Allocation of Budget for a Full Headphone System
Apr 19, 2004 at 11:15 PM Post #16 of 23

Exactly. If you really want a quality 2 channel (only) source, there are plenty of options for redbook or redbock/SACD, but once you throw DVD-A into the equation, you end up paying for stuff you don't need in a headphone rig (video circuitry, multichannel outputs, etc.). So, for a true head-fier seeking the best sound quality per dollar spent, should we turn a blind eye (or ear) to DVD-A?
Apr 19, 2004 at 11:41 PM Post #17 of 23
Here's the way I see it.

If someone is speaking to you in a foreign language, will a hearing aid help you understand them? It doesn't make a difference whether they scream, or you turn up your hearing aid or even if you clean the wax out of your ears,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Gibberish is Gibberish, amplified or not.

TEAM SOURCE 1st 100%
Apr 19, 2004 at 11:50 PM Post #18 of 23

Originally Posted by meech
TEAM SOURCE 1st 100%

So $1000 source with Grado SR60 is better than Grado RS1 with amp and cheap source? I feel sources are important but not justified enough to sacrifice headphones and a good amp.
Apr 19, 2004 at 11:54 PM Post #19 of 23
I agree with allocating an equal amount of money towards source/amp/headphones, with a small percentage going towards miscellaneous items (ICs). This is basically how I've been planning out my system ($200 source, $250 amp, $250 headphones). Fortunately the Emu 1212M came out so I don't have to spend the extra $100 on an RME PAD anymore...

I'm sure these variables change somewhat when moving from low->mid->hi-fi setups. But I find they're all equally important in determining the sound qualiy of the system. Yes, the "crap in, crap out" logic certainly stands to reason, but only up to a point. I wouldn't be buying a $10,000 source just to drive $30 earbuds... (very exaggerated, but I wouldn't spend more than $25 on a computer soundcard if I wasn't planning on using headphones where I'd significantly notice the difference).
Apr 20, 2004 at 12:00 AM Post #20 of 23

Originally Posted by gort
So $1000 source with Grado SR60 is better than Grado RS1 with amp and cheap source? I feel sources are important but not justified enough to sacrifice headphones and a good amp.

How will you ever hear what a pair of RS1s are ENTIRELY caplable of if the signal that your source is sending is subpar. This system has no chance. At least with a really good source and an OK pair of cans and amp, you know you're getting the most out your cans.

Remember, a good amp can't make a cd player sound better. All a good amp can actually do is allow you to hear your source more clearly. If your source is sending a signal that needs a lot to be desired, a good amp will expose this.
Apr 20, 2004 at 2:14 AM Post #21 of 23

Originally Posted by NewMexiCat
So, for a true head-fier seeking the best sound quality per dollar spent, should we turn a blind eye (or ear) to DVD-A?

Well DVD-A also supports 2 channel recordings, same as SACD, so I wouldn't go as far as saying headfier's should turn a blind eye to DVD-A. But there's a user interface annoyance with DVD-A: on most if not all players, it seems you need the on screen display to change settings etc. Not sure if this has changed by now with the current crop of players though, but that is quite a non-audio oriented way of doing things. If I eventually go for a universal for my headphone rig, I'd like it to allow me to change settings in the DVD-A playback just using the remote, without any connection to a TV or display.
Apr 20, 2004 at 5:52 AM Post #22 of 23
yes, your'e right, I meant 32%/32%/32%/4% (I divided 100% by 4 and my mind went to lunch).


So you suggest that a person first buy a $500 CDP/DVDP before buying a $200 headphone? Chances are that if a person pays that kind of money he is likely to connect it to his TV home theatre system first. You did it, but I assume that you worked your way up to this figure. I'm betting that most people will start with a $100 CDP then move to a ~$200 DVDP before settleing <sp> on a ~$400 SACD/DVD-A.

What's the median price of a META42? or a PIMETA?

Too bad that the search function is down. Remember the thread where dream systems are lsited? Mine was the K1000 / nOrh SE9 / Pioneer SA963.

What's the price of a Perralux compared to the CD3000?

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