about the Fostex T50RP so many versions + O2 pads
Oct 15, 2014 at 10:00 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


New Head-Fier
Feb 19, 2014
Hi guys, 
I am planning to the the Fostex T50RP headphones.
But i am absolutely lost: i read here
that there are different versions, 
Which one I should look for?
the one I can buy is this one though:
Also found:
and version 2 and 3:
What are these?
based on OLD ones? on the good ones?
I am completely lost
Which are the ones that are orthos?
The ones with the nice pads? (the circular ones)
What are the O2 pads? Are there any better? Compared to which model?...
I heard that there are variations on the models, some are flawed, some are newer.
Which sound best from "scratch" without having to mod?
I guess the thunderpants are like a Graal's quest right now?
It is said to be "semi opened" design.
Thought it was a Closed back...
Any info on this?
Also, I thought these were planar magnetic hp
but I haven't seen this in the specs...
Could you confirm?
Sorry for these numerous questions...
I would appreciate a lot your help here.
Oct 15, 2014 at 10:11 AM Post #2 of 6
for what i understood:
old round driver T50 mk2: bad earcups -> need a mod, sound HUGE then.
newer model T50RP:  better earcups, better from scratch, but need a much more technical mod to be great?
Is that correct?
I need to get something good from scratch that I could easily mod.
closed back and orthos
Oct 15, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #3 of 6
I dont know much about the different versions of the stock T50rp, but they are all orthos.

Mayfair sells one thats already modded. Versions 2 and 3 are different mods.

Thunderpants were made by smeggy here. They are a specific mod.
Oct 15, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #4 of 6
They're all planar magnetics. "Orthodynamic" was Yamaha's marketing term for that sort of driver. Also called isodynamic.

Most prefer modded versions. The most well-known currently in production are (alphabetically) LFF Paradox, Slant, & Enigma; MrSpeakers Mad Dog 3.2, Alpha Dog, & Alpha Prime; and ZMF v1, v2, and Vibro.

Or you can buy a stock Fostex Tx0RP and mod it yourself using any number of open source mods such as BMF, if you know what you're doing and are a patient guy.

If you're looking for something pre-modded on the cheaper side, consider ZMF v1 or v2 and Mad Dog.

Best luck!

Edit: The ones using stock earcups aren't fully closed, but at least 85%.
Oct 15, 2014 at 5:39 PM Post #5 of 6
Hi Guys!
Thanks for your answers!
I read about the zmf
I may go for the master model V1, want the alcantara pads
with OCC zpex wire
the main issue I have is the pilot band or the leather strap
I guess the first should be more confie, the second is more native, closer to the original.
Do you know if the wiring is as I expect?
I mean: if I ask for XLR, it will be the connector at the cups, right? the other end could be a 3.5 jack, right?
Which one is the default?
These are already a bit expensive for my budget but I would love to get them
The carbon finish is okay for me.
I may have found what I was looking for!!! Thanks a lot!
Oct 15, 2014 at 6:23 PM Post #6 of 6
Get the pilot pad because it's comfy. As to wiring, discuss the options with Zach; he can do whatever you need. Enjoy!

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