AKG 3003
Feb 2, 2013 at 8:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Jun 23, 2012
So I went on a business trip to Washington, D.C. And if any of you get to Washington Dullas airport, head over to terminal B as this is where the best food is and the good headphone shop.

I ate my 4000 calorie death burger then went browsing the store, very nice selection all the big names, apart from sennheiser all the top end IEMs and a nice salesmen.

We got chatting and I had my IE8i and sony MDR 1Rbt, with me as I wasn't really looking to buy, he wanted me to test some, which was good because testing IEMs are sometime a no no.

He had the top of the range UEs and the AKG 3003, I wanted to test the AKG, I plugged them into my iPhone and played back a few tracks.

So we're they god, well they were ok, not mind blowing nor worth the 1300 dollar price tag, they did sound good I,ll say that, but only really as good as my over the ears sonys or the my IE8I when running through a fiio.

The guy started quoting me stats and things, but I ignore that as its what my ears wants not whats in a graph. They felt heavy also, nice build quality and sexy case

But I was disappointed in a way because if I'd have spent that much on them I'd be expecting more. I asked him if he amped them he said no so how I was using them was identical to him.

So I'm in this zone now, and succumb to the view that in my amateur mind payi more above 400 for Any IEM doesn't really gain you that much, but only creeps up in micro increments.

I've read many reviews on these IEMs, but for the price, I think totally over priced, and nothing that can't be gained from a good set of cans. Ok not what everybody wants but I know where I'd spend my money

Would I buy some.... No never
If money was no object... Probably
Sound quality nice bass warm, but only like a good set of cans.

Overall I'm glad I listened as this as stopped me chasing the dream, if these are the best there is, I'm happy with my sony mdr ex1000 and sennheiser s, as to be honest not really $600 worth difference

Thanks to the guy though, nice shop

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