Alright my computer building brothers, I'm about to build a computer and can go one of two ways....
May 23, 2012 at 9:05 AM Post #16 of 16
Unless your buying the latest gen card and CPU's, it's kind of hard NOT to like nvidia, as nvidia is taking the lead with there graphics card's and priced cheaper (surprisingly for the first time in almost a decade since there first geforce 1's/riva's). As for CPU's Intel has been the performance king of the CPU line since 2006, there first Core 2 Duo cpu, which thanks to its architecture Intel has been no.1 since, for a comparison look at how much of a fail AMD's 8-core cpu Bulldozer was, in 95% of benchmark's it get's best by a lower clocked quad core, only time it takes a lead is in multi-threaded rendering where it actually uses the extended instruction sets the Bulldozer CPU has.
Overclocking the 6950 to 6970 speeds is possible but I really doubt you can reach it and you'll be pushing it. Most early 6950 user's achieved this by cross flashing 6970 bios', these day's 80% of ATi's current production card's are laser cut which mean's you can't softmod it because you have hardware limitations. Not to mention 6950's and 6970's produce a lot of heat, have a play with there 5870 GPU's if you ever the get the chance to, they run almost as hot as the first Fermi card's GTX470/480's.

Yea, I was afriad of that. On New Egg I've been seeing that some poeple have been getting Laser cut 6950's and other's have not, still I doubt I'll really need to OC it, only useing one Mointor at 1920x1080, and Bowei and I are looking at how to compensate for that,
I'm looking at getting this to put under my GPU as well
A Pci dual fan card, thankfully though I keep my PC about 4 feet on the ground and 6 inches from my walls, so it stays cool.
My cpu runs at about 40c [52 under load] on my current old system... and trust me that system sucks pretty hard, I clean it about every 6 months and it's old. But I doubt I'll have to big an issue with it getting hot, there's ample air flow in and around it, espically if I set my fans up right. We are thinking 3[push] out 2[pull] in, along with the PCI fan

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