An observation at the local Apple Store...
Apr 10, 2004 at 12:20 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 9, 2004
So; a buddy of mine was on the list to be notified by the friendly folks at the Apple Store when the 'Mini' arrived. He got the call a few weeks back, went to the Apple Store, and found that they had the Mini's connected to $95.00 Sony phones for demonstration. He found this odd. He had to ask them to go get the correct earbuds that come with the Mini. He remains undecided. By the way; he is a professional drummer, who has played on Grammy winning albums, and is on the Grammy voting board.

Just an observation.
Apr 10, 2004 at 4:04 PM Post #2 of 10
I don't think it's that odd, unless they don't sell those Sony's. I'm sure they're trying to sell two items rather than one. Accessorizing is common for a B and M store.

Think about it though, other than J & R in NYC, Apple is the only brick and mortar store that sells MP3 devices that LET you listen before you buy, that come to mind anyway. The Apple store next to me doesn't have any of the Ipods with the stock earbuds, almost all of them have the Bose headphones connected, but they'll also let you plug in yours to try it out if you bring them.
Apr 10, 2004 at 4:14 PM Post #3 of 10
Well isn't it obvious? Apple knows the iPod buds suck, so they replaced it w/ something better for demo... But seriously, when's the last time you've seen any record store's listening station use earbuds? That's just unsanitary and nasty. Do you wanna stick other people's ear wax into your ear? Apple used Bose QC2 for all their iPods and Minis at the SF MacWorld too.
Apr 10, 2004 at 4:36 PM Post #4 of 10
At the two Apple stores I've been to, they use Triports. Okay, obviously not the best choice, but in a noise store, a little isolation and a little better sanitary solution (as Stoner mentioned). Plus I don't think anyone expects the Triports to be in the box when they walk out the store.

Also the sound is still coming from the iPod, it's not like anyone is cheated by music coming from somewhere else. DVD players are connected to plasma TVs that don't come with them, etc.
Apr 10, 2004 at 5:31 PM Post #5 of 10
Just as a side note to Slimm's observation of which B&M stores allow a demo, B&H photo allows this also, for what limited stuff they have. Mostly MD units last time I was there. But the sales guys are really friendly and make sure to answer any questions you may have while checking out stuff..while at the same time not being too overbearing. Good place.
Apr 10, 2004 at 10:07 PM Post #6 of 10
Like Stoner said, it seems like common sense that you'd want to avoid sharing earwax with hundreds of other folks. Not sure why your friend would find that odd.
Apr 10, 2004 at 10:32 PM Post #7 of 10
An observation at the local iRiver Store...

I went to the iRiver store, and found that they had the iHP connected to greasy taped-up Sony V150 phones for demonstration. I found this rather unsavoury. I had to switch them for phones I had with me. I remained undecided... But I bought it anyway. By the way; I've just sold the iHP.

Just an observation.
Apr 11, 2004 at 12:18 AM Post #8 of 10
i'm puzzled on how the grammy thing ties in with anything...
Apr 11, 2004 at 1:40 PM Post #9 of 10
Good responses, everyone. Again; this was just an observation. And true; who wants to put earbuds in their ears that have been already demo'ed by no telling how many shoppers.

It kind of makes it difficult to go out shopping, and get a true feel for the product, doesn't it.

As far as the 'Grammy', 'Musician' thing, I mentioned it, since Pete mentioned he should have taken his $800 studio Sennheiser phones into the store! We both got a good chuckle with that.

Obviously; best case scenario is to take in your own phones - if you already have superior phones, to demo any player with, if you plan on using them instead of the stock 'buds' with your new potential MP3 player..

'Still he remains undecided. He likes the compact size of the Mini, and he wanted such a unit for biking, etc... He really likes my iHP-120 (including the sound), but wants something smaller. He is also a MAC user.
Apr 13, 2004 at 6:05 AM Post #10 of 10
yeah, it would make sense to bring your own phones. Just like how most "audiophiles" would prefer to demo say a pre-amp or cd-player at home in a controlled environment vs. at some store with unfamiliar speakers, acoustics, etc.

BTW, my local compusa has nearly all the current MP3 players (3g ipod, IHP-120, Rio Karma) on display for you to fiddle with. If you brought in a set of earphones, it would be a convenient place to do a quick comparison.

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