Alessandro Questions (Shipping, pads etc.)
Jan 7, 2005 at 5:01 AM Post #16 of 37
don't worry about it. in the end YOU are his customer, and it is your choice to buy his product! you're filling his paycheck, I certainly wouldn't be complaining! Call him, explain that the headphone has been highly recommended from musicians, and you would like to try them because of the praise they've gotten. You can mention head-fi, a lot of people feel the ms-1's have a flatter response than the grados. From what i've read he sounds like a nice guy, I'm sure he will help you.
Jan 7, 2005 at 5:03 AM Post #17 of 37
I called Allesandro and actually spoke to George last Thursday. He told me he was back ordered and was expecting more stock on Friday or this past Monday. He told me I was only a day or 2 away with shipping, but it would be a week to a week and 1/2 before I received the phones.

I live in Rochester, New York.

He hasn't charged my card yet, so I'm not worried. I would love them sooner than later, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Jan 7, 2005 at 5:28 AM Post #18 of 37
I had similar experience last year about this time... Looking through my e-mails it was Jan 12th 04. I ordered the phones and received only the automated response so I e-mailed their sales dept and got a reply saying simply "We are closed for the NAMM show right now but they will ship next week when we reopen." So I waited a week and e-mailed again asking where they were, got a reply saying "The order will ship next week." Almost as if I was being a bother wondering why my purchase was taking two weeks just to ship.

They showed up about a week later and I was a happy camper. There was a thread just like this one last year about the same thing... Some people said they got a reply saying they were out of stock... I guess the christmas season really tears into their stock and they have to wait for Grado to ship them some new ones. It's weird though, this is only the second time I've seen someone complain about Alessandro's service. The last time being a year ago... everyone in between has had very good experiences.
Jan 9, 2005 at 1:09 AM Post #19 of 37
bster13 did you get your MS-1's yet? I received mine today. I never even got a message about the phones even being shipped. They just showed up via Priority Mail.

I hope you got yours delivered or at least got hold of George or someone at Alessandro to find out the status of your order.

Let me know how you made out.


Jan 9, 2005 at 9:32 AM Post #20 of 37
their website shopping doesnt work for me, I sent them an email for an order and they never responded, I sent them another one tonight.

maybe they arent too web/email savy? I recall prior to Christmas their website was down for a couple of weeks.

does anyone know if they take paypal? I dont like giving credit card numbers over phone orders.

tried calling a couple of times with no luck
Jan 9, 2005 at 1:27 PM Post #22 of 37
MartyJ, When did u place your order? I had them shipped to work, so I'd be stoked if then were there when I get in on Monday.

I guess Alessandro stocks his overseas retailers pretty well, and probably sends out bulk shipments, but for us here in the states he takes care of us personally, and perhaps we are last on the list to have our orders fiilled?
Jan 9, 2005 at 1:58 PM Post #23 of 37

Call him. Tell when you ordered and ask what's going on. If he asks why you didn't get Grados tell him you changed your mind. (and you've taken up guitar playing.
j/k) George Alessandro seemed like a nice and helpful guy to me when I had him on the phone. He just isn't too talkative it seems. Which is also the case in his e-mails I think. I always got (very) short and to the point answers.

IIRC, they take paypal but not via credit card.
Jan 9, 2005 at 9:09 PM Post #24 of 37
I ordered my MS-2s a couple weeks ago now, and apart from the automated email, I have heard nothing since. Not to mention I e-mailed them a day before I ordered and received no reply. Not impressed so far at all.
Jan 10, 2005 at 4:49 AM Post #25 of 37
they have yet to reply to my second email too.

It seems as if they are a small time shop, not too familair with internet based sales? Doesnt look as if they check the email often either

I may be forced to buy the sr-80's elsewhere, just because the alessandro folks dont seem to be on top of things
, I really wanted the ms-1s too.
Jan 10, 2005 at 7:47 PM Post #26 of 37
I want to purchase the ms-1's but I still cant get a hold of anyone there on the phone, and still no responses to emails. I got the shopping cart on the website working, but Im still hesistant about orderinf from them.

Anyone else order from them recently? what has been you experience with them?
Jan 10, 2005 at 7:52 PM Post #27 of 37
This is friggin' ridiculous...what's a guy gotta do to drown out his workplace environment? If anyone DOES get ahold of him, ask him what's the deal with not answering emails and the phones...
Jan 10, 2005 at 7:55 PM Post #28 of 37
from the looks of this thread, ordering the ms-1's are a hit or miss, you might get them, you might not, but from my experience definately any form of communication with them in the past few weeks is "Zero"

Ive emailed Bill from Goodcans yesterday enquiring about his grados, and he repsonded via this morning, with an amazingly polite email.

I think I will probably order from him. Too bad, I was look forward to ms-1's.
Jan 10, 2005 at 8:04 PM Post #29 of 37
Called Grado, got a receptionist. Asked her what the deal was, she didn't know if he rana small shop r anything, but she did say two things:

-The were behind on giving Alessandro Stock but he should have it now
-He might not be by the phone because there is some Hi-fi Show he could be at right now.

Jan 10, 2005 at 8:09 PM Post #30 of 37

Originally Posted by bster13
Called Grado, got a receptionist. Asked her what the deal was, she didn't know if he rana small shop r anything, but she did say two things:

-The were behind on giving Alessandro Stock but he should have it now
-He might not be by the phone because there is some Hi-fi Show he could be at right now.


Ah, to be a victim of one's own success. It reminds me of that IBM commercial where the small biz owner needs advice for a product that's about to explode - he needs to expand fast!

Or he can do the Grado thing - forget expansion, just do your own thang lol.

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