Anyone here into Asian Cinema?
Apr 9, 2005 at 6:35 PM Post #16 of 30
I browsed quickly through your collection and the only Takeshi Kitano film I noticed was the above mentioned Brother. It's OK, but pretty far from his _good stuff_. My absolute favorite in his films is Hana-Bi which is despite all the violence one of the saddest yet most beautiful films I have seen.
Apr 9, 2005 at 6:40 PM Post #17 of 30

Originally Posted by rauer

If you like slow-paced stuff like this, Kikujiro is a nice film with little or no violence. Then Sonatine is brilliant also, IMO most similar to the Hana-Bi.
Apr 9, 2005 at 6:45 PM Post #18 of 30
I love Asian Cinema!

Check out Ryuhei Kitamura's "Versus". Awesome mix of zombies, Yakuza, kung fu, swordplay and gunplay. Make sure you get the directors cut though.

Chow Yun Fat - The Killer, Hard Boiled
Jet Li - Fist of Legend, Fong Sai Yuk
Ong Bak
Old Boy
THe Bride with White Hair
Magnificent Butcher (Sammo Hung AWESOME)
Lone Wolf and Cub


Berserk (Anime series 28 episodes, incredible)
Cowboy Bebop
Ninja Scroll
Apr 9, 2005 at 7:36 PM Post #19 of 30
two of the most touching hong kong films i saw are: kitchen with jordan chan and made in hong kong with sam lee?

anybody here else into giant robot? i've got a subscription and lurk in their forums.. funny stuff
Apr 9, 2005 at 7:47 PM Post #20 of 30
Asian movies I saw I that liked are:
Bride and Prejudice
My Left eye sees ghosts
Sex is Zero
Attak the gas station

I have seen some more but these are the names that I can recall.
Apr 9, 2005 at 10:03 PM Post #24 of 30
Apr 9, 2005 at 10:08 PM Post #25 of 30
I enjoyed kung fu hustle,

I just watched about an hour of Legend of ZU...

this is one of the worst Asian films I have ever seen.
there is NO plot the viewer just gets thrown into a whirlwind of special effects remeniscent of mortal kombat.
the view is bombarded with late 80's early 90's computer effects ever 2 minutes...
I think they were trying to deliver a story somewhere admidst the whirlwinds and computer graphics :p

cecilia cheung is a cutie in the film nonetheless.

anyone seen "Fly me over polaris"?

excellent movie! gets me all teary eyed. I dont remember tearing up this much since Failan and My sassy girl :X
Apr 10, 2005 at 5:13 PM Post #27 of 30
The major problem with Legend of Zu is that the movie assumes the audience already knows the storyline. Before the movie it had already been made into at least two TV series and before that it was a long series of novels that was very popular. Most of the people going into see the movie already know who all the characters are and to some extent where the plot is going. But even with all that in mind I still think it's a crappy movie. Half of the main cast can't act and good actors are put into small roles of only a few minutes scene time. The speical effects are far behind Hollywood and I don't think trying to show them off like that makes them any better.

Fly Me To Polairs is one of my favorite romance/dramas I've seen. Though I didn't think Richie Ren is a very good, he was cute in a innocent way that you expect his character to be. Cecilia Cheung was very good in this movie, quite beautiful and sad too in a common, down to earth sort of way, not overly gorgous.

As for Kung Ku Hustle... I already wrote a short review of what I thought in the other movie thread.
Apr 11, 2005 at 7:44 AM Post #29 of 30
My Sassy Girl was interesting lol. Well, the wife walked in when My Sassy Girl was having her vomit-fest on that old guy's toupee. Suffice to say, I don't watch much Sassy Girl when she's around anymore
Apr 11, 2005 at 4:35 PM Post #30 of 30

Originally Posted by RnB180
Alright another fly me to polaris fan *high five*

do you like my sassy girl too?

Um...... no.....

Sorry, I really wanted to like My Sassy Girl.
Almost everyone I knew that had seen it before me loved it, but for some reason I just found the main girl annoying, not cute at all (pretty, yes, but not someone I want to spend time with)
. If she was my girlfriend I would have thrown her off the mountain already.

I still like Cecilia Cheung better
. She's a good actress too, though some of her more recent movies turned out to be crap.

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