Nov 27, 2023 at 5:43 PM Post #2,431 of 3,898
I have just bought the IE600 and have the Neon Pro, overall I am entirely happy with the Neon Pro bass with the switch off, with it on the bass quantity is more than I want and more than the IE600 I think, I haven't done a back and forth comparison.

I haven't heard the IE900 to compare.

Overall the Neon Pro is simply better balanced than the IE600. The IE600 has elevated highs that give a sense of sparkle, cleanliness and spaciousness. That is all well and good but the trade off is that they become sibilant on certain problematic vocals. The Neon Pro is detailed in the highs but not as elevated so manages to stay just south of sibilant on the same problematic vocals.

I know the 600 isn't a 900 but from what I understand the 900 is tuned to sound technically impressive rather than truly being a balanced sound signature.
Puh, define 'balanced sound signature'.

I hear the IE900 as less fun than the NP but to me it is the more balanced one in the sense of less coloured and monitor like...
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Nov 27, 2023 at 6:16 PM Post #2,432 of 3,898
Puh, define 'balanced sound signature'.

I hear the IE900 as less fun than the NP but to me it is the more balanced one in the sense of less coloured and monitor like...

I did state that I had not heard the IE900 but offered the 600 versus NP for comparison in response to the query about AuR IEM versus others, if the chap above had heard the 600 the comparison might be useful.

My 'impression' of the 900 in the comparison was only based on what I have read of the 900, obviously because I have not heard it.

Not that any of this matters much here.
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Nov 27, 2023 at 11:58 PM Post #2,433 of 3,898

On the road. Picked up the R3ii as a (relatively) inexpensive super-portable dap since I have to travel light this time and don’t want to schlep my bricks around or worse still have something happen to them.

As it turns out, Aurora has the best synergy with it, even above IEMs several times its price. Nails timbre so beautifully. Good bass texture and control all the way to the bottom. Throws a decent stage even. I get the sense that R3ii does push the treble a bit which suits Aurora just fine.

I could listen to this pairing for hours and not feel like I’m making any compromises.
Nov 28, 2023 at 12:24 AM Post #2,434 of 3,898

On the road. Picked up the R3ii as a (relatively) inexpensive super-portable dap since I have to travel light this time and don’t want to schlep my bricks around or worse still have something happen to them.

As it turns out, Aurora has the best synergy with it, even above IEMs several times its price. Nails timbre so beautifully. Good bass texture and control all the way to the bottom. Throws a decent stage even. I get the sense that R3ii does push the treble a bit which suits Aurora just fine.

I could listen to this pairing for hours and not feel like I’m making any compromises.
This is fantastic news, I've been eyeing the R3II for a little while. Next sale I might grab one. Fiio M15S isn't comfortably portable at all.
Nov 28, 2023 at 4:51 AM Post #2,435 of 3,898

On the road. Picked up the R3ii as a (relatively) inexpensive super-portable dap since I have to travel light this time and don’t want to schlep my bricks around or worse still have something happen to them.

As it turns out, Aurora has the best synergy with it, even above IEMs several times its price. Nails timbre so beautifully. Good bass texture and control all the way to the bottom. Throws a decent stage even. I get the sense that R3ii does push the treble a bit which suits Aurora just fine.

I could listen to this pairing for hours and not feel like I’m making any compromises.

Nailed the standout feature of the Aurora: timbre. The low end is textured all the way down and it really helps with jazz and instrumental.

Apart from the EoH cable I didn't manage to find a cable that paired perfectly with it. Is the Rosenkranz still working for you?

As for the current talk over bass. I'm only a little bit surprised Ascension is tuned the way it is. Every release Abel has demonstrated a cautious control of bass (apart from NP with switch on, arguably) that ensures midrange clarity and a natural note and instrument weight. I think he just doesn't like 'blown out' bass and works within the limit of the drivers very carefully.
Nov 28, 2023 at 5:35 AM Post #2,436 of 3,898
Nailed the standout feature of the Aurora: timbre. The low end is textured all the way down and it really helps with jazz and instrumental.

Apart from the EoH cable I didn't manage to find a cable that paired perfectly with it. Is the Rosenkranz still working for you?

As for the current talk over bass. I'm only a little bit surprised Ascension is tuned the way it is. Every release Abel has demonstrated a cautious control of bass (apart from NP with switch on, arguably) that ensures midrange clarity and a natural note and instrument weight. I think he just doesn't like 'blown out' bass and works within the limit of the drivers very carefully.
yeah, but ... bass do boom.
Nov 28, 2023 at 5:54 AM Post #2,437 of 3,898
yeah, but ... bass do boom.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic. Yeah, everyone prefers a different balance and quantity to their bass (more sub than mid or more mid than sub) and some also prefer different qualities. Some like a softer / slower onset and offset while others want tighter control. My point is that Abel doesn't seem to push quantity at the expense of tight control and resolution in the bass.
Nov 28, 2023 at 6:10 AM Post #2,438 of 3,898
Not sure if you're being sarcastic. Yeah, everyone prefers a different balance and quantity to their bass (more sub than mid or more mid than sub) and some also prefer different qualities. Some like a softer / slower onset and offset while others want tighter control. My point is that Abel doesn't seem to push quantity at the expense of tight control and resolution in the bass.
yep, fooling around. I just don't get the point in DD for bass if you want to have reference-ish tuning (looking at you Monarch Mk2). For me personally the whole point of DD to have subbass rumble, slam/attack to drums and viscerality to string bass notes.
Nov 28, 2023 at 6:20 AM Post #2,439 of 3,898
Not sure if you're being sarcastic. Yeah, everyone prefers a different balance and quantity to their bass (more sub than mid or more mid than sub) and some also prefer different qualities. Some like a softer / slower onset and offset while others want tighter control. My point is that Abel doesn't seem to push quantity at the expense of tight control and resolution in the bass.

If we are searching for fidelity, Bass do "boom" if they do "boom"... that's all.

And systematism (everything considered, not only the lower registers) is the worst enemy of said "fidelity".
My 2 cts :beerchug:
Nov 28, 2023 at 6:21 AM Post #2,440 of 3,898
yep, fooling around. I just don't get the point in DD for bass if you want to have reference-ish tuning (looking at you Monarch Mk2). For me personally the whole point of DD to have subbass rumble, slam/attack to drums and viscerality to string bass notes.

In my experience DD for bass has more natural characteristics for strings compared to BA. More often than not, BA bass sounds too tight and disembodied, providing apparent resolution but not the right body within the note or a convincing attack or decay. This isn't surprising when you consider the BA mechanics. There's limitation to air density being pushed and the speed is zealous. DDs don't just bring viscerality, there's a naturalness to them that many other transducers can't match and is one of the main reasons I love earbuds so much.

I listen to mostly classical, jazz and acoustic/world music. Bass doesn't need to rumble or slam but there does have to be excellent timbre for strings and sufficient impact for drum kicks. I find you can achieve that with a tuning similar to the Aurora and Ascension. I absolutely dislike the Harman curve and any aggressive midbass tucks that eat into the natural weight to instruments. It's often done to improve perceived low mid resolution but it's just not to my taste.
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Nov 28, 2023 at 6:23 AM Post #2,441 of 3,898
Agreed too.

All is about texture and decay...

BA = too short decay and very often, a weird texture.

And roundness is also a composant of the audio and musical reality. Just listen to real instruments. Including cellos, double basses...
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Nov 28, 2023 at 6:47 AM Post #2,442 of 3,898
Ascension has shipped 🥳
Nov 28, 2023 at 7:21 AM Post #2,443 of 3,898
Nailed the standout feature of the Aurora: timbre. The low end is textured all the way down and it really helps with jazz and instrumental.

Apart from the EoH cable I didn't manage to find a cable that paired perfectly with it. Is the Rosenkranz still working for you?

It works for me at least (although I haven’t tried EoH with Aurora so am not sure what that synergy adds to its sound). Some time ago I posted on the Butastur thread commenting how the Rosenkranz was something of the cable equivalent of the Butastur in that it doesn’t really colour the sound, only makes the IEM a better version of itself. I think it holds true for the Aurora here as well. I also like the Rosenkranz with the Impact, Vortex and other IEMs that do instrumental textures well.


As for the current talk over bass. I'm only a little bit surprised Ascension is tuned the way it is. Every release Abel has demonstrated a cautious control of bass (apart from NP with switch on, arguably) that ensures midrange clarity and a natural note and instrument weight. I think he just doesn't like 'blown out' bass and works within the limit of the drivers very carefully.

I haven’t heard Alita yet but +1 for his other releases.
Nov 28, 2023 at 7:43 AM Post #2,444 of 3,898
Agreed too.

All is about texture and decay...

BA = too short decay and very often, a weird texture.

And roundness is also a composant of the audio and musical reality. Just listen to real instruments. Including cellos, double basses...
In my experience DD for bass has more natural characteristics for strings compared to BA. More often than not, BA bass sounds too tight and disembodied, providing apparent resolution but not the right body within the note or a convincing attack or decay. This isn't surprising when you consider the BA mechanics. There's limitation to air density being pushed and the speed is zealous. DDs don't just bring viscerality, there's a naturalness to them that many other transducers can't match and is one of the main reasons I love earbuds so much.

I listen to mostly classical, jazz and acoustic/world music. Bass doesn't need to rumble or slam but there does have to be excellent timbre for strings and sufficient impact for drum kicks. I find you can achieve that with a tuning similar to the Aurora and Ascension. I absolutely dislike the Harman curve and any aggressive midbass tucks that eat into the natural weight to instruments. It's often done to improve perceived low mid resolution but it's just not to my taste.
my problem is that I didn't listen to Aurora. And Monarch Mk2 (being close to harman with exception of subbass) did nothing for me in that department.
Looking at Ascension frequency responce chart makes me happy, I'm just spooked by people saying 'it has less bass than NP with switch off'
Nov 28, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #2,445 of 3,898
I think you are seeking for more a "bass / mid-bass bump" (about the "boom effect") than a "bass bump" :beerchug:

You should try if it's possible the FIR XE6 (sound wise... I don't mention the silly price :dt880smile:).

As I understand, I think it's right on your alley.

But right : only one way to know... try, listen... the target curves are just an indication.
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