ATTICUS and EIKON, the new dynamic driver headphones from ZMF
Feb 23, 2017 at 5:29 AM Post #2,326 of 9,771
I tried the Atticus and Eikon on the Feliks Elise. I liked it with the Atticus, but not the Eikon. The Atticus changed sound signature more, and gained a good bit of staging, but wasn't the great experience I read on several reviews. I liked both headphones more from my Jotunheim. I sold the Elise. I don't fault either headphone, I don't think the Elise was for me to begin with.

OTL amps are fuller, richer, and warmer in general- especially when compared to a bright solid state amp like the Joti. The two are like polar opposites. However if you get used to it with the right high impedance headphone (eg. HDxx), they are magical. They are certainly not for everyone, though. My Aittcus and Eikon are here, going to give them some play with my uber Glenn OTL and Apex Teton this weekend. :D

I will be very interested in hearing your comments...glad your amp finally made it to you 

Feb 23, 2017 at 7:52 AM Post #2,327 of 9,771
  Is anyone trying the Eikon on tube amps? Any comments on how they sound with tubes (and what amp they are using)? Thank you.

I have been going back and forth between a bottlehead crack with a rca 6as7g and Mullard and a gustard H10. They sound great on both but I'm going for the crack more the soundstage is a little wider and the dynamics (a better punch in the bass and sparkle up top) of the Eikon shine with the crack.
Feb 23, 2017 at 12:37 PM Post #2,328 of 9,771
Thanks for the info about the Eikon with tube amps.
Yep, I'd love to hear reports about the Eikon/ Apex Teton combo since I use a Pinnacle. Thanks in advance.
I'm curious about the report of some upper mid emphasis and whether others detect this (especially if it's notable with tube amps).
Thanks again.
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #2,329 of 9,771
I've been using the Eikon mostly with a Woo WA2 OTL amp and I like the combo a lot. My limited experience so far has led me to take the importance of burn-in more seriously. With use the sound seems to be opening up and getting clearer and more dynamic. Of course, this could be partly 'brain burn-in' too, I don't know. But I do know that I am enjoying them more a week on out of the box. And I think they sound better on my WA2 (OTL) than they do on my WA22 (transformer-coupled). But more experimentation is in order. Opinions open to revision with increased acquaintance...
Though I still mostly prefer the darker-hued, bassier Atticus for rock and less stellar recordings. The Eikon is comparatively more revealing / a little less forgiving. So far, I am enjoying these two headphones the way I thought I would / intended: The seeming greater linearity of the Eikon for classical, jazz, more acoustic musics, and the Atticus for rock / everything else. Although even in rock, if the recording is good-- the Eikon can exploit it to full effect.
I'm really enjoying the closed-back approach of these cans: immersive, rich tonality, and even (dare I say) somewhat organic/euphonic flavor; it offers a refreshing contrast from my otherwise open-back listening. But as always, YMMV... 
Feb 23, 2017 at 2:14 PM Post #2,330 of 9,771
Thanks for the info about the Eikon with tube amps.
Yep, I'd love to hear reports about the Eikon/ Apex Teton combo since I use a Pinnacle. Thanks in advance.
I'm curious about the report of some upper mid emphasis and whether others detect this (especially if it's notable with tube amps).
Thanks again.
I did go from a Siemens to the Mullard to tame the treble. Zach has said it will smooth out once it burns in. I was going to change to a Holland Apex in a week or two.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:17 PM Post #2,331 of 9,771
Have any Sennheiser HD650 owners received their Eikon's? I bought a pair in Padauk and I'm staring to have second thoughts. I'm using a Schiit Jotunheim and I have a balanced cable for the HD650s.
For those who have had both, are you happy you made the upgrade? Would you do it again?
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:23 PM Post #2,332 of 9,771
Have any Sennheiser HD650 owners received their Eikon's? I bought a pair in Padauk and I'm staring to have second thoughts. I'm using a Schiit Jotunheim and I have a balanced cable for the HD650s.
For those who have had both, are you happy you made the upgrade? Would you do it again?

Could you be a little more specific? What are you hearing that's driving your concern? How much burn in time have you had? Are you using a balanced cable for the Eikon as well? I previously had an Hd6xx and have been looking forward to this upgrade, so I'd love to hear your thoughts and additional details.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:46 PM Post #2,333 of 9,771
Could you be a little more specific? What are you hearing that's driving your concern? How much burn in time have you had? Are you using a balanced cable for the Eikon as well? I previously had an Hd6xx and have been looking forward to this upgrade, so I'd love to hear your thoughts and additional details.

Sorry, should have explained better. I'm selling one or the other. Eikons are still in production, and I got a decent offer on my HD650s. I'm concerned when they arrive that I won't be wowed enough vs the HD650s.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:58 PM Post #2,334 of 9,771
Just to put it out there, I have heard a few ppl say the Atticus is slightly recessed in the middle midrange and also the Eikon. 
You need to throw these bad boys on the Mogwai. That could be the reason I don't hear it that way. The Mogwai is clear, very well separated, has a lot of texture and bass control. I prefer it to my HE-9 and not just for the ZMFs. It's got some punch too. Yet the bass is not elevated. @ampsandsound Mogwai is a little dense sounding but not tonally. When I say dense or thick, I mean full of body and tonal density. 
Feb 24, 2017 at 12:06 AM Post #2,335 of 9,771
GB, how would you say the ifi pro Ican pair with Eikon? and Atticus?
Feb 24, 2017 at 12:14 AM Post #2,336 of 9,771
Have any Sennheiser HD650 owners received their Eikon's? I bought a pair in Padauk and I'm staring to have second thoughts. I'm using a Schiit Jotunheim and I have a balanced cable for the HD650s.
For those who have had both, are you happy you made the upgrade? Would you do it again?

Story time!

I have an hd650. They have many a nice quality. It is so highly and universally praised. For a years I found it hard to think anything but the HD800 or the like could be an upgrade.

And then I heard an 800. Great soundstage. Imaging. Detail. Boring.

So I tried other things. Non-boring things.
Lots of them. During that time my hd650 saw little use.

Recently, I listened to them extensively to evaluate the Feliks Elise amp. I realized I don't miss them. They are still good. And they still aren't fun.

So anyway... The Eikon is the best non-boring headphone I've ever heard. Period. I use a Jot too.
Feb 24, 2017 at 12:17 AM Post #2,337 of 9,771
Sorry, should have explained better. I'm selling one or the other. Eikons are still in production, and I got a decent offer on my HD650s. I'm concerned when they arrive that I won't be wowed enough vs the HD650s.

Take the offer on the Senn 650 because the new Sony ZR1 is a super-duper version of the Senn 650 (a nice non fatiguing but beautifully textured sound) and you could always go this route if you have issues with the Eikon. In fact, if there is any way you could financially swing it, get the ZR1 anyway and keep it along with the Eikon if you like it.
Feb 24, 2017 at 1:03 AM Post #2,338 of 9,771
  Just to put it out there, I have heard a few ppl say the Atticus is slightly recessed in the middle midrange and also the Eikon. 
You need to throw these bad boys on the Mogwai. That could be the reason I don't hear it that way. The Mogwai is clear, very well separated, has a lot of texture and bass control. I prefer it to my HE-9 and not just for the ZMFs. It's got some punch too. Yet the bass is not elevated. @ampsandsound Mogwai is a little dense sounding but not tonally. When I say dense or thick, I mean full of body and tonal density. 

Atticus and Eikon are 300 ohm, they will sound mid recessed on 1 ohm output, This is the same phenomenon as the Beyer DT 1770. On an amp with higher output impedance, the mids come back
Feb 24, 2017 at 10:17 AM Post #2,340 of 9,771
Atticus and Eikon are 300 ohm, they will sound mid recessed on 1 ohm output, This is the same phenomenon as the Beyer DT 1770. On an amp with higher output impedance, the mids come back

I don't think there is any such rule of thumb. I wish it were that easy. There would a lot less trial and error in this hobby. But, maybe that would make it less fun.

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