Assistance deciding on a CRISP Headphone with a wide sound stage
Mar 1, 2016 at 8:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 20


New Head-Fier
Mar 1, 2016
Hi everyone! This would be my first post on these forums, though I've been an avid spectator for years.'s a long post, or it ended up being so, BUT on the bright side I generally come across comparison forums like these when I myself am also curious about something similar, so hopefully it'll help someone else out as well as myself! 
So, first off, a quick background of myself since that always helps with recommendations: I'm a DJ, a DJ who's owned a few headphones(Pioneer HDJ 2000's, Sen HD25's, Sony XB 500's) the only headphone I currently have though is the VMODA M100. 
I haven't DJ'ed in a while, like a long while, but I'm getting back into the enjoying of music world and audio, and since I currently have a tiny apartment which isn't NEAR adequate enough to hear the raging sound of my 3 RCF 312 a speakers and YorkVille LS801P woofer, I've really been searching for something to satisfy my audio-cravings, just like my huge sound system did oh-so long ago blasting in local bars :frowning2: 
On to the point, my most recent purchase was a pair of VMODA M100's, I like them, I do. They satisfy my craving for two things, durable portable cans in case I get back into DJ'ing, and good bass with a decently crisp overall frequency spectrum. 
HOWEVER, still, 8/10 lately, I'm finding that when I sit down to enjoy some music, their overall sound just isn't satisfying me! Like.. they are SO narrow in the soundstage, they sound like they are right there in your ear, and, I know I know, they're closed back so that can be expected.. The highs are decent, I can LIVE with them I GUESS, but really, when everyone says the mids are recessed, they are just TOO recessed for me, I love melody and stadium-like reverbing sounds, like LOVE LOVE, the mids on these are so dull, like super dark chocolate when I'm in the mood for.. idk milk chocolate lol, (trying to refer to other tangible senses for analogies here...) And the worse part about the M100's for MY PARTICULAR AUDIO CRAVINGS, is that even the BASS which is the spark in these headphones in regards to SQ, are, in comparison to coming from Sony XB 500's in the past, the m100's even in the bass department are not ocompletely satisfying to me unless I turn the bass to max with my FiiO E7 DAC/AMP, and when I do THAT, the mids and highs and overall acoustic clarity drops MORE... 
I've always been a speaker and woofer guy, which, in contrast to headphones, you can HAVE a PERFECT sound, find thta sweet spot on the dance floor where there's TONS of heart skipping bass and mids and highs that are clear as ****, I realize with headphones this combo is not really possible, it's more or less a trade-off between highs and lows most of the time. 
So, with that being said, I'm guessing I'm really seeking something that fits the following credentials for my second pair of headphones: 
        REALLY crisp clear highs
        VERY crisp and natural sounding ambient mids, that just GRAB you for enjoying amazing sounding melodies 
        I would also REALLY prefer as WIDE of a soundstage as I can get. As you can imagine, coming from an audio system, I LOVE the stadium-like ambient surround sound that you can almost class as sort of reverby<--(not an actual word :p) If I'm going to give up massive bass, I'd really prefer my overall sound be REALLY wide and ambient.  
      With the statement I mentioned about headphone trade-offs, I realize with the prior credentials I can't simultaneously have monstrous bass like the Sony XB 500's for example, or even that of the vmodas, but I DON'T want bass COMPLETELY FLAT and BORING. I want something that hopefully is DEEP, has a SOLID, non-laggy kick that doesn't just rumble or roll off when the hz get too deep. Something adequate that really supports the overall sound of the phone.  
With all of these credentials, and with a current price range of around $150 to slightly over $200 if need be, I've compiled the following contestants, but feel free to recommend anything in the same league, or maybe even slightly higher should I decide to save a bit more cash, (nothing like the HD800 though, please, not dropping that dough) 
     Audio Technica ATH A900x: I've heard these have the GREAT wide sonudstage I want, and are VERY clear and have the signature AT adequate KICK that even the m50's sport. 
     Shure SRH940 or 840: Heard a lot of great things, never tried anything shure, so you could say that I'm, not so shure :wink: 
     Maudio HDH 50: Many probably haven't heard of this, I heard the Q40's a long time ago and if I remember correctly they sounded GREAT. Most reviewers claim the Q40's to be better than AT M50's and the HDH50 is the Q40's big new brother. 
     AKG K612: Haven't heard very much other than they fit the type of sound I want at the moment. 
    Senheiser HD 580: Heard these are clear, not much else.. 
     Senheiser Urbanite: Heard these are clear, not much else.. 
You are truly a great person if you read all of this or even half, lol.. so, recommendations off of my criteria and preference !!!?? 
Mar 1, 2016 at 8:44 PM Post #2 of 20
Hey TrebbleCannon, For your "preferred headphone" you're talking about, a Wide soundstage. 95% of the time, you'll get a much wider soundstage with most open cans versus closed cans. I havent actually owned any of the headphones that you listed above except for a pair of V-Moda M100s (which I do agree with you on, they hurt my head after a while because everything was thrown at you, it felt like there was no space between you and the music and it led to headaches). An extremely solid pair of really cheap, comfortable, and very open wide soundstage based headphones, are Koss Portapros. Nooww I probably know what you're thinking, they're ugly, old, cheap and meh. Well maybe so, but they are fantastic for the value. from all the headphones that I've owned, being 22 pairs that I've kept track of, the best headphones with the widest and best soundstage (IMO) are the Philips SHP9500. Fantastic pair of headphones and also crazy comfortable. If you are able to spend a little more, the Philips Fidelio x2 is even better. Great bass response, great soundstage, and built really well. AKG K7xx's are also a great pair especially for $200. Just a few recommendations for you. All my personal thoughts.
Mar 1, 2016 at 8:49 PM Post #3 of 20
You might also consider and read about the Beyer DT880 and Senn HD598 (both open)--both of which meet various aspects on your wish list. Be mindful that at the $200 price point, there are necessarily going to be compromises and tradeoffs. You need to decide what those tradeoffs are going to be that work for you.
Mar 1, 2016 at 8:59 PM Post #5 of 20
I have always wanted to try beyer, for the  DT880  can you compare them to any I've listed? Yeah I know this :frowning2: I was hoping the trade-off would be some bass, but I suppose the highs, mids or osundstage will trade off in this price range 
Mar 1, 2016 at 9:07 PM Post #6 of 20
  Awesome thank you much appreciated ! so of those all, would you say the KG XX's or the phillips are clearer 

"Clearer" in the terms of less in your face, I would say the K7xx is overall, But both Philips headphones in my opinion have a much more impacting and "fun" signature along with more bass (not necessarily "better" just slightly more). Also, this is just a personal thing, but I don't like how huge the AKG's are. Honestly my top picks for you are as follows.
</= $300 - Philips Fidelio x2's (3.5mm detachable cable)
</= $200 - 1. Philips SHP9500 (3.5mm detachable cable)
                 2. Sennheiser HD 598 (slightly on the warmer side) (2.5mm detachable cable)
                 3. AKG K7xx (Large with XLR detachable cable)
Mar 1, 2016 at 10:47 PM Post #7 of 20
I think that number one your list would be the best choice.  The ATH AD900X has a huge soundstage and some of the best mids and highs.  The bass is adequate for an open back and it is very comfortable.  It was my favorite headphone for years until I got the AKG K7XX.  The K7XX I also a good choice but they should be used with an amp.  The AD900X is $150 everywhere and the K7XX is $200 on Massdrop.
Mar 1, 2016 at 11:05 PM Post #8 of 20
  I have always wanted to try beyer, for the  DT880  can you compare them to any I've listed? Yeah I know this :frowning2: I was hoping the trade-off would be some bass, but I suppose the highs, mids or osundstage will trade off in this price range 

The DT880 has a very large soundstage and a lot of detail and very good bass and treble extension. Some people find the high end to be a bit strident, a bit too much for optimum enjoyment. But certainly not everyone feels that way. I would say that of all those mentioned above, the ones that are most similar overall to the DT880 would be the Fidelio X2 (just great overall) and the K7xx (huge soundstage), although there are major differences between the three.
Mar 2, 2016 at 12:03 AM Post #10 of 20
My HD 650 sounds sorta crisp with Sonarworks. However, not overly so.

IMO crisp headphones often (not always) are either very clear and have excellent transient response or at least some additional treble, either one of the two, or both.

Although I haven't beard the Beyer DT 990, it may suit you perfectly. You should research further on it. It has excess treble. So it may be very crisp perhaps. And it is also praised for its huge soundstage.

Besides, it isn't very expensive either. Although I haven't heard the DT 990, I advise you to research deeper about it.
Mar 2, 2016 at 12:25 AM Post #13 of 20
Awesome! Bad news is it doesn't look like massdrop is selling them right now :frowning2: I canfind them on ebay and amazon for roughly $250 - 300 area though 

Give it a couple days, there's lots that pop up on eBay and other places, plus I'm sure Massdrop will have them again soonas they are very popular. No reason you should have to pay more than 200 for them
Mar 2, 2016 at 2:30 AM Post #14 of 20

I use the K7XX with my Fiio E12 Mont Blanc and it has plenty of volume but I think the overall sound could be better with a home amp.  It is the first amp that I have ever bought so I don't have anything to compare it to but I think that after listening to other users that they should sound better than they do with my amp.
Mar 2, 2016 at 8:15 AM Post #15 of 20
Hmmm perhaps burn-in could be a factor ? For the most part I was always under the impression that with a low enough impedance like 62 OH with the K7xx, most amps such as the FiiOs won't really pull out much if any less juice than a huge home amp. I always thought that the soundcard mattered just as much as the ampage, which is why I went with a DAC since it has its own internal soundcard 

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