AKG K340 and Quad Pa One
Feb 12, 2019 at 9:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


500+ Head-Fier
May 8, 2014
Just wanted to start a new (and hopefully brief) thread on this subject.
I am being offered a fair price for very mildly used AKG K340 (almost as new, unknown to me which of the versions (green, white or black). K340 have 400Ω or 420Ω impedance, while the amp (rather capable, still) I am using at home is specified for the impedance range 32Ω - 300Ω, and this amp works tremendously well with AKG K701, and Senn HD800 as well, the former being 62Ω and the latter 300Ω.

Now, I know that the impedance is not everything, but bearing in mind my setup, I just wonder whether the AKG K340 are worth investing.
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:31 PM Post #2 of 9
I think the amp should work, it might not be the best voiced amp for the version you've got but it should work. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/actual-akg-k340-impedance-measurements.446294/

As far as worth investing? Totally depends on what your expectations are and the cost to you. I like them because of their unique technology. They have a unique presentation of sound but they aren't neutral or without color. Lots of people have struggled to find an amp or tweak them works to get them to satisfaction. Pads and elastic have to be able to get a good fit on your head or there's not much low end. Even if the can's are like new they aren't new. Might not be plug and play to get the best from them.
Feb 12, 2019 at 5:43 PM Post #3 of 9
I think the amp should work, it might not be the best voiced amp for the version you've got but it should work. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/actual-akg-k340-impedance-measurements.446294/

As far as worth investing? Totally depends on what your expectations are and the cost to you. I like them because of their unique technology. They have a unique presentation of sound but they aren't neutral or without color. Lots of people have struggled to find an amp or tweak them works to get them to satisfaction. Pads and elastic have to be able to get a good fit on your head or there's not much low end. Even if the can's are like new they aren't new. Might not be plug and play to get the best from them.

Thanks for such detailed and straightforward reply.

Before I answer, here is a small update: Got my old AKG K240 Monitors ( 600Ω !! ) out of the drawer and plugged them finally, after long deliberations, into the Quad - and it drove them to a surprisingly loud level, without distortion, almost (on a brief impression) than the K701 ! Got them to sound really well.

One test in a greek forum measured this amp with the 600Ω load, so I decided to give it a try.

The result of the SQ of the K240 600Ω vs. the K701 was consequent with the comparison I did with my old EAR90 (Harmony Design) solid state headphone amp, resulting in impression that the K701 (now about 4 years old) is superior in pretty much every department - more layering, depth, definition and richness in bass response -most of all, and ultimately richer sound. K240 Monitors sounded drier and less rich in comparison, like being shaved a bit in a richness of the sound across the freq. spectrum.

The question is whether to fund the (costly) Grado repair here in EU (the GS1000 right driver died some time ago, and it was my dream can), or to venture into the K340 as an experiment.

Rather - well, confused, at the moment. The primary concern is, of course, not to cause any harm to the circuitry and the transformer of the Quad Pa One if using the K340 that are reportedly rather heavy load.
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Feb 13, 2019 at 11:05 PM Post #4 of 9
If the GS1000 is your grail- why not fix that. There's thousands of K340 out there and interest in them peaked years ago.
I can't see them ever becoming like the K1000 and prohibitively priced for the curious explorer at this point in history.
Feb 13, 2019 at 11:09 PM Post #5 of 9
If the GS1000 is your grail- why not fix that. There's thousands of K340 out there and interest in them peaked years ago.
I can't see them ever becoming like the K1000 and prohibitively priced for the curious explorer at this point in history.

Was thinking about it yesterday, and came to the same conclusion.
There was one post somewhere here at headfi, where user had actually given up his GS1000 and other cans for either modded or stock K340, which led me to wonder what is it with this can that made him do so.
Edit: here is the link to that post: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/akg-k340-vs-1000-headphones.557936/page-2#post-10795038

GS1000 should be better, by all accounts. If only the repair was not this costly here in EU.
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Feb 14, 2019 at 12:05 PM Post #6 of 9
My suspicion is that with some system matching and a bit of work they might be "good enough" for many people. So, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who was used to the presentation and had a system that worked well with the K340 chose it as the point of diminishing returns.
Feb 14, 2019 at 12:31 PM Post #7 of 9
My suspicion is that with some system matching and a bit of work they might be "good enough" for many people. So, I wouldn't be surprised if someone who was used to the presentation and had a system that worked well with the K340 chose it as the point of diminishing returns.

Just put the old AKG K240M ( 600Ω ) through its paces of the Quad Pa One, and they hold rather well, I suppose... flat, unflattering, no plasticity or the extension or layering of the bass found in AKG K701 (yes, off this amp the K701, now well and truly burnt-in, do have incredible bass presence, of the Yamaha CDR-HD1500 hard disk FM- recordings, and in general, from other well-recorded sources). What you get instead from the AKG K240M is "straightforward" and "honest" representation, a bit shaved off in terms of the ultimate extension and richness in presentation across the spectrum, typical for flagship cans chronologically beginning with the HD580 and onwards.

Switched briefly to the K701 and they have a bouncier, more dynamic and refined presence across the spectrum, to my ears, but K240 M are no slouch either with better amps...

K340s are still the enigma to me, so many opposing things from the people who's opinion I appreciate and value, so difficult to say... having said all of this, I would know within some short time while demoing, but... the time for the purchase is short and I have no means of demoing this can.

@JadeEast, however this ends, I am truly thankful for your time and effort. Much appreciated !
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Feb 14, 2019 at 4:23 PM Post #8 of 9
Akg k340 and K701 are so different beasts, it's not possibile to compare them really. I use to own both since years and in my opinion k340 are with a reality of timbre not possibile to reach with k701, instruments sound in true and livelike way with k340 where K701 sound in a bit strage way. Not that K701 are not good, soundstage Is huge (truly too much with small Groups) is possibile to see the precise location of each player on the stage...really fast and bass controlled never invasive. In confort K340 are a torture. But if I used to play k701 10% k340 are 45% and Sennheiser hd540 ref.1 45% but this Is another story. So Is worth to try with the K340? YESS
Feb 15, 2019 at 2:32 AM Post #9 of 9
I concur that k340 is ahead of k701 in everything. Well maybe not soundstage debth but the image is deeper and more natural. My k340 were modded so I can't say for sure if that is the case with stock k340.

Like said, k340 is hard to drive. SPL phonitor barely did them justice. And it drives my T1, hd800, hd650, he400 and he560 without breaking a sweat.

It's not about the impedance, or even sensitivity specs... that electret driver just is a bitch.

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