Anyone know of a good DVD player for MP3s?
Dec 17, 2003 at 1:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


smooth, DARK
Jul 15, 2002
I know it's a bit of a stretch, please forgive me for posting this in the portables section. I thought the portables crowd, being most familiar with MP3s, might have some knowledge about this:

Does anyone have or know of a component DVD player that is particularly good (especially features-wise but also with acceptable sound quality) for MP3s? I'm looking for stuff like playlists, shuffle play, resume play for MP3s, a component disaplay (as opposed to TV on-screen display) that shows file and folder names and can show time remaining as well as time elapsed, accurate time displays for VBR files, etc. etc. Well, that's what I'd like, but I'm open-minded.

Any suggestions?
Dec 18, 2003 at 2:04 AM Post #2 of 2
I can suggest you avoid KLH brand and also that you add codec quality to your list of features. The KLH I have will play MP3s, minus most of the features you requested, but the quality of the codec in the thing is astoundingly poor, especially considering that, otherwise, the KLH is a very nice DVD player. I put together a DVD full of MP3s and sat down for a listen a few weeks ago. I was stunned at how lackluster it sounded. These were the same MP3s that sound great on my portable gear. I was beginning to think I'd been fooling myself about MP3 quality and then a familiar Diana Krall tune came on. Part way through the track she stuttered. I'd heard this same track dozens of times before and not once had she stuttered. My conclusion was the codec in the KLH was junk. Too bad, it would have been nice to have a week's worth of music on one disc.

If you find a player that performs well with MP3s be sure to let the rest of us know about it.

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