asheron's call 2
Nov 8, 2002 at 4:06 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


100+ Head-Fier
Aug 8, 2002
as some of u may or may not've noticed, i've been mia on these forums for a coupla weeks. i've actually also been mia in my classes, to my friends, and to almost everything else in my life EXCEPT time spent with my ety's when i felt the need to get a breath of air outside and maybe some food...

the reason? AC2 beta... *sigh*...

so i was just wondering. do any of u'all play mmorpg's? if so, have any of u'all played ac2? it really is a phenomenal game... highly recommended...
Nov 9, 2002 at 11:44 AM Post #2 of 9
I've been playing the sims online. That game is addictive in so many ways.
Nov 9, 2002 at 1:22 PM Post #3 of 9

dohminator, all i can say is "different strokes for different folks"... hehe...
Nov 9, 2002 at 3:17 PM Post #4 of 9
Ive Been Playing Asheron's Call for over 3 years on the Morningthaw Server. I tired Beta of AC 2, but to be honest i did not like it as Much as AC 1 though. Maybe im just too set in my ways. The game looks great, but I think many AC 1 people think they sold out and made it to much like DOAC and other more popular MMORPGs
Nov 9, 2002 at 5:23 PM Post #5 of 9
lampshade, u think? hmm... that's interesting, cuz about half of the ppl i've met on ac2 red beta server were hardcore turbine fans from ac1... how do u think they sold out? most of the complaints i've heard from ac1 players were content-related, ie, they didn't want to do the lvling treadmill, but as turbine has stated and as most ppl have realized by now, once retail is rolling along, the monthly updates will definitely take care of content problems by adding new quests and stuff, and eventually even a new continent! i haven't heard ppl talking about turbine selling out... if anything, some ppl want turbine to borrow more elements from other games to improve the UI and stuff...

Nov 9, 2002 at 6:29 PM Post #6 of 9
Maybe this will help explane what I mean

Most of the AC1 Players you'll proably find in AC2 are those that like it. Since the AC1s who did not quit early on into beta. Perhpas in time it will fill out. But I think that people are so rooted into AC1 they were expecting AC2 to be very simmilar and its not. Hence a great many are dissipointed. AC2 is a game that caters to the Mass of MMORPG players and not the AC1 people. Im not saying its goign to be a bad game, just diffrent. And to be honest i wanted to see another AC1
Nov 10, 2002 at 2:11 AM Post #7 of 9
I find the fascination with these online role playing games a little frightening. it reminds me of the anime entitled "lain". it's just a little disturbing when people put their virtual lives in front of their actual lives. sort of a question as to why even exist in the natural realm at all.

i don't mean this as offense to anyone -- i've been intoxicated with such things myself. but perhaps not too such a level as people on everquest or that sort of thing. i just think it could be an interesting sociological study.
Nov 10, 2002 at 2:45 AM Post #8 of 9
Well Let me say this. Games Like AC can rule you life. I did min for about 2 years. Especially in the first year. I was plaing 8+ hours a day 7 days a week. I have spent proably about 5 months actual time of my life over the past 3 years playing or doing stuff with AC. It did hurt my grades fairly early on. I think for me it was escapism that drew me to it so much. My life kinda sucks and it provided a much more fun and adventorus setting to be in. THen there was the fact that I could make money doing it. People are willing to pay $$ for ingame items. I made about $6,000 a year for two years playing that game. It eliminated the need for a partime job to get me some $$ to spend and I had fun doing it. I wish i could go back and fell the way i did about that game early on in real life, but i dont think It will ever happen.
Nov 10, 2002 at 8:27 PM Post #9 of 9

Originally posted by Lampshade
THen there was the fact that I could make money doing it. People are willing to pay $$ for ingame items. I made about $6,000 a year for two years playing that game. It eliminated the need for a partime job to get me some $$ to spend and I had fun doing it.

This is an interesting point. People can possibly even make living in the virtual world in this fashion... it's like a new economy rising. People could have a job within the game that actually pays them money in the real world...

I could see this becoming an underground class of people, who just live in the virtual world. Or maybe it has already happened?

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