are you reaching your goals?
Mar 4, 2007 at 11:19 PM Post #16 of 33

Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
honestly, the only goals i have right now are 30+/2200+ on the ACT/SAT, and making a career out of music. [size=xx-small]also sex[/size]

Good luck with the SAT/ACT. I found them extremely difficult, but i'm not a good test taker. Luckily, despite doing horribly, I got into where I wanted. Dont stress over them. They arent the end all.
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:03 AM Post #18 of 33

Originally Posted by Fitz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No. Right now I'm trying to get my life back on track to even be able to have goals in the first place.

good luck with that then.
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:25 AM Post #19 of 33
It's a two part question for me I suppose, but in terms of personal life, yes, and I'm getting something permanent done to mark that realization. And some of that bleeds into professional life in that it was always my husband and I's dream to be able to work together, be our own boss, do what we like, use our own strengths, and get paid for it.

We've sort of stumbled onto that, and while it's not enough for him to quit his day job, it is enough for me to feel like I'm pulling my weight here.

The minus of that is that I just don't have the time, and worse yet, the motivation to finish up college finally. I'm doing what I want to do now. But still there's a family pressure to get the degree, but I also think that degree or not, there's no job here for those not fluent in the impossible-to-be-fluent-in language.

So I'm happy, but I shouldn't be because I could be bringing in more money (in theory). It is what it is, but whatever happens, we're a good team and he isn't bothered about these things.
Mar 5, 2007 at 1:53 AM Post #21 of 33

Originally Posted by jPoDTGN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good luck with the SAT/ACT. I found them extremely difficult, but i'm not a good test taker. Luckily, despite doing horribly, I got into where I wanted. Dont stress over them. They arent the end all.

i know that, and i don't stress over them. there's no way i'm actually going to take any classes on studying for them- i never study for tests, ever, not once. it's just more of a reassurance thing for me, and good to have on a resume. and i sure as hell need a resume, because if music career doesn't work out for me i'll have the same career as my dad: Cell Biology and Chemistry of the Human Body... oh gosh

also: hey, you ruined my subliminal message...
Mar 5, 2007 at 2:01 AM Post #22 of 33
Saving $XX,XXX for a down payment on a house. - Almost there, about two or so months left

Get down to about 7-8% body fat- Getting there, its not easy to drop a % when you start going low

Finish my courses for work- Enrolled, just have to wait until they start

Meet the women of my dreams (hopefully my significant other doesn't read this
)- Thats my LONG team goal, expect it to be about three years, when all my life is more or less complete

A headamp GS-1- After summer
Mar 5, 2007 at 2:59 AM Post #24 of 33
My goals seem to change on a daily basis. But I think I'm living the life that I want. I'm not rich, or have a dream job, but I'm happy what what I have and see that the future looks good.

I have a 2 month old daughter that is healthy and cute. A wife that just went back to work, so we have another income again. Two other kids that are just about to go into middle school and won't be a burdon to society. So the basic goals are taken care of. (Got to get the credit cards paid off now!)

I'm still waiting for an old 911 to show up in my driveway. After that, I'll come up with another dream that will take 10 years to fulfill.
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:08 AM Post #26 of 33
Well, I've been shooting to get into Berkeley's EECS program for the past 6-8 months or so. There's nothing more left for me to do except wait for March 29th...Judgement Day.

Other than that...maybe figuring out what I want to do with my life? I've applied to colleges under electrical engineering, but I'm still interested in astronomy...who knows, maybe I'll switch majors in college (Would be a good excuse to switch out of Berkeley's EECS program if I find it too hard
Mar 5, 2007 at 4:06 AM Post #28 of 33
No point to having goals for the sake of having goals.
Mar 5, 2007 at 4:21 AM Post #29 of 33
It depends...

Socially, I'm content. Life is sweet, I'm lucky to have the friends I do and to have an amazing girlfriend. I'm still blown think how I was wanting just a year ago...somehow things fell into place. I still don't understand how.

Academically, I'm in the middle. No longer slacking/doing really poorly in class, but there's still improvement/adjustment to be made. Not sure if I want to continue in EE and be more technical or switch to CS and do a design/HCI/touch-feely track...I go back and forth on that every day.

Audio-wise, I'm not sure...I'd switch to speakers, but environmental concerns are always popping up. Either I'm ending up with balanced HD650/RS-1 or some monitors with some sort of room correction. I don't know.
Mar 5, 2007 at 4:25 AM Post #30 of 33
Its starting to look that way...

I've been working 100 hour weeks for more than 5 years now trying to get a business going, this year will tell whether it succeeds - it is finaly starting to look up; we have signed with some major customers that we hope will open the doors to the rest of the marked.

My emediate goal is 50 mill DKK ~ $ 8 mill and I think I deserve that by now

My long terms goals are still a long way to go but then what fun are achievable goals

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