[Advice needed] What headphones would you recommend up to £250?
Jan 18, 2015 at 3:41 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16

Dagoth Ur

New Head-Fier
Jan 18, 2015
I am looking for a new pair of headphones headphones at £250 max.
I have heard a lot of people mention the Sennheiser HD650 (which is £250 on Amazon at the moment) but I was wondering whether any other brands of headphones were just as good or better.
As for what I am going to use the headphones on it Will be my motherboard (Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H) however this is only because I can't afford any other equipment such as amps etc right now and need to wait later to get them.
Now as for what kind of music I listen to I will list some examples: (I listen to Metal, Rock, Traditional Classical and Contemporary classsical)
Metal Examples: (I have many others than this)
Rock music:
http://youtu.be/4PkcfQtibmU?t=1m4s  (skipped as it takes a while for the music to start)
Traditional Classical:
I won't bring examples as everyone probably knows what classical music from Beethoven, Vivaldi etc sound like.
Contemporary Classical:
Don't know what this is classified as but I found it in the Prophesy of Pendor Mod for Mount and Blade Warband and liked it:
I do listen to game music such as this, they are probably classical music of some sort though:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8jkyKXYvTY&index=183&list=PLQd-XAIAnMu8yCpHj_EOdk6rV_SYjvjoA (masterpiece by composer Michiru Yamane)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9MZyK-V79M&list=PLQd-XAIAnMu8yCpHj_EOdk6rV_SYjvjoA&index=178 (Again from from Michiru Yamane)
Sorry for any wrong names or categories for some of this music listed, I get confused  with the genre or styles of music sometimes.
Sorry for all of these links to music but I thought I would show everyone all the music types I listen to so there was enough evidence to get help.
I am thankful in advance for all the help you guys can give me.
Jan 19, 2015 at 3:33 PM Post #3 of 16
I'm here too as a headphone newbie so not sure how much help I can be for you however I'd say we have literally the exact same music tastes (that Labyrinth song was AWESOME) to the point where we even like game OSTs lol even though I'm more of a Uematsu fan personally.  Anyhow, I've been using Sennheiser earphones for the last six years and while I don't have any other high end comparisons, have been extremely happy with them. I have been using the IE7s for the past two or so years and have always been impressed with their sound.  In the same boat as you looking for new headphones with roughly the same budget and also looking at the HD650s. 
Jan 19, 2015 at 4:08 PM Post #4 of 16
Thanks for the reply.
Every little piece of information is helpful. Good to hear your earphones have lasted that long. Don't think I have owned anything electronic to last that long, especially with audio equipment.
Nice to see some other people with similar tastes in music. I love Uematsu's music as well, although never looked him up before. Just looked him up now and didn't realise all the Final Fantasy music he has done. Loved lots of his work but never realised he composed it.
Hopefully some others in the community will join the thread and bring suggestions for us.
Jan 19, 2015 at 4:14 PM Post #5 of 16
Have you owned any headphones in the past? What did you like/not like about them? That would help people to make recommendations. :)
Jan 19, 2015 at 4:37 PM Post #6 of 16
Have you owned any headphones in the past? What did you like/not like about them? That would help people to make recommendations.

Unfortunately I have not used and Headsets in the past. I am currently using this £20 headset but that's nothing compared to good headphones. 
If I had to say what the best headphones I have ever used are then my Dads Sennheiser 205 (I think) is probably the best and I liked the sound of them. My Nephew recently bought a Sennheiser 650 and said the quality of the sound is really good and he likes the similar music to me. which made me realise about getting new headphones himself. However I have not used his headphones for myself so I have no idea what "really good" means, only comment he has said is having good bass on his music.
I guess with headphones I really like Bass due to listening to Metal music. Other than that I was inexperienced back then and never saw much in headphones (The Sennheiser 205) like I do now.
Jan 19, 2015 at 8:36 PM Post #7 of 16
OK :)

First, be sure that you want open headphones since they don't offer isolation--you can hear the environment and people can hear your music. Best for private use.

If you want a more neutral sounding headphone good with that range of music, you might also consider the Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyerdynamic-DT880-PRO-Headset-250-Gris/dp/B001B1QENY/ It would likely need some kind of amp to go with it. If you went with the HD650, it, too, would likely need an amp, but you wouldn't have any money left in your budget for that
Jan 20, 2015 at 10:19 AM Post #8 of 16

First, be sure that you want open headphones since they don't offer isolation--you can hear the environment and people can hear your music. Best for private use.

If you want a more neutral sounding headphone good with that range of music, you might also consider the Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyerdynamic-DT880-PRO-Headset-250-Gris/dp/B001B1QENY/ It would likely need some kind of amp to go with it. If you went with the HD650, it, too, would likely need an amp, but you wouldn't have any money left in your budget for that

Thanks for the reply.
Open headphones should be fine. I'm not sure how loud the music will be but people mention needing to be quite close to hear it and if you are in another room then the music won't be heard or at a really low volume. I guess it depends how loud the music is as well but I don't know how true this is as I have only heard one person mention it. 

Thanks for the suggestion on the Beyerdynamic headphones I will give them a check. 
Hopefully I should be able to afford an amp within one months time when I get more money in the bank account.
Thank you for the help, much appreciated. 
Jan 20, 2015 at 11:39 AM Post #9 of 16
Then, you might want to check out the EHP-O2 amp from Epiphany Acoustics. It's the same as the Objective 2 (O2) amp regularly discussed on this forum. Would easily power either of those headphones.
Jan 20, 2015 at 2:13 PM Post #10 of 16
Then, you might want to check out the EHP-O2 amp from Epiphany Acoustics. It's the same as the Objective 2 (O2) amp regularly discussed on this forum. Would easily power either of those headphones.

I will give the amp a check. I looks good. I have also heard people mention schiit as a company as well but I have never looked at their stuff.
This is good I may go with the o2 amp when I get the money.
Jan 20, 2015 at 4:10 PM Post #11 of 16
Schiit's equipment is very good, and many people would say that the O2 and Magni are comparable in class. But, you'd have to pay international shipping and other types of fees on Schiit's equipment. So I always mention the O2 to people in the UK. Could be cheaper :)
Jan 20, 2015 at 4:52 PM Post #12 of 16
Schiit's equipment is very good, and many people would say that the O2 and Magni are comparable in class. But, you'd have to pay international shipping and other types of fees on Schiit's equipment. So I always mention the O2 to people in the UK. Could be cheaper

Thanks for that, didn't think about international shipping costs.
Jan 20, 2015 at 6:36 PM Post #13 of 16
  Thanks for that, didn't think about international shipping costs.

Another option would be to get a FiiO E10K usb Amp/DAC. Can be bought for around £60-£70 and will drive the HD650 / HD600 / DT880 just fine.
A DT880 Pro and FiiO E10K can be picked up just within your £250 budget I believe ...
If you want to go cheaper, consider the AKG K612 Pro. £102 from here: http://www.juno.co.uk/products/akg-k612-pro-studio-headphones-black-silver/492016-01/
An awesome headphone for that price!
Jan 21, 2015 at 3:24 PM Post #15 of 16
Another option would be to get a FiiO E10K usb Amp/DAC. Can be bought for around £60-£70 and will drive the HD650 / HD600 / DT880 just fine.
A DT880 Pro and FiiO E10K can be picked up just within your £250 budget I believe ...
If you want to go cheaper, consider the AKG K612 Pro. £102 from here: http://www.juno.co.uk/products/akg-k612-pro-studio-headphones-black-silver/492016-01/
An awesome headphone for that price!

Thanks for the suggestions and reply I will have a look at them. I have a little while to make a full decision so I will take a look at  the products you mentioned.
I have heard these mentioned frequently by people so I will have a good look at them.

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