Aroma audio product impressions.
Apr 6, 2023 at 10:39 PM Post #1,516 of 1,895
BTW, Andrew from Musicteck was very polite and really tried to help me out. It kind of worked out in the end, but I was close to sending it back to Aroma to reshell to Universals so I can sell them.
Unfortunately this Jewel was bought directly so I'd feel bad asking for help from a dealer. I am going to reshell to universal to sell if I can't get it resolved, this is the last chance, not wasting my time anymore.
Apr 7, 2023 at 11:26 AM Post #1,517 of 1,895
Unfortunately this Jewel was bought directly so I'd feel bad asking for help from a dealer. I am going to reshell to universal to sell if I can't get it resolved, this is the last chance, not wasting my time anymore.
If you reshell to universal, at least it would be much easier for anyone to verify your issues.
Apr 8, 2023 at 10:16 AM Post #1,519 of 1,895
Crosspost from water cooler, some parts have been cut to stay on topic

So there has been an on-going situation with my Aroma Jewel that I wanted to share with everyone, since people keep asking me about it and I'm tired of retelling it. The following story is told exactly how I experienced it from my perspective. I tried to remain factual and to cut out any hyperbole, you can decide for yourself how I should feel about this situation.

September of 2022 I bought the universal Jewel from my buddy TGXear because it was an incredibly good deal within Canada and I wanted to give it a chance as this was at the height of Jewel's popularity. Originally I wanted to grab it so my local Toronto head-fi friends could hear it, because I figured I could always just sell it and move on if it didn't blow me away. Unfortunately, I loved it. I got to experience Jewel with my home set up under perfect conditions and was blown away by how good it was.

Loved it and decided to go custom because I prefer CIEM fit. This is a service that Aroma officially offers. I asked for empty shells to test for fit which Aroma printed using my STL, impressions that I had taken right after NYC 2022. They charged 1,499.00 HKD for the test shells, which is 190 USD. I got hit by customs for the full value of the test shells unfortunately because the package was labeled as "headphone".

They sent the test shells, I confirmed the fit and requested some minor adjustments. I sent my UIEM Jewel in along with my old Noble 4C so that they could use it for reference when adjusting the fit. They received it on November 14, 2022. I told them the design I wanted for my CIEM and then waited.

3 months later with COVID, Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year, the Jewel was completed! I paid for the service AFTER it was completed, the price to convert UEIM to CIEM was 3,925.00 HKD which is 500 USD. I received it back on February 13, 2023.

To my disappointment, there was an issue with the left IEM after getting it back in custom. No issue with the right side at all. Basically, being plugged into any powered source would cause an uncomfortably loud humming sound from the left IEM. It was loud enough to be heard over my music, and was quite frankly unusable. There was no problem with it when plugged into a DAP, so long as the DAP didn't have a charger plugged into it.

This issue was so sensitive that I could get it to hum/buzz just by having the Jewel in my ear, 4.4 unplugged from any source, and then touching a power cable with my finger. So basically it was impossible to use with my desktop RME ADI-2 DAC FS, which even has a Super Low Noise IEM Output. Keep in mind this is not the only IEM I own, but this is the first time I've ever had this happen. I am primarily a desktop user so this was unacceptable for my use case.

I asked if anyone I knew who owned a CIEM Jewel had this issue, to which everyone replied no. I also asked if any Universal Jewel owners had this issue, because I didn't hear the noise when I had it as a universal. Obviously if I did, I wouldn't have asked to convert it to CIEM. I reached out to Aroma, asking them the cost and time to repair this issue.

Their response was to assure me that this problem has nothing to do with the IEM and that it is due to the power source's transformer.

I made a video with my poor Cantonese skills explaining how I could get the left IEM to buzz even just by touching a power cable with my finger. They agreed to take a look at it after seeing the video. I sent it back to them after NYC and asked if they could repair it to hand deliver to me in Singapore. They obliged despite the rush turnaround which I appreciate and did not charge me for this. This left them with only about 3 weeks to repair the IEM. They received it on March 6 and I left them alone until I followed up on March 17.

They said they found no issue with it during diagnosis and didn't open it up to check anything. Now I understand that they are hesitant about replacing parts without being able to diagnose it, so okay I will go talk to them in person.

So I met up with them on Saturday at CanJam SG with 0 expectations. I have to preface this by saying that their English wasn't good enough to talk about electrical theory and audio, whereas my Cantonese wasn't good enough to talk about electrical theory and audio, so we were having some trouble communicating. I try the Jewel and can immediately hear there is still an issue. Mind you this is a noisy show floor so it was difficult, but definitely could tell it was there.

From the gist of it, what I understood was that they told me the following:

This is normal behaviour when plugged into a powered source, the noise is coming from the source's transformer.

There is nothing they can do to fix this as it is normal.

They had everyone in the lab try to listen for the noise with my CIEM but couldn't hear it.

They suggested that it may be due to my hearing sensitivity to this sort of noise and even suggested that I go buy a power conditioner as the solution.

I took it back to my hotel that night to try on my DAP while charging, and it was so loud and uncomfortable I had to take it out of my ear within seconds. I inserted the CIEM upside down as well and held my ear closed to emulate a "force fit", to see if I could hear it without the perfect deep insert fit as I would experience with CIEM, and I could absolutely still hear it despite being faint. Taking this home with me to my RME would not be productive.

I showed it to another IEM manufacturer and they looked inside the translucent shells with a flashlight and said that they saw the EST transformer touching another driver. Immediate diagnosis for a potential cause.

I also tried to use it to test some cables, and just by having my DAP on the table, maybe due to all the plugged in devices nearby causing interference, I could hear the left side buzzing. This was the last straw for me so I went back to Aroma's booth and told them I wouldn't be taking it home with me in this condition. I said if this still doesn't fix it I will send it back to you to convert to universal so I can sell it.

They ended up agreeing to take it with them back to Hong Kong and actually open up the left side this time, free of charge, to re-diagnose it. I told them that someone said the EST transformer was touching another driver, as well to just in general to be more careful with the wiring and positioning of components.

Imagine had I not flown halfway across the world how much more of a struggle this would have been to communicate. Now I am waiting for Aroma to complete the rebuild to see if the Jewel still has any issues.

To clarify: There is no problem with Aroma's communication, however I am upset at their reluctancy to offer me a solution. I've been trying to explain to them that there's a problem, but they are telling me that there's nothing wrong. I traveled half way across the world for them to tell me there's nothing wrong with the IEM, without offering a solution. Rather, they told me directly, "there is nothing we can do to fix it". I had to butt heads with them for them to take the IEM back to even look at it. That's the part that's been the most upsetting. As of now, they have taken the IEM back to open up. I don't know if this will fix anything, because again, they are absolutely certain that there's no issue with the IEM. I acknowledge there is a possibility where this is in fact just how the Jewel is and there isn't a problem.

However, you have to understand that an IEM that hums while being used with a desktop amp, loud enough to make me physically uncomfortable, coming out of only the left ear no matter how hard I troubleshoot, does not sound like acceptable behaviour for a $5000+ IEM. And I don't appreciate being told that I'm supposed to just accept this and that there is "nothing they can do about it"

As for my personal response, emotions and all:

I honestly don't have very high hopes here, and have pretty much accepted the monetary loss. Maybe I'll try to sell it if someone else wants to take the risk.

I have been on this CIEM journey since 2016, and have acquired 6 of them now. Since then I have made great connections and relationships with many Head-Fiers, many of them representing IEM manufacturers. I've still had to pay for repairs and service, but I have never once been told that it cannot be fixed.

Maybe it was the language barrier; they seemed friendly enough and were helpful, just in the wrong way. It was a lot of effort for me to convince them to take the IEM back to rebuild. It's fine if they can't diagnose it but that doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

This experience, regardless of who is at fault, has left a very sour taste, despite the fact that CanJam was supposed to be a celebration of the hobby. This IEM was not cheap and has honestly turned me off from IEMs in general.

If you want to buy a Jewel, let me know. It works fine, at least according to Aroma.
Hi Sifo,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

Regarding your Jewel issue, we have checked with our team. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we understand your frustration with the after-sale service provided. We take all feedback seriously and will do our best to improve our service.

To make it right, we redo it entirely. We hope it will help restore your confidence in our brand, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve you better.

Our team will keep you posted on the status, and it should be ready mid of April.
Apr 8, 2023 at 10:31 AM Post #1,520 of 1,895
I also didn't have a great experience with Aroma in terms of their dedication to help you figure out what's wrong with your IEMs. Mine was a new CIEM order through Musicteck. When I got it, I thought there was something wrong with my right ear piece. It sounds off like it's quieter than the left side. When I sent it back, Aroma ran a frequency sweep and told me it was off because ear wax, and after cleaning, both sides are very balanced. I'm an ENT. I know a little wax like < 5% of the nozzle is not going block the nozzle to cause audible stereo imbalance. When I got it back, they still sound "off". I begged Aroma to think of any reason this could so7ndthis way. The president sent back a one liner saying my Jewels are fine, check for dirty. LMAO. So basically I was on my own.

The only other issue I had with the right ear piece was the fit not being perfect causing a little discomfort with extended use. So I had my audiologist polish small sections of the right ear piece. It actually took over 1 month to get the fit right, but what I discovered in the process is that the front part of the nozzle was a little tight causing sound hitting my right ear drum just slight off compared to the left side leading to phase difference. Modding the shell fixed. I was pretty upset because I know they sound really good, but something just isn't right.

BTW, Andrew from Musicteck was very polite and really tried to help me out. It kind of worked out in the end, but I was close to sending it back to Aroma to reshell to Universals so I can sell them.

Long story short, this can happen with reshell or virgin CIEMs. Just you know when you live in a different country, you have to factor in all the potential issues with getting custom versions. If everything goes perfect from the get go, you are set. If you have fit issues, it could be stressful for you. I would say Aroma never refused to help you. They will take it back check everything. Challenge with CIEMs is that everyone's ear canal is different, no one can tell for sure what you are hearing. I do feel Aroma needs to do a better job listening. Not everyone is making a fuzz because buyer's remorse.
Hi gordec and all,

Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience caused and assure you that we take all feedback seriously. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers, and we appreciate your feedback.

As a brand, we are striving to improve and provide better service to our customers. That's why we joined the Head-Fi community last month, and we hope that this will enable us to offer an even better service to all of you. We value your feedback and hope to use this community to improve our products and services moving forward.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your continued support. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Apr 13, 2023 at 4:13 AM Post #1,521 of 1,895
I'm excited and waiting for my Jewels, I've never spent so much money on an internet purchase and I hope they are worth what they cost. Fingers crossed.
Apr 13, 2023 at 4:22 AM Post #1,522 of 1,895
I'm excited and waiting for my Jewels, I've never spent so much money on an internet purchase and I hope they are worth what they cost. Fingers crossed.
I'm sure you'll love your Jewels, thanks to their extraordinary level of sound and fit .
Ottimo acquisto 😉
Apr 13, 2023 at 4:24 AM Post #1,523 of 1,895
Grazie. :wink:
Apr 13, 2023 at 4:05 PM Post #1,524 of 1,895
I bought the bundle from MusicTeck Jewel+PW Audio FT and they told me that the cable would be shipped directly by PW Audio, did the same happen to you too? The Jewels have already been shipped while the cable hasn't yet, do you know how long it usually takes to ship PW Audio? Thank you.
Apr 14, 2023 at 6:40 AM Post #1,525 of 1,895
Arrived... Simply beautiful.


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Apr 14, 2023 at 7:02 AM Post #1,526 of 1,895
I bought the bundle from MusicTeck Jewel+PW Audio FT and they told me that the cable would be shipped directly by PW Audio, did the same happen to you too? The Jewels have already been shipped while the cable hasn't yet, do you know how long it usually takes to ship PW Audio? Thank you.
Contact Andrew / MusicTeck , he will be able to give you information on this .
The same bundle entirely from MusicTeck was sent to me in November
Apr 14, 2023 at 7:25 AM Post #1,527 of 1,895
For the cable maybe it will take a little longer because I asked for it finished 2.5 mm. As a Mest MKII owner the difference with these is like looking at the gears of a clock with the naked eye and then looking at them with a magnifying glass. In the Mest II the details were he throws them in your face mercilessly. Great!
Apr 14, 2023 at 8:26 AM Post #1,528 of 1,895
The guitar of the attack of Roundabout by Yes seems to have it in the room with you ... goosebumps ...
Apr 14, 2023 at 8:39 AM Post #1,529 of 1,895
The guitar of the attack of Roundabout by Yes seems to have it in the room with you ... goosebumps ...
You will see , after at least 50 hours of burn in , what the Jewels can offer in terms of detail , dynamics and musicality . And with a holographic stage
And also the PWaudio FT cable will give a further boost to everything.
The fun begins 😎
Apr 14, 2023 at 12:25 PM Post #1,530 of 1,895
Listening to the Jewels gave me confirmation of a fact that I had realized with the purchase of the Mest MK II. At the beginning of this hobby I had started collecting dap on dap without thinking in the least about the fact that dap is listened to by iems. Now I'm listening to my old Shanling M6 and I can say that I really hear its sound, it's like hearing it for the first time and maybe it really is. Incredible. I will slowly rediscover all the daps I own and all this thanks to the Jewels. The miracle happened... it's like having bought so many new daps in just one day... the fact is that I already have all these daps. What was missing was their "true" listening.

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