Amp Recommendations for My Setup
Jan 9, 2015 at 12:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


Oct 30, 2014
I hope this is in the right area of the forum, been a long time reader and just recently started posting.

I have been trying to find answers to the best way to setup my system in my apartment but haven't really found anyone using my setup so I thought I would ask.
What I currently have are Sennheiser HD650s, Audioengine A2+ speakers, and an Aune T1 MK2.  My music is coming from a MacBook Pro through Amarra to the system in all Apple Lossless files.
What I would like to be able to do is have one USB run from my computer to an amp that can power the Audioengine speakers and the Sennheiser HD650s and allow me to keep both plugged in and just change with a switch.
I am not sure if my current amp is able to do this but I have been playing around with some new configurations, so maybe I have just overlooked something simple.
I like the sound of tube amps and solid state amps so any recommendations are welcome, my musical taste spans just every genre besides screamo and country music to put it in perspective.
An upgrade I am planning but not sure when yet will be to get a pair of Audeze LCD-2's if that affects your recommendations at all.
Hopefully I put this in the right place and I can get this setup working or update the pieces needed because I love all of the components separately just want them to work more cohesively.
If there is anything I left out or any questions you have just let me know.

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