Amp recommendations for HD-555s/Computer
Jul 5, 2005 at 11:27 AM Post #16 of 35
Oh, that's kind of interesting. Are the USB sound cards good? Would i still be able to use my Audigy 2 ZS?

I think i'll just keep checking the buy/sell forum, something like what i'm looking for has to pop up sooner or later.
Jul 5, 2005 at 12:00 PM Post #17 of 35

Originally Posted by fustercluck
I'm still interested in Opamp Rolling, if anyone cares to elaborate more or link me to some more info that'd make me happy

some info on opamps:
Jul 5, 2005 at 5:46 PM Post #18 of 35
I know some about opamps...well little actually, just not sure what "rolling" means. I know what rolling means...but not when it comes to opamps, rather

I'm dying to get a headphone amp as soon as possible and there's just nothing around now that i'm interested in...anywhere
- Guess i'll just have to wait. I am maybe a little too picky, but i want a nice amp i will really enjoy and can use for a long time.
Jul 5, 2005 at 5:51 PM Post #19 of 35

Originally Posted by cmirza
Get a Rockhopper Audio PIMETA Home. They're $200, run off a 24V Elpac and will take your HD555s as far as they can go.

The included AD8610/20 opamp should work perfect with the HD555s too. I know you'd rather spend just $150, but I think a PIMETA Home would be worth the extra $50.

Or if you save up ALITTLE more
then for $250 you can get the M3 budget!!!
Jul 5, 2005 at 6:10 PM Post #20 of 35

Originally Posted by fustercluck
I know some about opamps...well little actually, just not sure what "rolling" means. I know what rolling means...but not when it comes to opamps, rather

first of all, I second the m3 opinion (spend the extra.. get something worthwhile)

Second rolling opamps is the same as rolling tubes - basically changing the opamps in the amplifier to get a different "sound" out of it. Different opamps have different sound signatures (as mentioned)
Jul 5, 2005 at 7:24 PM Post #21 of 35
Simple enough, thanks for the help. The M3 seems like it'd be too much for my HD-555s, Audigy 2 ZS, should probably get something more simple...though i'll check out the M3 if anyone links me to it
Jul 5, 2005 at 7:40 PM Post #22 of 35
Jul 5, 2005 at 9:29 PM Post #23 of 35
Thanks for the link, that does look like a pretty nice amp, wish i knew how to build something like that, but building isn't for me. That also looks too expensive for me though. In most cases i'll probably have to buy a good PSU and Cables on top of the price of the amp, so then i'd be way outside of my price budget.
Jul 5, 2005 at 9:36 PM Post #24 of 35
Have you considered the Z-Audio Lambda? You can get it for $180 shipped and it is supposed to sound as good as (90%?) the Ray Samuels SR-71, which retails for $400 and is one of the best portable amps (Non-DIY).
Jul 6, 2005 at 2:34 AM Post #25 of 35

Originally Posted by fustercluck
Thanks for the link, that does look like a pretty nice amp, wish i knew how to build something like that, but building isn't for me. That also looks too expensive for me though. In most cases i'll probably have to buy a good PSU and Cables on top of the price of the amp, so then i'd be way outside of my price budget.

if you like it, talk to one of the builders (JMT or Rockhopper - links on the M³ page) - I'm sure with a few options they could put it in your price range

note that the amp can be driven from an elpac- and that that configuration would be fine for the HD555

edit: builder links:
Jul 6, 2005 at 2:37 AM Post #26 of 35
My dad has a "Budget M3" from Rockhopper and the said HD555s and he loves it. I think it sounds quite nice as well! for $285 you really cant go wrong... besides you will eventually upgrade
and might as well have an amp that can keep up with a good source and phones... not that your current ones are not.

always go with a step up from what you thought you wanted... that way you wont be disapointed and have buyers remorse
Jul 6, 2005 at 10:25 AM Post #27 of 35
I use Little DOT II Tube amp with HD555(120ohm version) and using the Audigy2ZS Line out. and I think its Great!
well, I never try any other amp with this can before, but I like this amp a lot. it improves the soundstage and etc etc..

Jul 6, 2005 at 11:47 AM Post #28 of 35
I'm not sure about those Little Dot amps, hard to find out any info on them, or if people like them much or not.

I'm SO ready to get an amp though, i want one now, i'll buy just about anything if the price is right
- Still trying to keep it under $200. *Continues to refresh the buy/sell forum every 10 minutes"
Jul 8, 2005 at 4:04 AM Post #29 of 35

Originally Posted by fustercluck
I'm SO ready to get an amp though, i want one now, i'll buy just about anything if the price is right
- Still trying to keep it under $200. *Continues to refresh the buy/sell forum every 10 minutes"

I think you're doing the right thing by sticking to a budget. Don't let those overenthusiastic people above goad you into getting a more expensive amp like the M3.

However, I would definitely suggest that you get a better sounding sound card too. I don't know much about them, but what I gather from the forums here is that Audigy is bad, while EMU 0404 is good. The other option is to get one of those combination USB soundcard + portable amp deals that I mentioned before in this thread. Again, that's what I have for use with my laptop, and I'm quite happy with it at work.

Answer to your earlier question: yeah, you can have multiple sound devices on a computer at the same time. With one of the external USB ones, you can just unplug it when you don't want to use it. Don't know exactly what you do with internal ones, but I'm sure it can't be too difficult to just set the default sound device according to whether you're gaming or listening to music. You should head over to the "Computers-as-Source Components" forum here on Head-Fi and research it a bit.
Jul 8, 2005 at 4:19 AM Post #30 of 35
Oh, and in case you haven't found this yet, here's a link to the Bithead, which is USB soundcard + amp combination, and costs $200. Not as good of an amp as you'll get for that price if you forgo the USB, but who knows, it might be all you want.

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