Aug 21, 2009 at 7:48 AM Post #871 of 2,090
@ ulsaman, re. post 849
I'm glad you've posted your remarks. You seem very sincere.
I'm sorry my comments saddened you.

@ average joe, re. post 847
Wow! Where to start? There's so much wrong with your reply.

#1: It seems as if you're lumping my comments in along with someone else that ticked you off (¶ 1).

#2: I didn't criticize the Amp3 for not having as many responses as the iPod 5.5G (¶ 3). What I was saying was that the 5.5's sq has been well documented. After all, hasn't the ballyhooing over the Amp3 been centered around a small handful of vehement posters?

#3: I did not "attack" Craig as you stated in ¶ 5. I listed two reasons why I choose not to purchase the player. I wish Craig nothing but success and happiness and I am thankful that he is serving the community.

I will need to get an amp for the LOD, preferably it will be one that doesn't have noticeable hiss.
Unless I get an amp with vacuum tubes in it.

@ tstarn, re. post 853
Lossy is lossy is lossy. No player can pull missing data from the air & bring a lossy source up to lossless quality. Is the next HiSound player going to make lossless files sound better than the studio masters? It's just an asinine claim. It doesn't matter if I've heard it or not. It can't do it!

Gappy playback is crappy playback. Craig said they were working on implementing gapless. Hopefully the process isn't too painful and you'll soon have gapless. The more gappless players there are on the market, the better off the music is.

I think I'll enjoy my new source just fine. I'm hoping to bring it up from 80gb to 240 in the foreseeable future. With Rockbox installed, that bloatware iTunes will be no where near me & life will be good. Unfortunately, I'll have to still suffer with that crummy scroll wheel. Then, after my soldering skills up to snuff, it'll be time to make it into an iMod.
So ya, 240gb, true support for lossless, gapless, Rockbox & a straight line out off the dac should be pretty sweet.
Enjoy posting, Tstarn.
I'll be listening to music.
Aug 21, 2009 at 9:42 AM Post #872 of 2,090

Originally Posted by tubafish /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@ average joe, re. post 847
Wow! Where to start?

Start by looking in the mirror. PM sent to tubafish in an attempt to keep the thread crapping to a minimum.


Hopefully Fang releases his HiFiMan soon.

Missed this and wanted to say I also hope Fang gets HiFiMan out soon, sounds like an awesome player, but for a different market segment than the AMP3. I wish all the best for Fang and the HiFiMan brand, he is a great guy.
Aug 21, 2009 at 10:06 AM Post #873 of 2,090

Originally Posted by average_joe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Start by looking in the mirror. PM sent to tubafish in an attempt to keep the thread crapping to a minimum.

Missed this and wanted to say I also hope Fang gets HiFiMan out soon, sounds like an awesome player, but for a different market segment than the AMP3. I wish all the best for Fang and the HiFiMan brand, he is a great guy.

Also please forward my greeting to Mr Fang. He has brought so many pleased surprise to us from YUIN to FIIO, to HIFIMAN series. ( earphones and amps.), thanks his hard works.
Aug 21, 2009 at 12:02 PM Post #874 of 2,090

Originally Posted by tubafish /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@ ulsaman, re. post 849
I'm glad you've posted your remarks. You seem very sincere.
I'm sorry my comments saddened you.

@ average joe, re. post 847
Wow! Where to start? There's so much wrong with your reply.

#1: It seems as if you're lumping my comments in along with someone else that ticked you off (¶ 1).

#2: I didn't criticize the Amp3 for not having as many responses as the iPod 5.5G (¶ 3). What I was saying was that the 5.5's sq has been well documented. After all, hasn't the ballyhooing over the Amp3 been centered around a small handful of vehement posters?

#3: I did not "attack" Craig as you stated in ¶ 5. I listed two reasons why I choose not to purchase the player. I wish Craig nothing but success and happiness and I am thankful that he is serving the community.

I will need to get an amp for the LOD, preferably it will be one that doesn't have noticeable hiss.
Unless I get an amp with vacuum tubes in it.

@ tstarn, re. post 853
Lossy is lossy is lossy. No player can pull missing data from the air & bring a lossy source up to lossless quality. Is the next HiSound player going to make lossless files sound better than the studio masters? It's just an asinine claim. It doesn't matter if I've heard it or not. It can't do it!

Gappy playback is crappy playback. Craig said they were working on implementing gapless. Hopefully the process isn't too painful and you'll soon have gapless. The more gappless players there are on the market, the better off the music is.

I think I'll enjoy my new source just fine. I'm hoping to bring it up from 80gb to 240 in the foreseeable future. With Rockbox installed, that bloatware iTunes will be no where near me & life will be good. Unfortunately, I'll have to still suffer with that crummy scroll wheel. Then, after my soldering skills up to snuff, it'll be time to make it into an iMod.
So ya, 240gb, true support for lossless, gapless, Rockbox & a straight line out off the dac should be pretty sweet.
Enjoy posting, Tstarn.
I'll be listening to music.

Good for you. Go get your iPod ASAP.

Lossless, gapless, but you left out tactless, which pretty much sums up your original post. Your lack of respect for what makes people, even if it is just a few, happy was out of line. You smell something fishy in this thread? I think the stench was emanating from your obvious accusations of something not kosher about the people who like and enjoy the Amp3.

You also need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills, since no one here has said the Amp3 was perfect, they just like it for what it is (and the owners/posters on this thread know what is is).

Again, knock yourself out with your new setup. I can't speak for everyone who owns the Amp3, but it makes not a whit of difference to me whether or not you ever experience the SQ joys of this interesting little player.

Again, I'd devote some time to improving your reading skills while you are doing all that wonderful listening.

And I don't know about you, but I have mastered the simple art of posting AND listening simultaneously, the HF equivalent of walking and chewing gum at the same time. I guess you are still restricted to one or the other.

Back the the glories, and small but perfectly bearable frustrations, of the Amp3. Wow, it still sounds great (listening while I type).
Aug 21, 2009 at 11:40 PM Post #878 of 2,090

Originally Posted by niemion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can the AMP3 drive the HD800 adequatly?

what? really?

are you planning to use the hd800s as portables?
if not, just get a nice desktop source.
Aug 22, 2009 at 2:29 AM Post #879 of 2,090

Originally Posted by niemion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can the AMP3 drive the HD800 adequatly?

I have a friend who have has this pairing. He told me it is not bad. What he tell me he have been lisening the combo of AMP3/HD 800 for long time. he usuall use this combo in his daily listening.

He only said the set up is no bad, especially for the "light music" such as the vocal, accoustic,jazz Or so, for "heavy music" such as metal the power is slightly weak.

So it is depend your taste. if only prefer the musical taste, maybe you will like the pairing with HD800, If you are a basshead. it will be slight lite.
Aug 22, 2009 at 9:29 AM Post #880 of 2,090
i shouldnt think the hd800 will be driven with anything near enough power, i havent heard them with it, but my sony pfr-v1 (ear speakers) need to be on virtually 30-31 volume increment to do it any justice via the amp3, so unless the hd800 really arent as demanding as initial reports claim, then i wouldnt think it would be too great !

but they are assumptions, i havent heard the matching, but it bodes well for hd800 owners with regards to using other desktop amps though!
Aug 22, 2009 at 9:36 AM Post #881 of 2,090
This thread is pulling me more and more towards the amp3 and away from the sony x as toys dont interest me just SQ and as i dont have any music system this would be my only source of music.
how would this compare to my cowon d2/caffine ultra ? with the hfi780s Im thinking the soundstage would be similar with maybe better imaging . im a bit worried about lack of eq as i enjoy the rich sound with the subtle bass boost of the ultra but im sure it would be for the best.
the price seems to be about £97 ish over here before rip of britain kicks in with vat and customs so im thinking < £135
Aug 22, 2009 at 10:06 AM Post #882 of 2,090

Originally Posted by Antony L /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This thread is pulling me more and more towards the amp3 and away from the sony x as toys dont interest me just SQ and as i dont have any music system this would be my only source of music.
how would this compare to my cowon d2/caffine ultra ? with the hfi780s Im thinking the soundstage would be similar with maybe better imaging . im a bit worried about lack of eq as i enjoy the rich sound with the subtle bass boost of the ultra but im sure it would be for the best.
the price seems to be about £97 ish over here before rip of britain kicks in with vat and customs so im thinking < £135

If you are lucky, you almost don't need to pay the vat or customs tariff. The customs only spot check to the import goods not 100%. About 1/5, to 1/10 is needed to pay the tariff.

normally, if it mark with " Personal gift" or value marked less then 40 BP, it is free of custom tariff".
Aug 22, 2009 at 10:25 AM Post #883 of 2,090
there doesnt seem to be any hard and fast rule you can apply to customs, i have imported many hundreds of items, ranging from thousand pound items to ten pound items, IMHO, best to expect the added duties, then if by miracle HM customs are feeling benevolent and/or hung over its a bonus.

sometims i have gotten away scott free on the expensive items, rarely though, and other times i have been hit by a disproportionate fee on something well under £40 value

Aug 22, 2009 at 1:39 PM Post #884 of 2,090
pyrokid, not for skating and walking in the park, but I certainly would like to use them for longer bus/train/flights travelling.

headfever and quaddy, thanks
Aug 22, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #885 of 2,090

Originally Posted by niemion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
pyrokid, not for skating and walking in the park, but I certainly would like to use them for longer bus/train/flights travelling.

headfever and quaddy, thanks

I might be wrong (I know very little about the HD800) but aren't they really open?
THat would be terrible on flights. And buses.

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