If I replace them with something else, then (assuming I get a refund) what would be recommended that's in their price range that don't have the problems I listed above, AND should last several years, in spite of being treated like military-grade equipment often gets treated?
I don't think I'm nearly as rough on my things as the military is on theirs, and they IMO don't treat their equipment like crap. I DO try to take care of things, it's just that accidents can and do happen, like cords get tangled on a solidly anchored stationary object while I'm trying to sprint away from said object with cord attached, an mp3 player might slip out of my hand while I'm working on the roof of the house, and fall to the driveway below, etc.... (ok maybe i'm exaggerating a little
but I DO like my equipment to be built tough enough to withstand (what for me is) normal everyday use...)
besides what is it with me and cords / cables / etc of any type? this isn't the first set of headphones that's broken while I was using it, and my Maha C-808M battery charger just quit working (haven't diagnosed if it's the cord or not), and I often have other cords break. Am I really being that unreasonable to expect cords on electronic devices to last at least as long as piano wire (as in until the piano wire breaks, not when it stops sounding good - i've recently seen pianos from the 1890s with the original wire that were still pretty much all there), when subjected to similar treatment?
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