another "what 200-250 price range cans should i get" thread
Jan 4, 2009 at 1:35 AM Post #16 of 27
I may be selling a K340 in the near future for around 200. Considering some of the models thrown around in this thread, maybe I should raise the price...
Jan 4, 2009 at 2:18 AM Post #17 of 27
i perfer open...idc about sound leakage. i care about detail etc etc. the bass was nice on the dt770s but a closer and better sounding pair <601s?) would be what i want. I deffently enjoy a good soundstage and as a drummer the snare is that first thing i listen for.
Jan 4, 2009 at 3:40 AM Post #19 of 27
If anything, I'd just buy the 701s. Even though they 'need an amp' to really get the sound out of them, you still can listen and find enjoyment for them until you have the money to get the amp later on down the line.

My philosophy is to go for that top tier quality you can afford the first time around, because you may get the cheaper pair now and then feel an itching for more after reading about how such and such headphones are in another class than what you have... So instead of eventually getting the 701s for $250, you just spent extra money playing around with some other headphones.

Headphones in the class of the K701s, HD600/650s, and RS1s are pretty much the top level of 'affordable consumer class' headphones. There isn't really a jump up in headphones unless you're willing to spend a lot more. The difference in this class is ultimately the different sound signatures the headphones present. These headphones are amazingly scalable, so you can dump a fortune into them before you ever 'max them out.' For example, the B-52, a $5,000+ amp, was voiced with the HD600s.

Just get the 701s now, bear with the somewhat diminished sound and get the amp later.
Jan 4, 2009 at 4:06 AM Post #21 of 27
I love the Grado SR 225's. They sound good out of anything, even without an amp, and are great for a wide variety of music. They definitely excel at rock, and have great impact for electronic etc. They're extremely fun to listen to.
Jan 4, 2009 at 4:23 AM Post #22 of 27
i liked the 225s kind of, when comparing em to some senn 280s but i liked the dt 770s ALOT more for the clariety and bass...but perhaps if i listened to them side by side id change my mind. As i said the dt 770s have a pulled back sound that kind of annoys me, as certain epic songs need to have a wide...range i guess its called. Soundstage? i do like good i said its between the dt 770s, dt 880s, i guess grado 225s, and akg 701s. i like the mars volta...the killers...john coltrane...cut copy and innerpartysystem um justice um mf doom...coheed and cambria...moving mouantains...etc
Jan 4, 2009 at 8:23 AM Post #24 of 27
I have the 770's (80) and the Denon D2000's. Honestly...the 770's sound like garbage in comparison. There's really nothing about them that remotely sounds better than the Denon's. Even the supposed massive bass the 770's offer is beat by the Denons.

I would take the 770's off your list. At least if you're going to have the D2000's on the same list.

Maybe I'm being too harsh on the 770s. All I know is after hearing the D2000's the 770's don't sound so good.
Jan 4, 2009 at 4:08 PM Post #26 of 27
The headphones on your short list all have very different sound signatures - you will have to hear them to know if they are right for you.

You can do it the easy way by auditioning before buying, or the hard way by buying and then discovering you don't like them.
Jan 4, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #27 of 27
i only can audition the 770s and grado 225s. if you could compare the sound sigs between those 2 and the other 2 that would be sick. Im leaning towards the 701s and the cmon amp. As a reviewer said 701s with the amp sound sick.

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