5G Ipod Has Poor Sound Quality ???
Nov 17, 2005 at 8:43 AM Post #31 of 56
If the 5g sounds "as good as the Nano" then i wouldnt want one , i had the Nano for about a month and it slowly revealed itself as a very average sounding DAP , i found its trebles to be messy , splashy and prone to invading the mids.
The shuffle impressed me instantly , it is far removed from the Nano SQ wise.
I also think its unacceptable to be expected to invest in a pocket amp with line out to make a DAP sound good!
Ohg i also found Itunes to be the most overrated piece of software ever, i found it buggy , slow and as good as about 20 other pieces of music manager software on the market.
I have a HD5 (line out built in!) and i think it sounds very good but not as good as my Monolith 7010 which is the best i have heard. I just invested in the new iriver U10 and can confirm that it sounds better than the Nano and on a par (maybe a little clearer)with the HD5 but loses out to the monolith but not by much.

Ipods are average in SQ with cans but good with line-out through my amp.
Nov 17, 2005 at 12:48 PM Post #32 of 56
Interesting. I know someone (my computer education teacher) has a 5g iPod and I plugged my Shure E4's in. I couldn't even get the volume bar up to the halfway point without my ears starting to hurt.

Maybe it was just his specific iPod thats loud, or maybe I'm not used to listening to really loud music.

IIRC, I believe a Cmoy drives a quiet source pretty well.
Nov 17, 2005 at 2:30 PM Post #33 of 56

Originally Posted by chrisfromalbany
Other comments. The er6i sound better then er4p. Currently father has er4p and brother using the er6i. The er6i without an amp win handles down. In volume level, detail, and bass level. Only with an amp do the er4p win and it isn’t by much. Annoys me when people misrepresent the facts. And believe me these are the facts.

facts? one fact is that you currently prefer er6(i) over er4p. another fact is that there is some small minority that have heard both and is agreeing with your opinion. yet the vast majority of listeners and the phones' producers themselves dare to disagree. that may annoy you, but your claim that this vast majority is misrepresenting facts while you alone know the truth is rather annoying as well.
Nov 17, 2005 at 4:46 PM Post #34 of 56

Originally Posted by Riordan
facts? one fact is that you currently prefer er6(i) over er4p. another fact is that there is some small minority that have heard both and is agreeing with your opinion. yet the vast majority of listeners and the phones' producers themselves dare to disagree. that may annoy you, but your claim that this vast majority is misrepresenting facts while you alone know the truth is rather annoying as well.

what I don’t like is people who haven’t heard both voicing there opinion as to one way or the other. That is just poor to say something is X times better then other headphone without hearing the other headphone. I am here trying to get the most for people's money who aren't going to be using an amp. Although ER4-P are great with an amp without an amp they don’t sound as good as er6i.

Do you have a pair, ER4-P, if so, do you have a pair of er6i. If you do feel free to comment. If you don’t, I am not sure how you can comment on the matter besides hersay.

From headroom..
Although not necessary to drive the ER-4P to high volumes, the additional clarity and detail provided by an amplifier, as well as our processor, will improve the sound greatly.

What producers? Not sure what Producers are using ER4-P currently? Most producers use monitor speakers. If they are using IEMs then using high end models like UE10s or 2X's.
Nov 17, 2005 at 5:30 PM Post #36 of 56

Originally Posted by bbdollar
Does it really sound bad...? I'm considering the 30Gb iPod 5G or the Sony NW-HD5... probably would use them, unamped, with Shure E4c's.

none of the sounds bad just a question of for the money which is the best. er4-p are good headphones. But aren't worth it running unamped.

e4s are good unamped personally I like the UE.pro.5's, because they need an amp less and have more bass. If you want detail, I go with e4s unamped. Minor preferences, I don't have a problem with but ones I see to be over statements, that is annoying. Or people commenting about headphones they don't own or haven't done extensive listening to.

Words like.. Killers.. The best.. X times better... blows them away.. stuff like that...
Nov 18, 2005 at 3:36 AM Post #37 of 56

Originally Posted by Chef Medeski
Usually, you hear people talk about their wives, its quite suprising to hear it the other way around, lol. I guess there goes the theory that men are smarter.

Yup, I was the first-born of a truly tech and music-oriented guy -- he got me hooked from the get-go, spent my childhood listening to wonderful jazz on his McIntosh and and having Jim Morrison over for dinner, but that's another story.

The nice thing is that I lurked in many tech forums for years and made sure that all of my comments were gender-neutral, definitely no longer necessary -- especially on these excellent boards.

And the er4p + conversion cable are definitely very high on my list. I was really staggered by how great my new combo sounded. I'm getting ready to start another vinyl converting project -- I'm curious to see how some good transfers sound.

Nov 19, 2005 at 2:51 AM Post #38 of 56

Originally Posted by ptaaty
can i get good sound through both lineout and headphone jacks?

I was looking to the 5G ipod as my karma replacement, but now the sound isn't that hot from the headphone jack? only the line out?

Don't get alarmed, ptaaty, keep in mind the level of disernment leveled in these forums.

If you're not satisfied with the sound out of the headphone jack, just go line out>amp>uber phone of choice, and you will have a near-referance system.
Nov 19, 2005 at 11:13 AM Post #40 of 56

Originally Posted by smurfs
why not try iRiver or samsung, they can play *.ogg file which 500kbps and 320kbps mp3 files. does ipod can handle it???

Can your ears tell a difference?
Nov 19, 2005 at 2:49 PM Post #41 of 56
I have a 3rd gen Ipod. Is it worth it to get a line-out/amp? Or is the sound really not that great (keep in mind I have never heard any other "good" equipment before, so I will have nothing to base the sound on).
Nov 19, 2005 at 3:01 PM Post #42 of 56

Originally Posted by Nuks
I have a 3rd gen Ipod. Is it worth it to get a line-out/amp? Or is the sound really not that great (keep in mind I have never heard any other "good" equipment before, so I will have nothing to base the sound on).

Not to hijack the thread, but my setups are 3G or Mini/Hornet or SR-71/e4 or HD595 or HD280.

I think the line out of the 3G (flat) has a nice SQ. IMHO The largest improvement to your system will be the amp/headphone combo.
Nov 19, 2005 at 5:43 PM Post #44 of 56

Originally Posted by bbdollar
Does it really sound bad...? I'm considering the 30Gb iPod 5G or the Sony NW-HD5... probably would use them, unamped, with Shure E4c's.

Just go for it! I've had my 30Gb iPod four days ago. Before that I had a 3G iPod which was one year ago replaced by iPod Shuffle because Shuffle's SQ was so much better. Now same thing happened for Shuffle (allthough I'll be using it when I'll do some exercise), 5G iPod sounds better than Shuffle and I'm using Shure E4c's. Sound is more balanced and detailed. Also soundstage is wider..clearer. Shuffle still have a bit (but again 5G's bass is more detailed) more bass but in overall the 5G's sound is better....but that's only my opinion and I'm glad I made a decision to buy 5G.
Nov 19, 2005 at 9:18 PM Post #45 of 56

Originally Posted by chrisfromalbany
Do you have a pair, ER4-P, if so, do you have a pair of er6i. If you do feel free to comment. If you don’t, I am not sure how you can comment on the matter besides hersay.

Well, I don't own either, but I'm SURE I can rely on consensus!

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