Anyone hear or own the newly revised Manley Stingray?

Aug 5, 2009 at 12:39 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


100+ Head-Fier
Jun 19, 2008
I saw this integrated amp with remote and headphone output mentioned in the CanJam thread. On paper, it seems to be a great product for speaker and headphone listening, but I have learned you cannot judge any product by its features, specs and appearance. Since CanJam I have not read that anyone has extensively listened with it or purchased it. If someone has, I hope he or she will respond by posting impressions. Thanks.
Aug 5, 2009 at 2:19 PM Post #2 of 8
I will get to listen to the older edition of the Stingray HOPEFULLY within this week when it arrives from Canada.

What headphones are you looking to drive with the Stingray?
Aug 6, 2009 at 1:20 AM Post #3 of 8
As of now, I am using Sennheiser HD 650s, which are a very good match with my current headamp, the Sudgen Headmaster. It is solid state and has a remote for volume which I need because of the placement of the amp in relation to my listening space. I have not really gone in for buying, listening with and selling headphones, but I am interested in experiencing the sound of other headphones.

Anyway, thanks for the post and keep me apprised of the sound of the Stingray when it arrives. I hope it meets with your expectations. I imagine the current version will sound similar to the revised version with the remote.
Aug 6, 2009 at 4:15 PM Post #4 of 8

Originally Posted by auee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As of now, I am using Sennheiser HD 650s, which are a very good match with my current headamp, the Sudgen Headmaster. It is solid state and has a remote for volume which I need because of the placement of the amp in relation to my listening space. I have not really gone in for buying, listening with and selling headphones, but I am interested in experiencing the sound of other headphones.

Anyway, thanks for the post and keep me apprised of the sound of the Stingray when it arrives. I hope it meets with your expectations. I imagine the current version will sound similar to the revised version with the remote.

I have an older Stingray (not the chrome/gold face), but have kept it up to date via Paul Fargo in the Manley service department (including the master bias that allows wider adaptation of NOS tubes). Paul has been great to work with.

I don't believe there is going to be a significant difference in SQ new, or of more recent vintage. The biggest SQ jumps are made in the choice of tubes. Like a lot of Stingray owners have discovered, the little Manley is an overachiever. Mated with proper ancillary sources, cables and power, it has the capabilities of running with some of the big guys.

The SQ should be very good via headphones, but I'd like to hear from everyone re tube hiss. It's apparent out of the tweeters on loudspeakers at the lowest volume setting, so should be prevalent on even more sensitive devices like headphones.

EDIT: You have to put your ear up to the tweeter, 'bout a foot or less. I wonder how it will be with a headphone right up against the ear. The SN ratio of the Stingray is about 87db.
Aug 7, 2009 at 1:53 AM Post #5 of 8

Originally Posted by Rdr. Seraphim /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have an older Stingray (not the chrome/gold face), but have kept it up to date via Paul Fargo in the Manley service department (including the master bias that allows wider adaptation of NOS tubes). Paul has been great to work with.

I don't believe there is going to be a significant difference in SQ new, or of more recent vintage. The biggest SQ jumps are made in the choice of tubes. Like a lot of Stingray owners have discovered, the little Manley is an overachiever. Mated with proper ancillary sources, cables and power, it has the capabilities of running with some of the big guys.

The SQ should be very good via headphones, but I'd like to hear from everyone re tube hiss. It's apparent out of the tweeters on loudspeakers at the lowest volume setting, so should be prevalent on even more sensitive devices like headphones.

EDIT: You have to put your ear up to the tweeter, 'bout a foot or less. I wonder how it will be with a headphone right up against the ear. The SN ratio of the Stingray is about 87db.

The noise would be a large problem for me. Thanks for the heads up and without an actual demo, I would not take a chance on it for headphone listening. I know that there are many tube headphone amps that do not transmit noise into non-IE headphones, such as the Woo and Dark Voice models.
Aug 7, 2009 at 4:37 AM Post #6 of 8

Originally Posted by auee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The noise would be a large problem for me. Thanks for the heads up and without an actual demo, I would not take a chance on it for headphone listening. I know that there are many tube headphone amps that do not transmit noise into non-IE headphones, such as the Woo and Dark Voice models.

I'm listening to the new DNA Sonett by Donald North. It uses the 5AR4 for rectification, and the Russian 6H30 as the driver, class A, transformer coupled. There is no hiss or noise, even with my 124db sensitive Westone ES3X IEMs. The HD650's sound pretty darn good too!

Variants of the 6H30 (DR) are used in some of the most notable preamps in high-end including BAT, LAMM and Cary. Plate dissipation is 4w, and can pulse 2A-3A cathode current! This is a long life tube to boot at 10,000 hours!

I'm in the process of a full review that I hope to post in a couple of weeks.

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