Advice on the amp for me..
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:17 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6

CC Lemon

100+ Head-Fier
Nov 13, 2009
I've been working on upgrading my audio set ups recently and I'm considering a few different options as to which direction I want to go. I'm leaning towards starting with adding a good amp for home use since I can pretty much use that to compliment any set up.
Sources: I currently have a Pioneer PL-400 for vinyl with a TC-750 preamp. This would be the primary application for the amp at first. Other than that, I'd use it with my HiSoundAudio Studio-V, which is my portable source. I am considering future additions to either add a quality CD player or maybe a nice sound card for my computer. Not really 100% on what I want to do, but I would like a digital source for home use.
Amps: Currently, I only have a Total BitHead and the Studio-V, which can function as an amp. Those have been enough for my needs thus far, but I'd like something to meet and exceed my needs. It might sound stupid, but I probably wont upgrade my headphones and an amp at the same time. To an extent, I've picked my headphones based on the equipment I have. If I get a better amp, I'll end up considering headphones that can actually make use of that amp.
Headpones: I currently have HFI-780, ATH-AD900 and SR225i. I have a Terminator V4 on order, which will be here soon.
I've done a fair bit of reading but I don't have much of a direction as to what I'm looking for. My budget is probably around $350 (before shipping). I've been leaning towards a tube amp and I'm interested in finding out what the tube hype is all about. That said, a lot of people seem to enjoy their solid state amps. It also seems like there might be some more affordable options in my price range with solid state, plus the convenience of not having to deal with or pay to replace the tubes. Mind you, that isn't something I'm afraid of dealing with. I probably wont be throwing money at tube rolling if I do go with a tube amp, though I may eventually try that if I feel like I have the money I want to spend on it. I'm not really sure I'm looking for any specific sound qualities at this point. As long as I don't lose clarity/quality at any point, I think I'll be fairly happy. I enjoy all of my cans for their different sounds and I wouldn't say I'm aiming to boost anything specific in terms of frequency response. I will note that I enjoy having the choice of different sounds/set ups. If I go with a solid state, I'll likely try a tube amp later. If I start with a tube, I'll probably try a solid state later. At this point, I'm just looking for recommendations of where I should start and why. None of my current headphones demand a whole lot in terms of amplification, but I'd like to plan ahead and have something that will give me the option of higher impedance at a later date if I feel like it. Nothing insane, just something that opens up more options.
I've looked at a few amps but still can't decide. The Schiit options appeal to me. I was a little surprised to hear that the Valhalla has been considered to have a bit more of a solid state sound and the Asgard might actually be a better choice. I've also looked at the little dot options and even the stuff over at headroom. I will definitely say I'm not looking for a kit. I have the know how, I just don't feel like dealing with that. I want something that works out of the box. If anyone can point me in a direction based on this information, I'd really appreciate it. Let me know if there's any more information I could provide that might help with recommendations.
Thanks in advance!
Jan 24, 2012 at 8:34 PM Post #3 of 6
With $350 to play with, I wouldn't really recommend too many commercially available tube amplifiers. Your phones seem to be most low impedance. You'll probably want to look into a tube amplifier that is transformer coupled if you want to go that route.
You might to try a solid state amp that you can find in the classified section here. You can usually find the best value buying second hand.
Find out what features you want in an amplifier and then narrow them down from there.
Good luck!
Jan 24, 2012 at 11:44 PM Post #4 of 6
Thanks for the reply!
I am leaning towards a SS after doing a bit more reading. It seems there are a lot of  recommendations for SS for the Darth/Terminator. The Meier amps seem to come up frequently, so I'm looking around for those.
Definitely open to used equipment in good condition. It's always nice to get a great product at an even better price.
In terms of features, I'm not really sure I'm looking for a whole lot. I'm fine with something fairly simple for now. Having 2 inputs would be nice, but far from a requirement. I'd prefer a generally flat response and anything to help control the bass and keep it tight would be nice traits. I realize my current collection of cans doesn't require a lot to drive them, but I would like something that gives me the option to expand to something more demanding at a later point.
Jan 26, 2012 at 4:43 AM Post #6 of 6

You can also in the future consider the DIY route. There's lots of really good sounding amps that are actually homemade!

Thanks for the tip!
I may consider it in the future, but I just don't feel like dealing with it. I love putting stuff together, building computers and taking on projects to save money or see better results. That said, I don't particularly enjoy stuff like soldering for some reason. It just feels tedious. Also, I do have a fair bit of experience with stuff like that, but the results are never clean enough for my tastes and I don't feel like putting the necessary effort (for me to be satisfied) into my first amp. I realize I may be sacrificing some quality or paying for convenience, but that's something I'm willing to do for the time being.
Once I have an amp and feel like I have something to fall back on during the assembly process or in case of a mistake in building, I might consider a DIY. For now, I don't think I'd be satisfied with that option.

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