Member of the Trade: DiDiT High-End, M2Tech, Sonnet Digital Audio, Final Touch Audio, Audio Art Cables. From New Zealand
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BlackMagic replied to the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really!.Could not agree more. A good Headfi friend just scored a bargain Octave I for c.Euro200 (that included a hiFace EVO DDC). Both old but...
BlackMagic reacted to George Hincapie's post in the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really! with Like.I had over £20K invested in Metrum; I would love to see them succeed. Fingers crossed.
BlackMagic replied to the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really!.I agree but just my opinion. I'm sure they will be aware of that letter but I'm following up with the link as it's timely. Bit of a...
BlackMagic replied to the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really!.The link just in echoes the subject. There might be a follow up ?? However they are still going strong it seems but there is nothing to...
BlackMagic reacted to GoldenSound's post in the thread MQA Deep Dive - I published tracks on Tidal to test MQA with Like.The biggest indicator that would show this to be the case is probably just the fact that as soon as my video came out and before they...
BlackMagic replied to the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really!.Tbh I don’t know. Earlier this year a new budget model was on the cards and I was asked for a few comments. Nothing further. Cees used...
BlackMagic replied to the thread Sonnet Digital Audio: New kid on the block, well.. not really!.Been very quiet on the Metrum/Sonnet front. A little blog a while back, outlined what’s available for transfer to an SD card (Pic) re...
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.This might be first up I guess to learn more :
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.Indeed - closed shop. They changed it not long after and I gave up looking - also gave up looking for a lone converter until now. An...
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.As with most things – if it meets your needs/budget, then it’s fit for purpose. Is this unit unique ? As with Fluty I’m mainly a CDP...
BlackMagic replied to the thread All things Metrum Acoustics.How did you get on sorting out the issue - any success ?
BlackMagic replied to the thread All things Metrum Acoustics.As George suggests above, contact Roelof at Metrum. Expect you have checked the output terminal/wiring connections. Occasionally with...
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.Look forward to your further input … but are you sure re Metrum ? 6 (many) Moons ago – Octave : “But what consumer DA converter does...
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.I have come across this site from time to time but don’t know much about them. However, his approach to things, leaves quite a few...
BlackMagic replied to the thread LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews.I’ve enlisted my wife and others many times to verify my own thoughts. Whilst she is not interested in gear, she can pick out...