All Ipod's to get color screens by end of year
Feb 22, 2005 at 9:37 PM Post #46 of 52

Originally Posted by individual6891
Which one? I've only seen one product with OLED in mainstream products, and that's in a Samsung phone - Would be interested into seeing more though

Sony Clie PEG-VZ90

Sadly Sony decided, no more Clie's for the United States!

Feb 23, 2005 at 1:19 AM Post #48 of 52
I don't have much opinion on this topic other than I can't think of any mini color that wouldn't look absolutely horrible with the chrome black but what I do have a problem with is the comments about Alienware and a lot of PC stuff. So excuse me while I go off topic.

Alienware did not develop SLI and hasn't done anything at all with their SLI technology yet and most likely never will. What do you expect for a system that costs over 6 grand? The first people to really do SLI were 3DFX back in the Voodoo days. Alienware do make pretty good computers but they gouge prices as much and probably more than Apple do. Second, what fan technologys? The only thing that comes to my mind is Antec's LED Fan patent.

Anyway, I guess having them all color screens is good. I will never buy an ipod as long as they have that ugly as sin chrome backing. I don't want to see fingerprints covering half of my MP3 player and I don't want to have to get out a sponge and brush it down so it isn't reflective anymore.
Feb 23, 2005 at 4:44 AM Post #49 of 52
While a colour screen isn't absolutely necessary, it still adds a nice touch to the experience. It makes it easier to read the screen (when you do look at it) as well as displaying the album art, it's just an overall improvement over the grayscale screen.

So, why not?

Is a colour screen necessary on a cell phone? No, but it looks better. Isn't that the point?

I can say this, if they do make the iPod all brushed aluminum, I'll be mighty peeved.. I've been wanting one like that since last year, and I just bought my iPod photo a few days ago...
Feb 23, 2005 at 5:05 AM Post #50 of 52

Originally Posted by kloan
So, why not?

Is a colour screen necessary on a cell phone? No, but it looks better. Isn't that the point?

why? well its expensive and drains the battery if you have to power the backlight all the time or if you frequently change settings/tracks on your DAP (i know many who do)

For camera phones ya
. I think color screens are a good improvement but its not going to be a short term gain, apple and other companies need to take the first step to making players that will do every thing (audio, video, camera, organizer, etc) and color screens are a good first step.
Feb 23, 2005 at 5:42 AM Post #51 of 52
LCDs are not expensive. certainly not the ones they're using now anyway... you can pick up a cosole controller with a 2" LCD for less than $20...

as far as the battery goes.. i get plenty time on mine now. the 3G's were much much worse, and they only had the one-tone.. so ya, i still think it's a good idea..

it really helps when the text is scrolling, or when im scrolling up and down the artists list.. its not blurry!! for anyone who has a regular iPod knows what im talking about..
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:53 AM Post #52 of 52
Complaints about color screens on mp3 players reminds me of the early 90's BBS arguments from command line geeks harshing on anyone using GUI interfaces. Who needs all that window dressing when text commands are sooo much faster? GUIs are for morons!

Technology rolls on.

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