All things Metrum Acoustics
Apr 1, 2021 at 12:28 AM Post #1,006 of 1,453
From what I have seen, this change requires rerouting of a few wires inside on this model, while the others are a straight plug and play.
As I understand it there is some power re routing reqd (2 additional wires) - maybe Rebel Chris could get faster details ... and add to the long list of queries ? At the time I did not ask for a wiring diagram otherwise would provide it.
Apr 1, 2021 at 3:23 AM Post #1,007 of 1,453
Metrum does not really support converting the Amethyst to I2S, simply because an older post where someone converted one of their models to I2S brought them a slew of messed up machines, so you are on your own here.
I bought a used I2S card which is a straight plug in but for two tiny wires that need to be soldered onto the side of an SMD capacitor, no big deal but you need some experience in soldering to not make the SMD cap come off/loose/damage it.
If you want I can share a picture with you (via PM), that is IF I can find it. You need to take care picking a source for I2S as each company defines their own standard....and not all I2S outputs are designed equal. Metrum uses RJ45 for a connector and most other companies use HDMI, so please verify if your output has low imepdance I2S out that is compatible with Metrum. I briefly tested using an I2S HDMI to RJ45 convertor board made by Kingwa, until I started using the Pink Faun I2S bridge.

About my perceived beef with Roon...I don't have one...I have no clue where that thought came from as I was merely nudging someone to TRY listening to local files and or streaming to see if it sounds better for them. This is a direct result of reading reports of folks (in the very high end of high end) consistently commenting that Roon does something detrimental to SQ. I don't use it, won't use it, don't hate it. Judge for yourself, feel free to use it and YMMV and all of those platitudes..
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Apr 1, 2021 at 3:58 AM Post #1,008 of 1,453
I have a similar chain, with the exception of the amp, and also using my Sonnet Morpheus in place of your Adagio. I am particularly interested in how nicely the Adagio plays with the first Watt in driving the Susvara. I'll be keenly waiting for more impressions because I am considering a new amp for this chain and the First Watt/Pass Labs series amps are among those that are high on the list.

Please keep the impressions coming, if that is okay with you. :slight_smile: :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Sure thing, more impressions over the weekend hopefully.

I'm a big fan of the Pass/FW amps, both for speakers and headphones. This F7 has a doubled up power stage and drives the Susvara beautifully, though I have no doubt the standard F7 would be great too. I've also heard them via a 30.8 and SIT2. They all bring a slightly different flavour, but I could happily live with any of them. My mate is building an XA25 that I'm going to have a play with sometime soon...that one is meant to be an absolute peach.
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Apr 1, 2021 at 4:03 PM Post #1,010 of 1,453
Good luck installing them. Do you return the old ones?

Next Wednesday I'm going to visit Metrum. And drop off my Amethyst. Hoping to find out what the difference is between the DAC 2 and DAC 3 chip. And take a sneekpeek in the factory.

About the I2S connect: I have no source with this connection available and listen often to youtube/youtube(music)
Apr 1, 2021 at 5:07 PM Post #1,011 of 1,453
Metrum does not really support converting the Amethyst to I2S, simply because an older post where someone converted one of their models to I2S brought them a slew of messed up machines, so you are on your own here.

Marcel is correct I should have mentioned that any mod voids warranty with exception of SD card. Outside of Euro freight and Customs rear their head - not to mention Courier risk. If you have a friendly Dealer they should be able to arrange for a qualified Tech in an electrostatic free work area to do any mods (and pass on at cost if worthy). I arrange this here as freight is a killer. I understand this applies to DAC3 as well - where already one ‘experienced’ person has had a costly mishap.

On the subject of Platforms it’s a mickey mouse situation with recordings and the different algorithms they use. You never know what you are listening to really.
Apr 1, 2021 at 5:51 PM Post #1,012 of 1,453
I plan to return the DAc2 modules as from what I know the DAC3 modules double the parallel R2r networks which should result in better resolution and hence SQ..if not within a couple of days I probably will return the DAC3 modules but that is unlikely
Apr 4, 2021 at 9:30 AM Post #1,013 of 1,453
The modules arrived while I was away, our postal service is running behind for months now, so tonight they'll go in....

edit; they are in...beware , read the manual as the print on top is 180 turned around , take care when mounting the new modules.

first (stone cold) impression; crispier, snappier, darker backdrop with more space around instruments, improved colors in overtones, longer decay and leading edge, less smearing of tones so better separation of individual sounds. Not a HUGE difference yet but when I recall how the Amethyst sounded brand new and what it evolved into I expect this is a NICE upgrade well worth the money. Sounds as if I'm hearing better resolution and precision.

edit; oops forgot to load my files to RAM first, so what I mentioned above but then more of it !
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Apr 4, 2021 at 4:18 PM Post #1,014 of 1,453
as things warm up, (computer was dead cold, PSU was cold, DAC was cold, DAC isolation tranny was cold, DAC modules new, tube amp was cold AND the city was 'on') with some interested listening I hear a lot of goodness. Musicality increased, detail level has increased, highs are more dynamic and instruments sound more organic.

critical listening will come later.
Apr 5, 2021 at 7:15 PM Post #1,015 of 1,453
30 odd hours on the clock after installing and switching power on:

the low end got a kick in the butt, where it was not lacking previously control and definition/separation improved
strings got their bows resin refreshed
vocals grew in size, impact, granularity and depth
highs are smoother, more organic and dynamic at the same time
imaging I cannot evaluate as I'm playing mono due to space restrictions...for now, but I reckon imaging improved too as timing is great and so is phase across the bandwidth.

this system has addictive properties I can assure you!
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Apr 7, 2021 at 6:20 AM Post #1,016 of 1,453
Well I joined the metrum acoustics club. Traded in my chord qutest with some cash for a metrum jade. After initial trial testing if everything was working, I ordered the dac3 modules. This was a bigger hit on my wallet then expected, so will have 30 days to consider if they are keepers. You need to buy 2 for the amethyst, 4 for the onyx/jade and 8 for the pavane/adagio.

Next up will be a transport. Obvious choice would be the sonnet hermes or metrum amber. However due to the dac3 module hit i'm also contemplating a pi2aes (cheap) and a denafrips iris ddc (as a in between cost wise and easy plug and play).

Impression of the jade is its a onpar with the qutest in details, but the jade is more lifelike. More like listening to actual instruments.
Apr 7, 2021 at 6:39 AM Post #1,017 of 1,453
Well I joined the metrum acoustics club. Traded in my chord qutest with some cash for a metrum jade. After initial trial testing if everything was working, I ordered the dac3 modules. This was a bigger hit on my wallet then expected, so will have 30 days to consider if they are keepers. You need to buy 2 for the amethyst, 4 for the onyx/jade and 8 for the pavane/adagio.

Next up will be a transport. Obvious choice would be the sonnet hermes or metrum amber. However due to the dac3 module hit i'm also contemplating a pi2aes (cheap) and a denafrips iris ddc (as a in between cost wise and easy plug and play).

Impression of the jade is its a onpar with the qutest in details, but the jade is more lifelike. More like listening to actual instruments.
Well I also moved from Qutest to Onyx and then to Morpheus but have still kept Onyx with me for my headphone setup. I really like how it pairs with my Verite and DSHA-3F amp
Apr 7, 2021 at 7:30 AM Post #1,018 of 1,453
without running, DAC 3 really shocks me by the open airy and the Metrum logo bass, more sweet details coming out. the details make the tracks playback more natural
well the upgrading worth a lot.but the latest adagio does not equip the output trans.

Apr 7, 2021 at 8:17 AM Post #1,019 of 1,453
without running, DAC 3 really shocks me by the open airy and the Metrum logo bass, more sweet details coming out. the details make the tracks playback more natural
well the upgrading worth a lot.but the latest adagio does not equip the output trans.1617795033939.png

No output transformers for the RCAs? Could u share a full picture of the Adagio insides please?

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