapters (assuming they have room on the card) introduce any noticeable distortion or any other noticeable biproducts of extra connections in the line or are they fairly good quality components?

Back to the issue in the thread, I've got vnophones all setup and all eq settings transferred compared from screenshot :p

I've been trying some of you guys' preferred settings and it all sounds great, although it really depends on source (hard panned or no). I've been thinking about this alot and it seems like in theory, if you have a acoustically non perfect room like mine where that effect is ever so slightly noticeable naturally, it would (in my theory) be best to take the direct distance from the right speaker to the left wall where there is line of sight(or other very large reflective object on left side). add to this the length in line of sight from that point on the left wall to your ear. then take that total measurement and figure in the speed of sound and you might have a pretty accurate millisecond value to really do a good job of fooling your brain.(do the same for other side and average results) i would think having that exact value would have some really nice results as the brain would factor that in to sight and knowledge of distace/echo in the room already. i think it might make it "sound like" it was coming from the speakers in some ways. or does vnophones only work with bass frequencies that wouldnt bounce so much as go through your head to the other side or however?

thought this was interesting and more precise.. speed of sound calculator figuring temperature in the mix. average measurement typically used is assuming temp is 32 F! check link below

How fast does sound travel?

i may be totally wrong on this (which wouldnt surprise me)

but for a square or rectangular room where listening position is usually the same it seems like it might sound good! i'm about to try it like this so i'll post results if i can tell a difference!

loving this topic!
Jul 20, 2009 at 5:44 AM Post #168 of 209

Originally Posted by leeperry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
atm my foobar DSP looks like this :

-OzoneMP in 24int
-EffectChainer w/ vNoPhones in 32float

then I send 24int in KS to my soundcard, but beware....OzoneMP is highly addictive! I never get bored of watching the phase dance over the music, it's really cool w/ bassy music

I still wonder if it's due to the very low jitter of my soundcard(0.5ppm), but whenever I turn off vNoPhones my left ear instantly starts going half-deaf...and it's not placebo! I felt something was going wrong, and indeed I had turned vNophones off because I wanted to make sure that OzoneMP was actually processing in 24bit by checking Ozone4's bitmeter...strange world, I tell you!

sorry for the double post, but referring to the above post on previous page, i assume everything goes through effectchainer/nyquist/vnophones all while staying bit-perfect? is there any way to screw that up so i can make sure i havent somehow?
Jul 20, 2009 at 6:18 AM Post #169 of 209
You can use Kernel Streaming in XP or WASAPI in Vista, or ASIO in either one to ensure bit-perfect playback. But... as soon as you introduce any DSP's, you have to know that they all in some way modify the original signal.

If you're worried about the DSP'd signal not being messed around with once it leaves Foobar, then the options I just mentioned are what you need.
Jul 27, 2009 at 3:19 AM Post #173 of 209
i just tried the naive, then the bauer and i think i like the bauer better. the soundstage and imaging seems to be better and more focused. using the j. meier setting sounded too smooth and a bit muffled though, so i switched to cmoy setting. what already sounded good coming from D10->RS1i just sounded even better.
Aug 1, 2009 at 7:03 AM Post #174 of 209
Guys, thank you for all your efforts discovering different crossfeed options. You helped me to finally find the crossfeed I looked for:
  1. transparent (do not alters sound a lot)
  2. comfortable to listen
  3. expanding or not reducing soundstage
Two best options are Stereo Convolver and HDPHX. Former is extremely transparent, latter is a bit more comfortable while warms up sound slightly and adds some bass weight.
Aug 1, 2009 at 11:46 AM Post #175 of 209

Originally Posted by kostalex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Two best options are Stereo Convolver and HDPHX. Former is exrtemely transparent

Hello Kostalex! Which impulse files (wav files) do you feed to Stereo Convolver? Default ones?

Do you know that you can eq impulse files to your liking?
Sep 21, 2009 at 10:08 PM Post #177 of 209
gonna mess with all these and get back to ya
Oct 16, 2009 at 3:58 PM Post #178 of 209
I like the vnophones vst-plugin very much, its quite subtle.

So, if i understand correctly, the first setting (%) change the angle, where the sound is coming from, right? When used alone, it only mixes left and right channel, making the sound just more towards mono. The second setting (0.00ms) controls the delay sound reaches your ear, right? When these two settings are used together, it will make the soundstage more natural and out of the head, instead of just mixing the channels together?

Even little change in the delay seems to have a large effect on the sound, specially where its coming from. Still, the effect on the soundquality/details is very little, not much coloring. I've liked the settings: ~20%, ~1ms and pretty much the default setting ~30%, ~2ms. Definitely needs to be individually configured to get the best results.

Then again, this kind of thing(configuring the settings) can get very stressing and become the point itself, instead of enjoying the music/audio. That is the dark side of the headphone listening; the unnatural stereo seperation, when listening audio mixed for the speaker listening and the need to fight this somehow.
Oct 17, 2009 at 8:13 PM Post #179 of 209
Vnophones is still my favorite non intrusive crossfeed. Subtle enough to not add much coloration unlike other crossfeed options and useful enough to get rid of the deaf opposite ear effect. I used the setting 20.0000/.300999 for a while then got to the point where I was sensitive enough to get annoyed by the subbtle coloration it makes so now I have settled with 9.629629/0.300999. Very good setting that just fills the opposite ear enough without adding annoying colorations to the original signal.
Feb 26, 2010 at 10:29 PM Post #180 of 209

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have settled with 9.629629/0.300999. Very good setting that just fills the opposite ear enough without adding annoying colorations to the original signal.

good point! I'm not sure wth it does, but I like it

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