Ancient Knowledge
Mar 9, 2013 at 11:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 29, 2007
I came across this movie by chance, and ended up watching it all. I found it really interesting, informative, well made, and most of all, entertaining (great music too!).
It's a few hours long, and split into #7 parts (there should be more to come soon), which I've all linked below. if you're gonna watch it, I'd advise to start from part#1.
I know that this movie can be categorized somewhat within the conspiracy theory groups, and I don't particularly align myself with it (simply because I don't have all, or enough info for me to do that, but I keep an open mind to it), but it's nevertheless informative, even fascinating. in particular pt.4.5, I could listen to those men talking all day, every day.
was just wondering what you guys think of it. please, let's keep the comments civil and positive. 

Pt.2 - Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God
Pt.3 - Pyramids, Monuments & Megaliths, Ley Lines (Earth's Energy Grid)
Pt.4 - The Real Secret Of How The Pyramids Were Built & Coral Castle
Pt.4.5 - Scientific & Historical Misconceptions, Suppression & Manipulation of Info
Pt.5 - Teaser / Coral Castle, Magnetic Forces, Sacred Sciences, Anti-Gravity
Pt.5 - Energy, Coral Castle, Tablet of Shamash, Saturn, Magnetism & Mythology
Mar 10, 2013 at 12:05 AM Post #2 of 11
I came across this movie by chance, and ended up watching it all. I found it really interesting, informative, well made, and most of all, entertaining (great music too!).
It's a few hours long, and split into #7 parts (there should be more to come soon), which I've all linked below. if you're gonna watch it, I'd advise to start from part#1.
I know that this movie can be categorized somewhat within the conspiracy theory groups, and I don't particularly align myself with it (simply because I don't have all, or enough info for me to do that, but I keep an open mind to it), but it's nevertheless informative, even fascinating. in particular pt.4.5, I could listen to those men talking all day, every day.
was just wondering what you guys think of it. please, let's keep the comments civil and positive. 

not at all, I only watched the first part but it is clear that the video just wants to amaze you with no form of direction... all of a sudden ancients smh
this is why we have prerequisite classes in physics, so the fundamentals are properly thought and allow experiments such as the sand experiment in the vid make sense
I would be amazed if anybody can find ancient scriptures or artifacts that prove their understanding of differential equations, when you finally begin to realize this search will prove futile, then you would be more enlightened in what it really took to develop calculus and conclude Newton is a boss, to say ancient people knew everything before scientists developed scientific theories is very disrespectful for the work scientists and mathematicians have done
Mar 10, 2013 at 7:16 AM Post #3 of 11
the first part is merely an introduction to the movie, it doesn't show much info...  it's the least informative part. in the second part onward, it gets into numbers and figures, and that's where it gets really interesting. it's worth watching every episode, even just for the entertainment of it. 
I would be amazed too if it were true, but the fact is we don't know still exactly how the pyramid were built - don't we?
Aug 19, 2013 at 7:40 PM Post #6 of 11
you really ought to watch Pt.3.

I stopped at 20 min of that vid, anymore and I am doing a disservice to my intelligence, my past posts still holds up though...
Aug 19, 2013 at 11:33 PM Post #7 of 11
Now you've made me curious - but my Flash Player is on the blink, so it will remain one more of life's mysteries...
Aug 20, 2013 at 2:26 AM Post #8 of 11
No offense intended, but that is simply junk science and misapplied concepts. A mish-mash of ideas from dozens of pseudoscience fantasies. The guys that made those videos need to spend a little time in a high school physics class.
Aug 20, 2013 at 9:58 PM Post #9 of 11
I haven't watched any of these videos because they seem to be new agey palp, but ancient cultures were more advanced than many authors have pegged them to be over the centuries. Take the idea that ancient people thought the earth was flat. That's actually a misconception perpetuated by certain individuals in the 18th and 19th centuries keen on discrediting said ancients. In fact people as far back as the ancient Greeks knew the earth was round, and they even calculated its circumference with surprising accuracy. Even in the writings of St. Thomas, a supposedly 'ignorant' middle ages theologian, he mentions a round earth (people tend to confuse the Galileo controversy---a mostly political thing anyway---with a dispute over the earth being round, when in fact it was about heliocentric versus geocentric theories of the universe).
I'm not saying they had calculus figured out, but there is a tendency in modern times to be presumptuous and arrogant when looking at ancient peoples, thinking we're so much more advanced and they're so much more primitive. It would be nice to find some middle ground, a nice balanced look at the development of knowledge across the ages, as it's very much a process of linear refinement in terms of mathematics and science (but rather cyclical when it comes to the humanities).
Oct 26, 2013 at 12:19 PM Post #11 of 11
I've watched it and find the math in the pyramid fascinating. I don't buy the current explanations of the pyramid's creation. No way that era could have built the amount of accuracy shown in that structure. But since science has no other possibility, we're told the efforts were done by cave dwellers with chisel and hammer and built as a burial tomb.

If today's science were the only reality, we'd be in trouble. Science is man's explanation of the observed and is constantly being tweaked as more is learned. Why should it be any more correct? They can't understand so many things that's right in front of them but claim any other explanation quackery or fantasy based on things we can't discuss here. I don't believe today's science is the pinnacle of the history of man's intellectual progress, just man's latest cycle's evolution. Of course if you think we are the only intelligent creation and progressed to this point from the time of chimps, why would you think anything else. I feel man has been helped in their latest development of technology and not of our creativity. Many of history's top scientific minds accept a higher source, even though there is no science to prove it. They marvel at the complexity and feel it didn't happen by chance.

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