$300 Desktop, portable, or DAC/Amp for HD580?
Oct 25, 2007 at 9:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


Member of the Trade: HPL Audio Cables
Jun 6, 2007
I recieved my HD580s today and i mailed out my K601s to El_matto after quite a long wait, i feel so bad for the guy cuz ive been so busy with work...

im dont really have all that much experience but after two stead hours of ear time, i noticed the K601s had a little more detail with revealing sources/Mars Volta Cd's, yet the K601s arent all that popular here vs the discontinued 580s. i do miss them though, i hope matt will give them a good home in canada.

but the reason im posting this thread is because i wanted to know, do portables have their limitations? i mean nothing is wrong with me buying a home amp, but ive been shopping for portables because of their entry level price range, but as ive been making a little more money, i could probably move up in the amp/source section. i own my recently purchased. super.fi3's and the HD580s now. i bought the Super.Fi3's to listen to during my 30min-1hr lunch break at work because we offered the Metro.Fi's but somebody at HeadRoom told me for the price difference, it would be easy to hear beyond the additional cost.

what are some good amps to move up from the C&C Box+? i know u guys are sick of the whole which amp/headphone for me type questions but i just wanted to know whether or not a cheaper home amp or a costlier portable amp would end up being better.

its really odd because i hear a lot about how a lot or portables end up being "home amp/giant killers". is it because they are just that great or is it only because home amps usually just

examples would include iBasso D1, Corda Move, Corda Aria, Leckerton UHA-1, Hornet, Gilmore Lite etc. or anything lower than 300 dollars (US). my current sources are the X-Fi XtremeMusic, Zune line-out thru the dock, and some old sony CD player that we got maybe 13 years ago? i have no idea how it works yet im on my 3rd PS2...

i havent been posting as much lately because as my equipment gets better, i stop caring about what i have, and i get more into what im listening to. lately ive been giving my money towards music because i heard "Forsaken" by Dream theater on a sampling station at Borders and bought the album that it was from, and i actually think i enjoy music a lot more knowing that i paid for it... so ive added that as well as some older Dio albums to my collection, im at about 5 cds now. i also bought the heaven or hell album also.

i start school this winter, so i think its about time i retired from this hobby a little early.

its been good guys!

P.S., i just came to realize how close to the 580s the 580 smiley is...
Oct 25, 2007 at 3:22 PM Post #2 of 27
Hey Chris... Generally I think it largely depends on the price ranges you are talking about. Portables can span from $100-400. In that price range, home-based amps range from utter craptacularness to damn good for the $$$. Theres not many home amps in the $100 range that are worth mentioning. The Presonus HP4 comes to mind, but I thought it was dull and lifeless, compared to a mister-X XP, and the AMB Mini^3 I auditioned once.

As you scale up to the $200 range, that gets you into DIY desktop Pimeta territory. If you work out the details with a competent builder, who has prior experience with this amp and the HD580/600, you can easily surpass any portable in that price. If you plan carefully, you can get a nice trans-portable pimeta thats either battery or AC powered. I saw an elpac powered M^3 go for $220 the other month. IMHO thats going to offer the most for the $$$ IMHO, especially talking synnergy with the HD580. I didn't mention the Eddie Current lunchbox, merely because I haven't heard one yet.

At the $300-$400 range you're in EC/SS, PPAV2-Steps, Gilmore lite, Darkvoice, Antique sound Labs territory. IMHO home amps of this caliber are superior to the best portables.... no contest.

IMHO the HD580 is a somewhat sloppy sounding headphone. Its probably the least detail revealing of all the cans I have. But powering it with the right amp can help. IMHO an M^3 setup for senn synnergy is your best bet.

M^3 -VS- Gilmore Lite.... Ooh tough call. IMHO the GL is more open and ambient sounding. Which cab be a good or a bad thing for the HD580, It depends on what kind of sound yo uar eafter. The 580 is already a very open sounding headphone IMHO, (at least coming from Gradoland). The M^3 is a little more bass and midrange bloated and pulls in a stronger center-stage, that I find works well with the 580.

I think the mini^3 deserves a mention here, although I didn't demo it with my 580, so I can't comment on how well the two pair up. IIRC, Ti uses an HD600 as a reference for all his designs.

You might want to re-title your thread... something to hint towards HD580 synnergy. "$300, Home or portable for HD580?"
Oct 25, 2007 at 10:25 PM Post #3 of 27
You can't really get a true tube sound from a portable amp. The affordable tube sound you can get with the little dot series, lunchbox series and the dark voice (on the higher-budget end) just crushes the portable competition. But I am not sure when you just focus on ss amps like the hornet and the move.
Oct 25, 2007 at 10:28 PM Post #4 of 27
For the ~$200 range you can look into the CK2III and the Dynalo (Gilmore Lite is based on this IIRC).

580 eh? Hated the 601 that much?

BTW: I seriously dislike tubes, so take my input from that perspective. Solid state all the way.
Oct 25, 2007 at 10:30 PM Post #5 of 27
I think that the mini cubed and 580 is a pretty good pairing. I tried the combo with a Sony PCDP at the regional meet and I thought it sounded very nice.
Oct 25, 2007 at 10:33 PM Post #6 of 27
Hey Chris,

Next mini gathering you can hear my Mini3s (I built both versions) with your HD580. I am almost done with my CK2III as well, just need to case it (annoying little things...like a bracket for the pot). I also have a DAC 301 now as well, slightly different than the default build.
Oct 26, 2007 at 3:17 AM Post #7 of 27
I have the same budget (<$300) for an amp except I will be pairing it with my K601. Like Chris, I don't care whether the amp is portable or home, and just want the best sound/synergy possible for the price. I've already pre-ordered a Xin Reference. The only alternative I'm considering is a Mister X-built CK2III. Any comments on how the CK2III might pair with a K601?
Oct 26, 2007 at 4:44 AM Post #8 of 27
For the price, are home amps better than portables?

In a word, yes.

As a general rule, portability involves trade offs.

Under $200, go buy a new Original Master - to my ears, simple trounces everything portable at that price. Used wise there was a millet tube amp for $150 in the forum and an eddie current solid state for $300, which might work well for you as well. Gilmore light is always a good option. Or an M3 or a venerable PPA. (m3 went for a couple hundred bucks in the FS forum the other day, heck of a deal.)

This thread
might also be of some interest.
Oct 26, 2007 at 7:44 AM Post #9 of 27
hey holland, can you leave me some feedback for the microshar? ive been trying to find you for a while.

im not really so interested in a tube amp, because i live in a crowded environment, cant afford the tube replacements at times (horrible money manager), and generally not really interested in the coloring that tube amps offer, i might be wrong, but i think the headphones should affect the sound signature a lot more than the amp.

actually, going from the K601 to the 580 gave me a real big hit to the back of the head as to what the sonic signature differences are between the two manufacturers are.

i prefer something a little more analytical for when i lay in bed with nothing else to do, yet i enjoy something that i dont really have to "squint" to enjoy what my cans have to offer while doing stuff on the interweb. but all in all, i was always happy with what i had,and happy with what i have now, i just would like to see what else i would be happy with, and whatever makes me the happiest, ill go back to those guys.

lately, ive been dying to know what the 701s are like.

did i get the 580s at a bargain price, or did i pretty much get what i paid for. i was expecting 160 bucks to easily trounce something i paid 200 for, but really its just an entirely different sound, not better. i dont prefer one over the other, but i do miss whichever one i dont have on me. my friend also bought the K601s because of the buy.com deal. according to GAD's impressions, the 580s are 90 percent of 650s, so my interest in Senn is pretty much done with for now. recabling feels like it would be a textbook definition of diminishing returns with MP3s

i really like this hobby, its one of the few that doesnt become outdated, boring, or something that would displace time doing other things. if you guys thought your wallet was hurting.

try being into high end gaming computers, dress shirts + silk ties, food+++, and cars at the same time. i could have easily completed a great digital listening setup for the money ive spent in the last two months.

but now all credit card debts are paid, and its time to start saving after this last purchase and maybe the silverstone DAC.

so for a home amp, im currently doing research on the DarkVoice, Corda Aria and the Gilmore Lite. i previously wanted the AE-2 so HeadAmp is definitely on my familiar list, does anyone have any experience with these 3 amps?

why have a high end power supply? is it for safety or sound? thanks guys youve been great.

was not aware the DV was a high end tube amp.

am i going to benefit more either from getting a really high end amp, vs the portable DAC/Amp combos on the market today?

i know my source isnt the best, but its not absolute crap either...
Oct 26, 2007 at 4:59 PM Post #10 of 27

Originally Posted by Chris_Himself /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hey holland, can you leave me some feedback for the microshar? ive been trying to find you for a while.

Sure. You have my cell #, so just call.


Originally Posted by Chris_Himself /img/forum/go_quote.gif
why have a high end power supply? is it for safety or sound?

Sound. Steady voltage + less ripple voltage (ripple being the leftovers after rectification and noise). I'm not sure it's worth $200 though as it costs about $50-$100 to build a good one, just not as pretty....but these days I judge everything by how much it costs to build vs. it's worth to me.


Originally Posted by Chris_Himself /img/forum/go_quote.gif
am i going to benefit more either from getting a really high end amp, vs the portable DAC/Amp combos on the market today?

It depends what you need or want. Personally, if you go high end amp, you're going to want a better source down the road. It will always be in the back of your mind, is this all that there is? If you *really* want to stop here, get a DAC/Amp.
Oct 27, 2007 at 6:37 AM Post #11 of 27
what will sound better seeing what my source is now, amplifying the line out now with better quality amplification, or starting from scratch with a decent amp, excellent DAC?
Oct 27, 2007 at 10:49 AM Post #13 of 27

Originally Posted by Hellenback /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You must be kidding! Where did you get the 650s? If anyone thinks the 580s are 90% of the 650s they need their hearing checked. (IMHO)

Um;...might 've meant 580 are 90% of 600, or; as 5 out of every 15 HD600 or HD650 owners may suggest; HD600 are 102% of HD650, but: that's stuff for another thread.

Oct 27, 2007 at 11:09 AM Post #14 of 27

Originally Posted by holland /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sound. Steady voltage + less ripple voltage (ripple being the leftovers after rectification and noise). I'm not sure it's worth $200 though as it costs about $50-$100 to build a good one, just not as pretty....but these days I judge everything by how much it costs to build vs. it's worth to me.

Hmmm....build a DPS for Glite.......hmmmm

I was kinda maybe looking into adding some better caps to a Glite DPS to bring it up to around GS-1 power supply standards and keeping them in a separate box, but building a new power supply from scratch is an interesting thought.
Oct 27, 2007 at 4:01 PM Post #15 of 27

I would go for better amplification. You've already stated you don't have much money. Adding source + amp for $300 is a bit much to ask.

FWIW, I think the X-Fi XtremeMusic is better than the Alien DAC (I have both).

For GLite DPS. Dual rail voltage is needed. Dual TREADS, STEPS or 1 Sigma22 or 1 Twisted Pear Dual power supply should work, but I would go for the Sigma22 since the GLite has lower ripple rejection than opamp based stuff, hence the need for a better supply and the Sigma22 was designed for the Beta22 which has the same needs. 30VCT (+15V, 0, -15V) @ 240mA is the baseline.

So, yeah, the cost would be a bit more than $100 for the Sigma22, but barebones would just be parts + case, no switches, etc. Going cheaper with dual treads is definitely possible at about $50 or so.

Toroid trafos can be had cheap @ AnTek (much cheaper than the Avel Lindberg stuff).

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