A sad day for baseball...
May 8, 2006 at 6:33 PM Post #46 of 158

Originally Posted by felixkrull6
Why? Isn't he giving most of the fans what they want? Plus, if you take the money away from Bonds, who exactly are you giving the money back to? Are you giving it back to the owners and major league baseball that basically turned a blind eye to whole situation when they knew full well that there was a problem with steroids?

Apparently, he isn't giving the fans what they want because public opinion of him isn't very high.

The money goes back to the those directly responsible for paying his salary, the people. The money can go to little league programs throughout the city of San Francisco. Do some good with it for a change.
May 8, 2006 at 6:37 PM Post #47 of 158
It's true that others have been using steroid too, but people are picking on Bonds because of two reasons, first he's an outstanding player who has the best record in number of home runs as an active player and he is pursuing the magic number set by Aaron. Second, when he testified in front of Congress, he said he never used steroid, which was proved wrong later. (sort of like when Bill Clinton first said he never had any relationship with Monica and many people believed him because he was the President but then later people were pissed because they realized he lied, so now some people simple got mad when they are lied to) If you are an unknown player in the minor league then no one would give a darn about you using steriod. Blame on publicity.
May 8, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #48 of 158
EyeAmEye said:
Apparently, he isn't giving the fans what they want because public opinion of him isn't very high.

I will respectfully disagree. My humble opinion is that opposing fans love it when he strikes out and they love it when he homers. That's why they pay their money to go see the Giants play. They boo when he gets walked.

I really agree with felixkrull6's original post.
May 8, 2006 at 6:46 PM Post #49 of 158

Originally Posted by felixkrull6
5) More conditioning and weightlifting by all players in general. If anyone has a chance, go back and watch the 1981 World Series and see how skinny Dave Winfield looked back then. Remember, Dave Winfield was considered a huge man in his day. It can really be any series but that's one that I remember being shocked at looking back.

I agree with you. Americans are getting fatter each year. I once read an article and I don't know if I should laugh or not. Children are getting so fat these days that they can no longer fit in the child seat that was designed in the old days in their cars.
May 8, 2006 at 7:10 PM Post #50 of 158
utep10 said:

Originally Posted by EyeAmEye
Apparently, he isn't giving the fans what they want because public opinion of him isn't very high.

I will respectfully disagree. My humble opinion is that opposing fans love it when he strikes out and they love it when he homers. That's why they pay their money to go see the Giants play. They boo when he gets walked.

I gotta say, I don't interpret this as love...
May 8, 2006 at 7:15 PM Post #51 of 158

Originally Posted by EyeAmEye
Apparently, he isn't giving the fans what they want because public opinion of him isn't very high.

The money goes back to the those directly responsible for paying his salary, the people. The money can go to little league programs throughout the city of San Francisco. Do some good with it for a change.

Public opinion and giving the fans what they want aren't even related. I don't think that most fans that have payed to see Barry play would say they were cheated when he broke the single season hr mark or hit #661, 700, or any other homerun that he has hit or will hit. All those people who now say that they were deceived are just deluding themselves.
May 8, 2006 at 7:20 PM Post #52 of 158
Sladeophile said:

Originally Posted by utep10
I gotta say, I don't interpret this as love...

Have you ever heard of loving to hate someone? I would say that people love to boo as much as they like to cheer. Two sides of the same coin.

Ignore this post if you meant ot be sarcastic.
May 8, 2006 at 7:34 PM Post #53 of 158
felixkrull6 said:

Originally Posted by Sladeophile

Have you ever heard of loving to hate someone? I would say that people love to boo as much as they like to cheer. Two sides of the same coin.

Ignore this post if you meant ot be sarcastic.

No sarcasm. Barrys stock is very low right now, just like Kobe when he had the whole rape thing going on. I would avoid a Giants game just so I wouldn't have to see his fat head. The giants aren't even having a winning season despite having Bonds. I don't know why ANY fans would be happy to have him on their team, he is underperforming drastically. So I think you are wrong, there is much more hate right now than love for him.
May 8, 2006 at 7:38 PM Post #54 of 158

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
Maybe I'll just start following the mediocre players, they're probably the only ones who aren't cheating.

Actually, the guys at the bottom aren't honest either. Ryan Franklin pitched for the Mariners last year, and he tested positive for steroids. Steroids will propel a good player to great heights, but if you're mediocre, well, mediocre x2 is still mediocre.
May 8, 2006 at 7:49 PM Post #55 of 158
Sladeophile said:

Originally Posted by felixkrull6
No sarcasm. Barrys stock is very low right now, just like Kobe when he had the whole rape thing going on. I would avoid a Giants game just so I wouldn't have to see his fat head. The giants aren't even having a winning season despite having Bonds. I don't know why ANY fans would be happy to have him on their team, he is underperforming drastically. So I think you are wrong, there is much more hate right now than love for him.


I think most fans of the Giants like him and would disagree with you. Your point about fans not being happy to have him because he isn't performing has no bearing on not liking him because he took roids which I think was the original point of this whole thread. You don't think people enjoyed going to the stadium to boo Kobe after the rape allegations? In the end, you clearly have a disdain for Bonds which is perfectly legitimate but the original comment about love had to do with a love of seeing Bonds fail by opposing fans not about loving Bonds himself.
May 8, 2006 at 7:56 PM Post #56 of 158
felixkrull6 said:

Originally Posted by Sladeophile
I think most fans of the Giants like him and would disagree with you. Your point about fans not being happy to have him because he isn't performing has no bearing on not liking him because he took roids which I think was the original point of this whole thread. You don't think people enjoyed going to the stadium to boo Kobe after the rape allegations? In the end, you clearly have a disdain for Bonds which is perfectly legitimate but the original comment about love had to do with a love of seeing Bonds fail by opposing fans not about loving Bonds himself.

It's well known in the world of baseball that Bonds is a crybaby, a scumbag, and he's being paid a crapload of money to perform, which he isn't doing. So if he didn't take steroids in the first place people still wouldn't like him. I'm sure there are fans that are loyal, and that's fine with me. I just wish he wasn't playing anymore.
May 8, 2006 at 8:00 PM Post #57 of 158
First off, Bonds isn't screwing up baseball, just the MLB.

Yes, theres a difference.
Bonds is a cheating jackass, and the asterisk isnt enough. There should be no record of him what so ever, he shouldnt be in any record book, even if he doesnt break it. He isnt worthy of 1st place, 2nd place, or 155th place. Wipe him out completly. MLB doesnt have the balls to do anything about it because all they care about is selling out stadiums and getting attention, which Bonds does. They will put him through the same out of date drug tests, knowing they wont find anything, and stick to that story while he breaks more records.

All along, everyone knows well that he is on steroids and they arent willing to try real tests to catch him.
1st offense=1 year ban
2nd=three year ban

The only way to make people care if they get caught.
May 8, 2006 at 9:07 PM Post #58 of 158

Originally Posted by gratefulshrink
I hear you. My son is 10, BTW, and I am having a second childhood with him and little league (he doubled-in 2 runs on Saturday, and he's kind of small for his age!).

Things are different from when I was a kid, but I take that in the context that everything is different. Sad, but true. Sad, but true.

All that being said, it makes it even better when a pro ballplayer shows excellence without being a showboat, or just exhibits good sportsmanship. I think there still are those role models, but they are a bit harder to find, as they are overshadowed by all the d****bags.

You gotta love it when your kid stands on his own two feet and does something on their own. Mom and Dad can't help them when they are standing at the plate. Stuff like that should help your son deal with tougher situations when he gets older. I'm not saying that sports will make him a great adult, but those experiences should be positive building blocks for him as he grows up.

Good stuff!
May 8, 2006 at 10:02 PM Post #59 of 158

Originally Posted by felixkrull6
Off the top of my head here are the advantages that I can think of for both Ruth and Bonds.

1) Basically only played against whites
2) played in Yankee stadium
3) played in a time when starters were expected to pitch a whole game

number 3 isn't entirely accurate, though. Ruth played through the "Dead Ball Era," when ERA's were absurdly low and home run numbers were down... not to mention the shorter seasons. those factors mitigate number 3.

Bonds and Ruth both dominate their leagues, but Ruth's numbers are a bit more jaw-dropping... HR crown 12 seasons, RBI crown 6 seasons, BA leader one season and even ERA leader one season.

having said that, i'm more of a Hank Aaron fan myself.
May 8, 2006 at 11:16 PM Post #60 of 158
Sladeophile said:

Originally Posted by utep10
I gotta say, I don't interpret this as love...

I never said the fans loved him.

I interpreted that you said "he wasn't giving fans what they wanted". I certainly can't blame you for "not loving him"

I also think that all this talk about asterisks will never happen. Unfortunately, it is a sign of the late eighties and pretty much all the nineties. Where do you draw the line on whose records you put an asterisks on? There were many players that did steroids. At this date, he hasn't failed a drug test yet. LET ME BE CLEAR THAT BARRY IS NOT EXCUSED FOR HIS STEROIDS USE.
MLB should have stepped in a long time ago. Steroids was producing homers like crazy and MLB road this money train for all its worth. Now they will have to pay the piper.
I too, look forward to being able to enjoy a baseball game without the steroids issue coming up. And baseball will endure. It has endured many scandals in the past and this will be no different.
One of the last major sports without trash talking and showboating, at least from what I can see.
"whew, I feel better now"

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