Anyone NOT like your Etys?
Jul 26, 2003 at 2:49 PM Post #16 of 29
Actually, I just got my er4ps yesterday as well ....

I can't get used to the feel of the rubber tips, but the foamies are great. The bass felt like a little bit of a problem, but once I got into it, there's a real response, but it's not quite the same as I'd gotten from my w100s, which are decently well known for having a pretty lush mid and bottom end. I'm really getting into the sound, and honestly, I like their look - but then, I'm a decently indie/retro person in style, so they fit. (music I listen to, that they've worked grand for, includes lots of indie, metal, and some mellow pop type stuff like coldplay and radiohead.)

I really really like them, anyhow - and I'm sure I'll only appreciate them better once I get back to class.

Jul 26, 2003 at 4:48 PM Post #17 of 29
if you can hold off: Mr. Wilson (dennis's nemesis) has posted that a new, lower microphonic, cord is due soon. he said 6 months, and that was at least 3 months ago. check the archives.

my gripe with the ety's is something that happens too frequently, although not yet to me: the tubes snap when changing tips. some have even found the green filter seat had cracked. etymotic says it uses the best materials, etc. perhaps there'll be a more robust body along with the cord.

the tube snapping seems to be associated with foamy listeners, which makes sense, since they need changing more frequently than the silicons (if you're willing to live with yellow, grungy, dirty tips: i wash mine in dishwashing liquid pretty frequently. it's a much better degreaser than hand soap).

and there's the canal itching: a few minutes in, one or both ears start itching like a <fill in favorite obscenity>.

but they do sound really good, save the bass: since the sound is direct injected, you don't get the ear feel that even regular phones provide.
Jul 26, 2003 at 4:59 PM Post #18 of 29
I love Ety's. I don't find the care is too great. I have changed my filters just once in the 1.5 years of owning them. And I didn't need to. The filters were as green as a new pair but I was told that they would sound better even if the eye could not detect the dirt. Well, they sounded the same, maybe I am simply crazy about my ear hygiene? As for the tips, I only use the white ones, and washing them is really easy. I drop them in a bowl of alcohol, leave them sit for the night, I wake up and all clean ready for a new day! Plus...after heavy use, the white tips become VERY comfy.

Microphonics? Crappy. But, I use them mainly in stationary or fairly stationary positions (while programming, reading or laying in bed).

Oh and the sound? To die for...
Jul 26, 2003 at 5:59 PM Post #19 of 29
I dont like them at all. I had read all the hype, which probably didnt help. I first put them in and got a seal. When i turned on the music I was waiting for a the most amazing sound I had ever heard was just a little better than the standard iPod headphones. I told myself that they were good and that it was my ears so I kept wearing them and just couldnt get use to the sound. I didnt like the isolation, the microphonics are out of control, and the bass is weak. Please dont give me the argument that they have lots of bass, THEY HAVE NO IMPACT. Well thats it for me, some people love em some hate em. Luckily I was in my 30 day trial so I just sent it back
Jul 26, 2003 at 7:53 PM Post #20 of 29
I have had my ER-6 for over a year now.
The feeding of them is a bit expensive. I have to use the foam tips and they don't last long. I use these almost every day and I go through a lot of foamies. I get a bit tired of the cost, but it really isn't that much money.
I have no problems with cord noise. I wrap the cord around my ear, holding it in place with my glasses. That stops any possible noise.

I am about to find out how all this will work with the ER-4. I have a pair of those coming

BTW I use my Etys at work where it would either be them or a pair of earplugs. So I have gotten very used to hearing footsteps and breathing, which is worse when you are just wearing earplugs, with no music playing.
Jul 26, 2003 at 8:28 PM Post #21 of 29
I've had my 4s for 9 months or more now and really haven't had to do any maintainence on them excepting to clean the silicon tips. I replaced the filters, but like Zanth, I found it didn't make a bit of difference.

One other down side to them that I have noticed is that the highs are not very good. Instruments like bells and chimes do not have any overtones, just the fundamentals get produced. At times I have had a hard time distinguishing between sticks being hit and bell type instruments. For portable use they are a god send and I wouldn't go without them, but for home use you can do much better.
Jul 27, 2003 at 2:14 AM Post #22 of 29
After going through Beyer DT880 and Grado 325, the Etys have been settled as my main headphones. Interestingly, as gpalmer said, I feel the high in Etys, while very extended, is a bit subdued. I actually find the mid and bass to be the strong parts of the Etys.
Jul 28, 2003 at 7:51 PM Post #23 of 29
Well i really like mine - they are superb to listen to.

They do take a while to burn in, and before they do they are ever so thin and bright sounding.

Also i have noticed that with use the microphonics seem to become less relavent. I use 4p's when walking direct out of my pod -or when i am listening to a bright recording, where the 4s's are too much. At home or commuting i use 4s's with a Xin amp which is good but is a tad sibilant to me, however i have been told it gets better, and this could be down to the source being a iPod v3.

Anyway the etys seem to give me back something i have never heard before (quite literally) the detail you get from your fave tracks more than compensates for the shortcomings.

People who complain about either comfort or itches must be inserting them wrongly. I find they drop into my ears to where they want to stop naturally (one ear deeeper than the other) and thats perfect. They are SOOOO comfy now as you forget you are wearing them. lets face it
will be more noticable than
really. Plus you dont look a dork in the shops!
Jul 28, 2003 at 11:23 PM Post #24 of 29
I certainly don't not like my Ety's. They are great.

I use two clips taken from cell phone headset cords to attach each lead from the ety drivers to my collar. removes all microphonics.

I use my ety's for riding my bike on all the paved trails here in KC. no wind noise and perfect sound, all while exercising!

even my little MP3 player (iRiver IFP-390T) can drive the Ety ER4P.

best portable cans, no doubt.
Jul 28, 2003 at 11:32 PM Post #25 of 29

Originally posted by austonia
I certainly don't not like my Ety's. They are great.

I use two clips taken from cell phone headset cords to attach each lead from the ety drivers to my collar. removes all microphonics.

I had the Etymotic ER4S here for a couple of days and think I passed judgement on them too quickly. It was the microphonics and the in-canal thing that seemed to turn me off. I did not think I could take having them in there for hours of listening.

However, I bought some of the Ety earplugs for concert going this summer....and I love em. I have had the rubber tips in my ears for up to 3 hours at a stretch in total comfort....I may have to give the Etymotic earphones another try.

Jul 28, 2003 at 11:51 PM Post #26 of 29
it seems to be a mix of the silicon changing texture with use, you getting used to insterting them properly, and your ear canals get used to something being in there.
Jul 29, 2003 at 4:04 PM Post #27 of 29
some of the problems mentioned seem to be pretty much universal to canalphones...i get the "itch" with my e5's periodically...and can hear my footsteps, or if it's really quiet (with no source) even my heartbeat...granted, i'm only using the 3xflanges, so they may not isolate quite as well as the ety's, but...
Jul 29, 2003 at 4:45 PM Post #28 of 29
I don't like the "sound" very much. They are detailed and transparent, but the bass is distant. I use bass boost anytime I wear them. The reason I keep them is because of the isolation.

On the train, I can listen to my ER6 at a volume level of 10-14/30, as opposed to a minimum of 20 for my D66 or KSC35 (vol. from a MZ510 MD player). I keep the ALVS limit on all the time, and I never feel the need to go over it. The only problem is that the train track rumble travels through your leg and into your canal. To solve this. I kinda stand on my toes a little. Even with the rumble, I'd rather listen to the ER6 than any of my other phones on the train.

But that's where their use really stops... In a quiet environment I never use the ER6.
Jul 29, 2003 at 9:09 PM Post #29 of 29
see that confuses me.

the bass is awesome for me - it is deep and fast and completely accurate. sure, there is no boom - but i puts a smile on my face!


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