ATH-m50x VS Fostex T50RP MK3 + Question about DAC.
Jun 11, 2016 at 10:41 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 31, 2015

ATH-m50x vs Fostex T50RP MK3

I humbly ask for this community to help me decide which headphone I should go for.


I've heard good things about both headphones but the new Fostex is supposed to be absolutely incredible sounding for the price. It's also rather hard to drive or so I've heard. I've heard that it doesn't reach its full potential until you plug it into a ~$350 wall powered AMP... How will it fair with the Dragonfly v1.2? Should I perhaps go with the ATH-m50x because its V signature may suit me better?

A few things about me;

  1. I mainly listen to EDM, but I do NOT require basshead levels of bass. However I am on the more bassy side of things. I like a snappy thumby bass, not necessarily rumbling bass. As far as I've heard, both these headphones have nice bass.
  2. I have the Audioquest Dragonfly v1.2 as my DAC.
  3. I like to listen to music at rather high volume.

So on to the question;

Which headphone do you think will fit me best?
Jul 4, 2016 at 9:13 AM Post #2 of 6
I currently own the M50x's and am contemplating getting the Fostex T50RP MK3's to replace them, you should note that the mk3's are apparently pretty hard to drive and you will most probably need a dedicated amp from all the reviews I've read. Also they need a pad modification as the stock ones are pretty unpleasant from what I've gathered and its hard to find ones that are comfy and also not too thick which alters the sound so note that you'lll be spending a little extra to get an amp and replacement pads.And as far as being an M50x owner I can verify that they are pretty analytical and not very "fun" sounding or enjoyable tbh. It's a pretty boring and neutral headphone and for me it was an impulse buy and I regret not doing more research before purchasing them. I also listen to varying genres of EDM mostly and some indie rock.
Jul 23, 2016 at 1:34 AM Post #3 of 6
If you like clarity, treble, sound stage then go with Fostex. They are good for instrumental music, such as jazz , rock.. etc. The bass is tight and fast but not boomy. M50x's are good for music that you listen...edm, hip hop..etc. It's pretty clear and has good bass but no soundstage at all since they are closed back. It feels like all the music is in the center of your I had the m50 for 2 years but recently sold them because I got the Fostex. Also, I replaced the m50 for the AKG K553. You will need a good amp for the Fostex. I had the Fiio E10k, Micca Origen, SMSL Sap II Pro/SMSL Sanskrit combo and finally the Schiit Magni 2/ Modi 2 combo. The Schiit is better out of all 4.
Jul 23, 2016 at 10:43 PM Post #4 of 6
I had the T50RP Mark III and have the T40RP Mark III, no experience with the Audio Technica's. Bass heavy Electronica (Haywyre, Pendulum, and Trentemoller) and Vocaloid music are some of my most favorite genres, and the T40RP Mark III does it well with a Dragonfly Red. I also have Denon AH-D2000, and I find the T40RP's to be just as enjoyable (of course they have less bass...but still what bass they do have is very nicely presented). The T50RP's are just a little too much forward in the highs to me, the T40RP's are much more balanced and still very detailed - much more relaxing to listen to in comparison. The Dragonfly Red drives them to ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS volume level before even getting to 1/2 volume on my induce a brain hemorrage level. I imagine the 1.2 version would drive them just fine.
Jul 24, 2016 at 12:56 AM Post #5 of 6
I own the t50rp and my roommate has the m50x. Honestly if youre not interested in modding the t50rp, I would go with the m50x. It was only after I got new pads (ZMF lambskin) and a dac/amp that I really began to like the t50rp. While you don't need an amp to reach listenable volumes on the it, an amp is necessary to bring the most out of it. If youre looking for a nice snappy bass then the t50rp is the way to go.
Then again, I've seen plenty of people really like it stock so I guess thats just my five cents. Keep in mind that the t50rp is rather big and is semi-open so it's not really suited for portable use unlike the m50x.
Jul 31, 2016 at 2:19 AM Post #6 of 6
If you do decide to get the Fostex, do not get the Brainwavz hybrid pads, you will lose bass. Though I do miss the bass on my M50 and regret selling them. After breaking in the T50rp's, the bass is really tight and punchy which is amazing. Sounds really good. But in the future, I'll probably pick up the M50x again.

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