Arete Loaner thread
Jul 11, 2011 at 2:07 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Headphone Vinyl Meister
Member of the Trade: TTVJ Audio
Jun 21, 2001
HI All,
I have an Arete that I am going to use as a loaner for our new loaner program. Same rules apply as with previous loaner programs... the basic power supply as well as a Volcano will be supplied with the Arete.
If you are one of the 5 chosen (I already have 2 on the list for a total of 7) you must - e-mail me with your Head-Fi user name, shipping info as well as a phone number. (e-mail You will be expected to ship the unit to the next loaner program recipient. You will also be expected to write a review here IN THIS FORUM about the Arete. You will have 2 weeks from the day your receive the Arete until you have to ship it out to the next guy or gal.
I look forward to your e-mails and your impressions of our new product.
Aug 25, 2011 at 8:14 PM Post #4 of 15
The Arete has landed in lovely NYC.  Got it at the office so I have largely just admired the packing materials and hooked it up as a preamp to my Focal studio monitors I use for music in the office.  Don't mind my ghetto speaker stands.  I intend to so something about that at some point. 

All I can say at this point is that Spotify has never sounded better in my office. 
Have no worries, I will be moving the amp into a less cheesy system in the near future to really give it a shake down. 

I will be bringing the Thunderpants to the office tomorrow to get some headphone time with the Arete.
Aug 26, 2011 at 2:15 PM Post #5 of 15
Spent the day listening to the Arete as a preamp and as a HP amp.  Carried the Thunderpants in as when I listen to headphones lately, it is usually them.  Unfortunately up to this point I have typically handicapped them by playing them directly out of the Apogee Duet at home because I wanted something small and this is the best I could scrape up when I got the TPs in.  I have thought they were excellent, even with the stock Duet HP out but they have really come alive with the Arete.  Still nothing formal but I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Arete so far.

Sep 3, 2011 at 4:54 PM Post #7 of 15
Lugged the whole setup home for the weekend.  Starting it out in a pure HP amp role on the iMac in the bedroom.  Just starting to spend some time with the system now so I will be posting random thoughts/nonsense as I spend some time.
For a bit of prep, a rundown of the system/music.
This will have two sources:
iTunes>Amarra>Logitech Duet>N-Maher Breakout Cable>Arete
Squeezebox Server>Touch>Nordost Quatro Fil Reference>Arete
Headphones used:
Smeggy Thunderpants "Game of Thrones" Special Edition 

Sony MDR CD-3000s
Grado Deep Cup Woodies HF-1s
Grado HF-2s 
Both sources are limited to 24/96 but I happen to have 300+ GB of 24/96 on my network drive so this will be my first time with the Arete with a decent source and Hi-Res music.  
Music Used:
The Rolling Stones -  Beggars Banquet 24/88.2 (Downsampled from 24/176.4 using Audiophile Engineer Wave Editor)
The Rolling Stones - Through the Past Darkly 24/88.2 (See Above)
The Allman Brothers Band - The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East 24/96
Elton John - Madman Across the Water 24/96
Ottmar Liebert and Luna Negra -  Up Close 24/96
The Eagles - Hotel California 24/96
The Bill Evans Trio - Waltz for Debby 24/96
Derek and the Dominos - Layla... 24/96
David Grisman/Jerry Garcia/Tony Rice - The PIzza Box Tapes 24/88.2
Spotify - High Quality Streaming Option
And a Picture of course.
Sep 3, 2011 at 4:55 PM Post #8 of 15

Oct 3, 2011 at 9:39 PM Post #10 of 15
I am not sure what happened to all the other reviews but I have finally put mine down and will be posting it shortly.  There should be three or four other reviewers posting soon I would guess.
Jan 14, 2012 at 12:07 AM Post #14 of 15
I was lucky to get a preview of the Arete/Volcano through Todd's loaner program, so here's my brief take on his Millett-designed SS amplifier with the Volcano PSU. 
Headphones used were the Senn HD800, and to a much lesser extent, a Grado RS1. The upper equipment chain included a MBP/Amarra/Jkeny MK3 and Anedio D1 DAC. Music is the standard fare I'm used to--about 50% classical with jazz, vocal, and acoustic genres to round things out. 
My current amplifier is the Headamp GS1--a piece of equipment I've been very happy with, and which has a sound signature I'd like to stay close to. The GS1 is described as neutral and if that is so, then the A/V follows a similar path. In those terms, for me the A/V provides a seamless transition from the GS1.
I wouldn't call it a warm amp, but the A/V has its warmth in the right places. Its midrange presence is outstanding, and in that context it excels with acoustic instruments and voice. This warmth exists without bloat, as witnessed by the sharpness of the strumming of an acoustic bass, or the sweet wholeness of Eva Cassidy's voice in Live At Blues Alley.
The A/V's other strengths lie in its clarity, detail resolution, and extension. I think part of its clarity is due to the A/V's ability to maintain its poise through demanding sections of music. In that sense it stands out with classical music, delivering great insight into the different sections of an orchestra at play. It handles the pizzicato in the 2nd/3rd movements of Paganini's No. 1 just wonderfully.
In the high frequencies the Arete/Volcano is extended, with outstanding detail resolution, and an attack that can bite when needed. The same might be said about the trailing edge, with a decay that completes the picture with control and finesse.
These are my random thoughts--not quite organized or complete, but perhaps and hopefully complete enough. The bottom line is the enjoyment of music, and for me that's what the Arete/Volcano is all about. You basically forget about the details, and what's left is the music. I want one, badly.
I'd like to thank Todd for sharing the TTVJ/Millet through his loaner program, and also for being the champion that he's been all these years in supporting the headphone community. Bravo dude! 

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