akg k518
Jun 2, 2010 at 10:56 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


New Head-Fier
Jun 2, 2010
i can buy akg k518 in a price like 50 euro.
they will be good to me if i listen to these  music:
lady gaga,michael jackson,rihanna and black eyed peas?
please dont tell me about another cans, iam interested just on those(just if you have something really great in 50 euro maximum from germany).
I just wanted to tell you that i have also an koss porta pro that i dont very like because they are leaking soun, they are to small,and they dont have isolation.
also i have jbl 220 that i love very much, they are great! 
sorry about my bad english:)
Jun 2, 2010 at 11:37 AM Post #3 of 14

(B2) AKG K81DJ (a.k.a. K518DJ / K518LE): The K81DJs were my first step into higher-priced portables and remain a personal favorite through many upgrades and inventory changes.


Build Quality (8.5/10): The construction of the K81DJ feels very robust and utilizes AKG’s patented 3D-Axis folding mechanism to make a truly versatile portable. The plastic headband houses a thick metal strip and is actually quite pliable. The joints of the 3D-Axis system are smooth and precise and the range of motion of these phones is very impressive. There is at least a half dozen different ways to fold them into the provided pleather bag. The cups are made of a hard plastic and the pads - of thick pleather. The cabling is thick and slightly rubberized. The plug is very meaty and the molded strain relief is massive. It is also threaded and a screw-on ¼” adapter is included. The biggest gripe I have with these is the length of the cord, which is quite excessive for a portable headphone at 8.2ft (2.5m).

Comfort (6/10): With a bit of adjustment when donned the K81s can be comfortable for several hours. The headband can be stretched overnight over a stack of books for a looser fit, which reduces the pressure exerted by the cups. The clamping force of a stock set can indeed be excessive for long listening sessions but there is an upside – the fit is very, very secure. I find them comfortable for a while but the pressure does get tiring after some time. Also, the headband isn’t as long as I expected – it requires to be extended completely to fit around my noggin while all of my other portable require around 50% extension – and doesn’t have any padding. Those with large heads may want to skip this set as there may just not be enough length in the headband.

Isolation (9/10): The wide range of motion of the cups, combined with the thickness of the pads, makes these one of the best-isolating portables I’ve ever tried. Leakage is nonexistent and the isolation they provide is actually on par with some of the lesser-isolating IEMs, which is saying a lot.

Sound (7/10): The sound signature of the K81dj is definitely on the warm/dark side of things. The treble is rolled off slightly but it sounds very natural, especially with stringed instruments. The mids are rich and full, a tiny bit recessed compared to the bass, just like the treble, but still very natural-sounding. The low end is very powerful and lacking in control somewhat. There’s a certain softness to the bass impact that gives these a ‘weighty’ low end. Not ideal for tracks with dense, fast, rapidly changing basslines but very enjoyable in tracks with discrete beats. The bass can be eq’d down to balance out the sound but even as is the big bass can be lots of fun. The foam pads over the grilles can be removed to balance out the amount of treble, mids, and bass slightly, adding to the former two and subtracting from the latter. I still wouldn’t pick these for any critical listening but they are very enjoyable headphones all in all.

Value (9.5/10). (MSRP: $99.99, Street Price: $60) At the current street price the AKG K81Dj provide an incredible combination of portability, durability, and isolation. They perform respectably in the sq area as well, providing a rich midrange, very strong bass, and accurate treble. I never found them tiring even with the foam inserts removed and I can’t think of any set that I’d enjoy as much out-and-about without worrying about bothering those around me or everyday wear-and-tear. They can be comfortable for quite some time, though probably not for everyone. A plethora of well-documented mods exist to raise both the sq and comfort of the K81, giving them growth potential rivaled only by the KSC75s. A great set of phones that works extremely well at its price point (and makes me want to try the higher-end K181DJ).

Manufacturer Specs:
Frequency Response:16-24,000 Hz
Impedance:32 Ω
Sensitivity:115 dB SPL/1mW
Cord:8.2ft (2.5m); Straight Plug
Space-Saving Mechanism:Flat-folding, collapsible

Jun 2, 2010 at 11:42 AM Post #4 of 14
What does it means?
im sorry but i am really new in those headphones things.
please tell me if they are good to me and if they are good to my  requirements.
the phones are for use with my mp3 player, that is the cowon d2.
thanks a lot!
Jun 2, 2010 at 11:57 AM Post #5 of 14
If you only have 50 euros to spend, then I think that the K518LE is a good decision (In my opinion).  Some people think that they have too much bass.  However, I think it is hard with your budget to get something much better.  Also, if your head is fairly large you may want to think about getting another pair of headphones because many people complain about the high pressure the headphones clamp your head with.  Good luck!
Edit: English
Jun 2, 2010 at 12:03 PM Post #6 of 14
i am sorry but i am not from germany, so please talk with me just in english.
i transleted what you wrote in google translate, so i know what you are talking about.
my head is not big, iam just 14, and about the bass: you know to review between the bass of the jbl 220 that i have to the k518 bass?
are they good to the kind of music that im litening to?
thanks !
Jun 2, 2010 at 12:11 PM Post #7 of 14
I have no idea of the bass of the JBL or Portapros.  If you could possibly increase your budget the Denon D1001 or the cheaper, but almost exactly the same Creative Aurvana Live might be better for you.  I think you would also be quite happy with a K518LE, they sound quite good for the music you listed and have great isolation.
Jun 2, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #8 of 14
can i buy the Creative Aurvana Live  from saturn?
if yes, what's the price?
thank for the great help!
Can you also help me with finding a apir for my dad?
he needs the phones for classic music, and for playing in his piano.
if it is important he has an pro ject head box ii headphones amp for his stereo system.
his budget is around 80 euro and he wants a "full size" cans.
Jun 2, 2010 at 3:44 PM Post #11 of 14
please help me!
are the k518 pads are leather pads?

Be patient when it comes to forums, bumping your thread so often makes you look... well, not favorable.
Also, when it comes to headphones in the sub $100USD range, a good rule is "think long, think wrong".  I'm sure that if you get them, you will love them.
Jun 2, 2010 at 6:37 PM Post #12 of 14
The AKG K518's are great headphones. I've bought 4 pairs in my time. I keep on giving them away to friends. The bass is heavy thought even by my bass head standards. If you want a touch less bass heavy sound at this price range I can only recommend the Senn HD201's. 
However they do clamp a little hard and I can only take them for 30-45 at the most. 
Nov 24, 2010 at 5:27 PM Post #13 of 14
hello! im new to head fi...but ive been looking around forums researching these akg 518le's. they're just under $60 right now on amazon including shipping, so i'm really tempted to get them.
im a college student so ill mainly use them while studying and walking around campus. these seem like a reasonable choice for this sort of use. oh! also, i'm 4'11" so im pretty sure these will fit my head, so comfort shouldnt be an issue.
my main question is regarding the sound. ive listened to my coworkers' audio technica m50s and sony v6's, and of the two i preferred the v6's. however, i think that may be due to fit since my head is pretty small for the m50's. i was wondering if anyone can tell me how the sound of the k518's sound in comparison to these? ill mainly be listening to indie rock with the occasional hip hop and electronic album thrown in the mix. also, i like heavy bass (which these seem to have).
Nov 25, 2010 at 7:57 PM Post #14 of 14
i can and i can't. From what i understand both the M50's and the V6's are 'studio' headphones. Studio phones have a different agenda to headphones meant for the ipod generation. `The sound is geared more towards midrange, and so they might sound a bit flat ... the bass and treble not competing  for your attention. The AKG's are very bass heavy. Good when you're in the mood, not so good when you're not.
however you have to understand that in the UK the headphones are price differently and so one would sassume that the sound from the AKG's won't be as 'good' as with the M50 or V6.
iheadphones.co.uk retail price:
AKG K518 - RRP: £59.99
M50 -  RRP: £149.99
V6 - RRP: £99.99

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