ATH-W2002 and MDR-R10
Feb 11, 2002 at 10:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 28, 2001
Hi all,

I received my Audio-Technica ATH-W2002 headphones just this minute from the man in the brown suit.

I expect to do a review of some sort or at least post a few conclusions in the next few weeks. (My SA-1 has gone for repairs again so I have to make do with a Denon DVD-3300 DVD-A player.)

Feb 11, 2002 at 2:35 PM Post #2 of 27
Looking forward to it
Feb 11, 2002 at 2:41 PM Post #3 of 27
Thats great to hear jatinder.
It will be good to hear what you think of the sound in the days ahead. For now, what do you think of the build quality and the physical appearance? You are now only the 3rd person to have both the R10 and the W2002 at your fingertips, and it would be interesting to get your impression of how you think the W2002 rates as an object. Is it what you thought it would be?

Oh and whats your serial number!
Feb 11, 2002 at 2:59 PM Post #4 of 27
Hi MRael,

To me, the W2002 does not appear to be built to the same standard as the R10.

The case is relatively light and looks good. The rich red colour of the interior is good. (Yes, I'd say almost pornographic too!)

The leather is not as soft or as padded.

The floating head-supports look a bit flimsy - you can see the steel "spring"-wire. The phones do not sit as comfortably as with the R10s.

The joint which allows the cups to rotate are not "hidden" so that you get to see lots of "edges".

The two pieces of plastic-wire at the very top of the headphones that connect the two cups look and feel like two plastic wires.

The cord is already doing my head in as it keeps getting tangled.

The "black-box connector" that converts the single cable into two (one for each cup) is just a piece of black plastic.

The actual connector (plug) is a piece of art and looks much better than the one on the R10. The lacquer is also very nice.

They look good, but can't compete with the build quality of the R10.

So far, the good things about the W2002 are the actual connector and the lacquer.

I'm meant to be working (I work from home) and so have not even plugged them in to anything yet. Might get a chance this evening...


PS: Serial number is 0573.
Feb 11, 2002 at 3:52 PM Post #5 of 27
Thanks for the serial number, I wanted to add you to my list.
Everything you described about the W2002 is mostly accurate. Probably my favorite things about the R10 are the earpads and the cord. The cord is especially fat and easy to use in that it resists tangling, and its very soft and 'bendy.' As an object, I dont really care for the cord audio-technica used.. thin and stiff.
The black-box connector on the W2002 has the a/t logo on it, does it not?

Feb 11, 2002 at 4:10 PM Post #7 of 27

Originally posted by acidtripwow
Woohoo, I just got mine too!
I can't listen to them right now but I will tonight. Ok everybody, do the Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy song...

Hi Acid,

I hope yours have arrived in good condition. As for myself, still waiting for the payment to arrive.

Anyway, do let us know how you feel about the cans. Cheers.

If yours have arrive, I think mwb and Lagavulin's should have arrive also.

Cheers !!
Feb 11, 2002 at 4:13 PM Post #8 of 27

Originally posted by acidtripwow
Woohoo, I just got mine too!
I can't listen to them right now but I will tonight. Ok everybody, do the Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy song...

Coooooooooooool !!

serial number?
Feb 11, 2002 at 4:32 PM Post #9 of 27
Nice case man! They look a little darker in color than I thought they would be. They have a nice deep red color to them. The cord is very nice and "bendy" as you said. The cord end is the best I've seen on a headphone. My serial number is 0871.
Feb 11, 2002 at 4:48 PM Post #10 of 27
Thanks for the serial number! I added it to the pic (above.)
This is looking like its going to be the biggest W2002 week yet.
Feb 11, 2002 at 6:12 PM Post #11 of 27
These W2002/R10 threads--though entertaining enough--have to be among the strangest I've encountered. I seriously question their efficacy if the intent is to provide information about the W2002.

I think we would all agree that it would be odd to review a Lexus by comparing it to a Bentley. The result would mostly consist of listing the areas where the Lexus didn't measure up, interspersed with expressions of amazement over the few points where the Lexus was "almost" as good.

Such a comparison would be both unfair and mostly uninformative in that it attaches negative connotations to what is actually a superb and far more affordable automobile.

If you think this is far-fetched, consider that the price differential, expressed as a percentage, is very similar.
Feb 11, 2002 at 6:23 PM Post #12 of 27
Heres a close look at the outside of the W2002 case. The silver looking trim parts are aluminum extrusions. The corners are fitted with rounded black plastic inserts rather than riveted corner pieces. This makes the case dressier, at the expense (possibly) of ultimate strength. The latches dont lock.
There are areas where audio-technica could have spent more money on the W2002 and produced a more hefty object. For example the 'wing' supports alone could have been done in a way to increase the final cost by $200 easily. Instead of plastic they could have used metal, and they could have used more lambskin for the wing padding instead of the material they chose. I'm glad they didnt, but theres room in places for more lavish of a treatment.

Feb 11, 2002 at 6:27 PM Post #13 of 27

Originally posted by Spad
These W2002/R10 threads--though entertaining enough--have to be among the strangest I've encountered.

I agree!
Feb 11, 2002 at 9:15 PM Post #14 of 27
Not sure you're analogy is 100%. It's more like comparing a 2002 model year Lexus to a 1989 model year Bentley. Over time, advances in technology can help close the gap created by price.

Given that AT seems to be marketing their phones against the R10, it's all the more relevant.

I thought I was very positive in my review, but I guess not everyone read it that way. I think it's a very instructive comparison.

Can't wait for your thoughts!

Feb 11, 2002 at 10:46 PM Post #15 of 27

Originally posted by markl
Given that AT seems to be marketing their phones against the R10, it's all the more relevant.

I don't quite see what makes you say that... Only a fool would marked a $700 product against one costing several times that. It would only lead to disappointment. Is this your personal impression or does AT mention the R10 anywhere...

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