ath-cm7ti or ath-ec7 isolation compared to Grados?
Sep 18, 2005 at 10:25 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 18


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 17, 2004

After over an hour of searching, I still havent been able to make a decision on this matter... I'm looking for a set of earphones that would provide good isolation for the DC Metro Rail commute, but nothing that would make life around me seem like it was set to my own theme song (remember that episode of Family Guy when Peter wishes for his own theme song?)... but I digress... I have tried using Grado 80/225s on the rail, but they don't provide quite enough isolation. I've also tried the Sennheiser HD25-1s, but they just got too hot to wear comfortably, and gave me headphone hair that unfortunately could not work in an on-client site corporate setting, or something like that.

So in other words, is there a set of earbuds or even other canalphone that provide a nice balance Grado and canalphone isolation? From, the sound signatures I've researched, it seems like the ATH-EC7 or ATH-CM7ti phones are what I'm looking for sound quality-wise... but would they provide the right amount of isolation for me?

Best Regards,


UPDATE: Review

After deciding to pick up the ATH-CM7ti earphones, they arrived in the mail last week from, and have been giving them a listen since. Here are my thoughts...


Good details and very good extension for earbuds. They aren't overly revealing, which means they won't make bad recordings sound like crap. The details come at you unexpectedly; in other words, they come out when the music demands it, but they don't overwhelm you with an overanalytical sound. The sound is still earbud-like in that they do sound a bit smaller than full-size headphones. However, they are more clearer unamped than the SR80s, and about on par (give or take a little) with the SR125s.


The titanium buds are tough little buggers. Doubtful that they'll ever crack or break on hard impact. The wire does feel a bit flimsy due to the weight of the buds, but not too bad overall. Breakage does not seem to be an issue if they are taken care of.


Here's where some issues may arise for certain users, depending on the use. They are great for quiet environments when you are sitting still. For users on the go, they aren't the most practical. The weight of the buds doesn't allow the earbuds to "disappear" in your ears. The cord is also 0.6m in length (without the included extension), which means if you plan on keeping your source in a backpack, which is what I usually do, you'd have to use the extension cord. The extension jack adds weight to the cord, creating some pull on the earbuds. However, if you plan on keeping your portable source in your pocket or in hand, the extension cord is probably not needed. So your comfort level may vary depending on how your on-the-go setup is. The fit of the earbuds is adequate for me; again, they sit much easier in the ear without brisk movement.


Noticeably better isolation than my Grados, and definitely does not leak sound as much. I've used these onthe Metro Rail in DC; while I can still hear the train, I can still hear the music as well. Allows you to hear the Metro announcer, but not to the point where the sound is too drowned out.


Soundwise very good, but I have decided to look for another option for my purposes. I need a pair of earbuds that will firmly stay in place on the go (walking, not running). Perhaps a pair of clip-ons are in order, or a pair of lighter earbuds with a longer cord?

Your suggestions are definitely welcome.
Sep 18, 2005 at 11:12 PM Post #2 of 18
The Audio-technica are both regular earbuds so they really don't provide isolation. you need canalphones or IEM's for isolation. The only real good canalphones are the Panasonic RP-HJE70($90). Or go with IEM's; the Shure E3's are around the same price as the Audio-technica buds.
Sep 18, 2005 at 11:39 PM Post #4 of 18
I've owned cm7 and it has no isolation at all.

I think that e3c or ER6i would be your right choice.
Sep 18, 2005 at 11:57 PM Post #5 of 18
I think that those earbuds have more isolation than grados (which I consider to be none) but way less that IEMs. The earbuds also don't bleed music to those neadby like the Grados. The ATH stuff is very good, particularly the 7ti. I do think that the CM-5 (Creative Labs EP-888) has a very grado-like sound, much more so than the 7ti, just FYI.
Sep 19, 2005 at 12:23 AM Post #6 of 18

Originally Posted by jrosenth
I think that those earbuds have more isolation than grados (which I consider to be none) but way less that IEMs. The earbuds also don't bleed music to those neadby like the Grados. The ATH stuff is very good, particularly the 7ti. I do think that the CM-5 (Creative Labs EP-888) has a very grado-like sound, much more so than the 7ti, just FYI.

I'm glad I read this, because I'm considering the CM-5/EP-888s as a posible next purchase. I currently use Koss KSC75s and Senn MX450s, and I'm not too happy with the MX450s in comparison with the KSC75s. They're too reserved sounding and aren't fun, they sound boxy(when compared to the KSCs), and don't have enough bass. If I could find an earbud that has equal sound quality to the Gradoish sounding KSC75s, then I'd be extatic. The KSCs just leak way to much for any sort of public use and I'd like to find something more practical. Do you think that the Cm-5 would be a good fit for my needs, and do you think the sound quality would be below the KSC75s and that I would experience the same problems that I have with the MX450?
Sep 19, 2005 at 1:38 AM Post #8 of 18
Ety - ER6 or ER6i.
IMO they are great for traveling. I use mine in med to high noise environments. Very detailed. Not as extended in the lower frequencies but the lows are clean, fast and well defined. They also respond well to amping if you ever get the urge.
The obligatory warning IEM's might not be right for everyone. But if you don't have a problem with earplugs they shouldn't be an issue.

Good Luck!
Sep 19, 2005 at 10:34 PM Post #10 of 18
I use CM7's daily in an office for about 6-7 hours straight.

They are perfect for this use, since they allow me to still hear if someone approaches me, or my phone rings, yet unless someone is sitting 3 inches away from you, no one will be able to hear your music.

I cannot even imagine useing IEMs in an office, I would be totally disconnected.

I used CM5's for about half a year in the office prior to acquiring CM7's.

CM5's are much more comfortable, while CM7s are fairly big, and difficult to fit in right. Also your ears will hurt for some time (after prolonged listening sessions) till you get used to CM7s since they dont have any give to them at all (I mean the ear opening, not the actual ear drum).

Thing with CM5's though is the extra long stem, which acts as a lever. So even if you place them right, if you move, the gravity pull from the cord will twist the bud around in your ear.

Also CM7's pretty much must be used with the cloth cover, otherwise they would just fall out.

In all honesty, I cannot imagine a more perfect phone than CM7ti for office use. It does not look too flashy, it does not disconnect you from your surroundings, it sounds fantastic, and it is only slightly more expensive than regular CM7's. If you just get the CM7's, you know sooner or later, that little nag in the back of your head "I wonder if Ti model is any better" will get you.

As for CM5's. Abolutelly no bass, good mids and highs, but miss that astounding clarity of CM7's.
Sep 20, 2005 at 4:34 AM Post #11 of 18

Originally Posted by mrplow
Hmmm... thanks for the replies so far. Can anyone reflect on the isolation of the Audio Technicas compared to the stock iPod buds?

The isolation of the ATH-EC7 or ATH-CM7 is about the same as stock iPod earbuds.

From least to most, isolation-wise:

Grado - ATH-EC7/iPod buds - Sony EX70 - AKG K26p - HD25-1 - Westone UM2
Sep 22, 2005 at 2:02 AM Post #13 of 18

Originally Posted by mrplow
Thanks Elephas. Ordered the ATH-CM7tis from, will post an update soon... hopefully I won't have to get a separate pair of IEMs for the office, and use the earbuds only at work

Please post review on them, im curious about how they sound.
PS its frequency response is amazing, 10-45k.
Sep 22, 2005 at 12:29 PM Post #14 of 18
I think that a lot of the sound qualitites have to do with ear placement, particularly bass response. Both the 7ti and 5 benefit from an impendence adaptor (xin's dongle of a built in version in and amp) and a bass boost (and an amp - try a Xin amp with the impendence switch and the bass boost). Now earbuds typically don't have as much bass as other phones, and the ath are no exception and they certainly won't match that of the ksc-75 (which I thought had a huge bass curve, relavtively way more than the cheaper Grados).

My 7ti had a smaller (narrower, thicker) circlular portion which was put in the ear (when not used with foamies) while the 5 had a larger portion (a built on plastic fring sourround the flatter, wider circular portion). The 7ti almost fit against the ear canal while the 5 fit in the ear material around the canal. Now my wife has smaller ears and the 5 makes a better fit (even though it is bigger and it fits further out in the ear) and gives her better bass; I found that it really depends on placement; play with it a bit - but perhaps no other types of phones are so affected by placement and the differences between people's ear shapes.

IMHO, the 7ti was worlds better for resolving passages, much better detail, much flatter analytic response. I found the 5 (Creative ep-888) really reminded me of Grado midrange, much more agressive and fun, not as much as a ksc-75 (is anything?) but as much as an earbud will ever get. Some people have reviewed the 7ti favorbly against good IEMs. I found that they could hold their own with a good source and an amp. The 5 also benefited, they sounded most grado-esque with an amp with a bass boost (I'm not a fan of bass boost under normal circumstances but these buds sang with a Xin amp with the bass switch; the impedence switch really helped as well - if the impendence isn't altered just make sure that the amp can drive low impedence phones)

Hope that helps

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