A general tweak for all headphone users
Oct 15, 2005 at 1:49 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 52


New Head-Fier
Aug 14, 2004
I'm 40 and my hearing is still good to about 18k, albeit at elevated levels. 16k is fine at any level.
I used a function generator and my K-1000 head speakers to quickly estimate my hearing ability last week. I fired up the NCH tone generator from http://www.nch.com.au/tonegen/ and stepped through the frequencies all the way up to 20kHz. Above about 3-4k the image started shifting back and forth, left to right with increasing frequency. One side would be dominant at 8kHz, the other at 9kHz and so on.
I started to think that my hearing is slowly going. I also recently noticed that I have to pay attention especially hard in reverberant rooms to understand conversations. Typical, text book symptoms of hearing loss. Given that I work in audio (and have for years- both as a performer and recording engineer) not unexpected- but still depressing.
I noticed that when I press on my outer ears in the typical wiggling motion people do to clear their ear canals there is a "clicking" noise triggered as if there was an object in there being pushed against my ear drums. So I decided to use the ear wax removal liquid to get my ear canals clear. I did it one night this week- and flushed my ears in the morning.
There were significant pieces of ear wax that got flushed out (about 1/8'-1/4" irregularly shaped chunks). I immediately noticed that I don't have to turn up my car stereo as high as usual on my way to work that morning. Also, during lunch, in our all-glass walls cafeteria I could understand every word of the conversation with no problems.
I checked my hearing with the tone generator today again, and there is almost no more shifting of the image with increasing frequency. I have one little dip at 8k in one ear, but that's all. I suspect that the ear wax was damping my ear drums or obstructing the canals and causing some weird effects.
I recommend the treatment to anyone who has doubts about their hearing ability. It will not solve real hearing damage problems, but it just might take some of the worries away.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:10 AM Post #2 of 52
I'm pretty young (19) but I think that that is something most people could appreciate. What did you use specifially to flush your ears?
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:18 AM Post #3 of 52
probably a very smart thing to do.
I had a water-related ear infection (labeled by the doctor as a tympanic membrane rupture...scary thought), and had tinnitus for about a month. It was torture. At least for that time I had my ears cleared after I was treated for it.

On an interesting note, I've seen one of my teachers not notice the 15,000 electrons bouncing off the phosphor in a CRT television when it was turned on (at mute). Not too old, but old enough it seems. To me, that sound is vivid and clear from a good distance. I find it interesting you still can at the age of 40.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:19 AM Post #4 of 52
you use something like this:



I don't know how people can last longer than a week without cleaning their ears.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:21 AM Post #5 of 52
Thank you. I will have to look into that.
I can't believe the number of people who complain about ear wax and their IEM's. I think that would be the first "mod". Ears before anything else.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:24 AM Post #6 of 52

Originally Posted by iSleipnir
What did you use specifially to flush your ears?

I use Debrox with and think it is an amazing $3 upgrade to any system [and any set of ears]. You can get Debrox over the counter at any pharmacy and using it once or twice a year seems perfectly healthy and safe. I'm no doctor so don't quote me.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:27 AM Post #7 of 52
That stuff's great to remove a blockage, but removing your earwax frequently is not a good idea.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:27 AM Post #8 of 52
in Japan and Korea, people normally clean their ears with a thin bamboo stick thingy with a spoon shaped end. I still use it actually.

I use the ear drops and ear syringe about once a week for deeper cleaning.

edit: why isn't it a good idea to clean ear wax frequently? I've been doing it since I was a little kid quite often and have no problems. in fact, it's so itchy and annoying when I got some wax floating around in there.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:34 AM Post #9 of 52

Originally Posted by guvnor
in Japan and Korea, people normally clean their ears with a thin bamboo stick thingy with a spoon shaped end. I still use it actually.

I'm from Thailand and I do a similar procedure, except I use a metal spoon-type thing. Just scoops the wax right out.
Oct 15, 2005 at 3:35 AM Post #10 of 52
musicians specifically should be clearing their canals atleast bi-monthly. As a musician I firmly stand for proper ear hygeine, however awkward or disgusting it may seem.

I heard somewhere that people in high db jobs naturally produce more ear wax...
Oct 15, 2005 at 5:57 AM Post #12 of 52
isn't a little bit of wax necessary to help attract junk that would normally go further into your ear?
Oct 15, 2005 at 6:17 AM Post #14 of 52

Originally Posted by Voltron
I use Debrox with and think it is an amazing $3 upgrade to any system [and any set of ears]. You can get Debrox over the counter at any pharmacy and using it once or twice a year seems perfectly healthy and safe. I'm no doctor so don't quote me.

Something funny about Debrox, it's flavored. Not sure why, but it is. I also like it better than the Murine, I think it's the lack of alcohol. Otix is good too.

These aren't meant to be used regularly, and only loosen the large bits (especially those deep in the canal) and are a must for everyone once or twice a year (especially if you use IEMs or earplugs).
Oct 15, 2005 at 6:24 AM Post #15 of 52
When the audiologist checked out my ears with the scope before he did custom impressions, he kind of marveled because there was no ear wax in my canals whatsoever. I don't ever flush them. I guess the amount of wax varies from person to person. I actually saved a couple bucks because he didn't have to do a cleaning.

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