anyone pissed the er-6i's are gona be all white?
Aug 19, 2004 at 8:21 AM Post #31 of 39
gez.. if you don't like white just go for the er-6 i couldn't be bothered waiting and got the er-6, the bass is there, just not a lot of it like the ksc-50 and they isolate enough already, unless you listen to your music at very very low volumes then your not gonna notice anything around you..

one bad things is they reveal every dam crack / noise there is
Aug 19, 2004 at 9:53 AM Post #32 of 39
am i in the twilight zone?


Originally Posted by Kenny12
gez.. if you don't like white just go for the er-6 i couldn't be bothered waiting and got the er-6, the bass is there, just not a lot of it like the ksc-50 and they isolate enough already, unless you listen to your music at very very low volumes then your not gonna notice anything around you..

one bad things is they reveal every dam crack / noise there is

nice deep restrained bass is very important to me. i rather just wait and see how they stack up to the e3's. as i already said before, their color won't stop me from buying them.
Aug 19, 2004 at 10:03 AM Post #33 of 39
haha.... i just dont take people calling me un-nice things. only positive things are accepted.
. But yeah anyways, sry about all the caps. I think u should save for the er4's. If you really want true quality in that range. er4's are the best you're gonna get for the price range. Its definitely worth it. Anything better will cost you up to 500 or more.
Aug 19, 2004 at 10:44 AM Post #34 of 39

Originally Posted by enzoferrari650
haha.... i just dont take people calling me un-nice things. only positive things are accepted.
. But yeah anyways, sry about all the caps. I think u should save for the er4's. If you really want true quality in that range. er4's are the best you're gonna get for the price range. Its definitely worth it. Anything better will cost you up to 500 or more.

civilized people rule

i'm sure you're right, but for me ~$150 is already going overboard for a simple pair of canal portable phones. i'll only be using them no more then a few times a day and as for home or dorm use, my A900's do a highly praiseworthy job of spoiling me with audiophile bliss.

plus, i hear the ety er-4X's aren't too good for walking which i will definitely be doing. since tight deep restrained bass is important me, i'd like to see if the the 6i's will better the e3's in that domain. the shure's already have an advantage in my book with their highly professional careful design. although the er-6's do have a slight edge over the e3's for over-all sound quality... or so i keep reading on head-fi. it basically all boils down to how improved the new 6i's bass really is... and if they'll be available in black (jk... doubt that anyways)
Aug 19, 2004 at 11:54 AM Post #35 of 39
Hmm well you know what. I think you should add the e2c's to your list for consideration. At less than 100 dollars, I think you wont be too dissapointed. I own them and I've compared them to the e3c's. I personally prefered my e2c's. I thought there was just more bass and that the highs seemed more natural. I didnt really like the way the e3c's sounded. I think you should try and audition all of them if you can. I've not heard the er6's but i hear they're better than the e2c and e3c's. but right now I kinda wanna upgrade to er4's
. But I also want new speakers for my room. Something like nht sb-2. But I also need a new integrated amp for that, maybe a nad. And I really also want the px-100 since they're more comfortable than the canal phones so it would be nice to use them in rotation. And I also want DDR mats and the game. Then yet again, I already owe my mom 300 dollars for my 1gig dual channel ram upgrade and my headphone rig purchase......... i guess life's fantasies will just have to wait
Aug 20, 2004 at 5:57 AM Post #37 of 39
Heh, if you want a very good DDR pad, talk to Azure. Hell, I know what he'll say, so I'll tell you what I did: I got this pad, the BNS Ultra DX and then I went to office max and bought a chair mat (you know those ones that have little teeth and they're clear) with the 36"x48" size for $16.95 and then cut it with tin snips to custom fit the pad cushion. The part you hit with your foot then hits the hard plastic that's on top of the already hard foam insert, thus making it incredibly better. For the game, you can have it free, legally, from this place called Stepmania. You will have to download your own songs, however. That's what this site is for: Bemanisims
Once you're there, just sort by Downloads and search for nothing. You'll get a result in a few seconds. Most of the songs that are there are very good. Also, you can grab a list of the retail songs and then search for them there and get them LEGALLY. Have fun. I'm up to 6 step songs so far, and I only started a month ago.

To stay on topic, I'm not pissed because I won't get them until I get some better computer components.
. After that, I'll probably get the iRiver 40GB whatchamacallit, that plays my .ogg files, and get the black er-6. I'm a basshead, so I needs mah bass.

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